Strategy for a Healthy San Diego Bay

San Diego Bay (Bay) is the largest natural enclosed bay in southern California and the most intensively used water body in the San Diego region. The Bay’s water plays a vital role in sustaining the local and regional economy, supporting national security, and providing a multitude of recreational opportunities. The Bay provides critical habitats and ecosystems that support local and migratory wildlife.
For this reason, in June 2015 the San Diego Water Board endorsed a Strategy for a Healthy San Diego Bay (Strategy). The Strategy was developed to guide the Board and its staff in making the most effective and efficient use of their resources when taking actions to protect and restore the health of the Bay.
The Strategy consists of seven steps
Step 1 - Identify key beneficial use categories applicable to San Diego Bay. Then identify key areas associated with those beneficial use categories.
Step 2 - Assess conditions in San Diego Bay with regard to the key uses and associated areas.
Step 3 - Prioritize which issues are most important to address in San Diego Bay.
Step 4 - Set measurable goals for meaningful environmental outcomes.
Step 5 - Realign the Board's work to implement the tasks necessary to achieve the measurable goals.
Step 6 - Track progress of the work identified and the outcomes anticipated.
Step 7 - Periodically reevaluate the work priorities, goals, and milestones and set course corrections as necessary.
The Strategy begins with identifying the Bay’s key beneficial uses by looking at the beneficial uses designated in the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (Basin Plan). The beneficial uses of San Diego Bay were grouped around three key beneficial uses:
In March 2017, the San Diego Water Board endorsed the staff report entitled Key Beneficial Uses and Key Areas – Focusing on What Is Most Important. The report ranks San Diego Bay as a key water body and identifies the areas of special importance in the Bay for Habitats and Ecosystems, Fish and Shellfish Consumption, and Recreation.
Strategic Water Quality Assessment Approach for San Diego Bay
As envisioned in the Monitoring and Assessment Chapter of the Practical Vision, and in accordance with A Framework for Monitoring and Assessment in the San Diego Region, the Board has developed the Strategic Water Quality Assessment for San Diego Bay to aid the implementation of the Strategy, endorsed by the Board in November 2022.
The Strategic Water Quality Assessment Approach for San Diego Bay outlines how the Board will use monitoring and other data to assess the conditions, stressors, sources, and performance of management actions in San Diego Bay with regard to the key beneficial uses (Step 2 of the Strategy) and help focus the Board’s resources on what is most important to protect and restore the key beneficial uses of the Bay (Steps 3 through 7 of the Strategy). Please see this Fact Sheet for more information about why the Strategic Water Quality Assessment Approach for San Diego Bay was developed.
- 2018 Fish Bioaccumulation Study Final Report*
- 2018 Causal Assessment for Impaired Benthic Infaunal Communities*
- 2018 Revised Final Report*
- Appendix A – Sampling Location Table and Maps*
- Appendix B – Chemical Analyzed and Method *
- Appendix C – SQO Criteria Summary Tables*
- Appendix D - Threshold Values and Reference Studies*
- Appendix E – Field Water Quality CTD Profiles and Datasheets *
- Appendix F – Chemistry Data *
- Appendix G – Toxicity Data *
- Appendix H _ Benthic Infauna Data *
- Appendix I – Demersal Community *
- Appendix J – SQO Assessment Scores and Maps *
- Appendix K – Statistical Analyses *
- Appendix L – Chemistry Data Validation Reports *
- Appendix M – Sediment Grab Photo Logs *
- Appendix N – Fish Trawl Photo Logs *
- Appendix O – COC Documents *
- Appendix P – Historical Bacteria Analysis Report*
- 2013 Final Report*
- Appendix A – Sample Locations*
- Appendix B – Chemical Analyzed and Method *
- Appendix C – SQO Criteria Summary Tables *
- Appendix D – Threshold Values and Reference Studies *
- Appendix E – Field Water Quality CTD Profiles and Datasheets *
- Appendix F – Chemistry Data *
- Appendix G – Toxicity Data *
- Appendix H – Benthic Infauna Data *
- Appendix I – Demersal Community *
- Appendix J – SQO Assessment Scores and Maps *
- Appendix K – Statistical Analyses*
- Appendix L – Chemistry Data Validation Reports *
- Appendix M – Sediment Photo Logs *
- Appendix N – Trawl Photo Logs*
- Appendix O – COC Documents *
- 2008 Final Report*
- 2005-2008 Pilot Project Summary Final Report*
- 2006-07 Pilot Project Final Report
- 2005-06 Pilot Project Final Report
Baywide Bird Surveys
- 2016-2017 San Diego Bay Avian Species Survey*
- 2009-2010 San Diego Bay Avian Species Survey *
- 2006-2007 San Diego Bay Avian Species Survey *
- 1994 Waterbird Survey Central San Diego Bay *
- 1993-1994 Avifauna of South San Diego Bay *
- 1993-1994 Waterbirds of Central and South San Diego Bay*
- 1993 Waterbird Survey North and Central San Diego Bay*
Eelgrass Surveys
- 2021-2023 San Diego Bay Eelgrass Blue Carbon study*
- 2021-2022 San Diego Bay Eelgrass Blue Carbon study*
- 2020 Naval Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial Changes of Perennial Eelgrass Beds within San Diego Bay *
- 2020 San Diego Bay Eelgrass Distribution Map*
- 2020 San Diego Bay Eelgrass Frequency Map *
- 2020 San Diego Bay Eelgrass Inventory *
- 2017 Naval Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial Changes of Perennial Eelgrass Beds within San Diego Bay *
- 2017 San Diego Bay Eelgrass Inventory *
- 2014 San Diego Bay Eelgrass Inventory *
- 2011 San Diego Bay Eelgrass Inventory*
- 2008 San Diego Bay Eelgrass Inventory*
Baywide Fish Surveys and Reports
- 2022 Fisheries Inventory and Utilization of San Diego Bay*
- 2019 Fisheries Inventory and Utilization of San Diego Bay*
- 2018 Progress Report Year 4 Characterization of Larval and Juvenile Fishes in San Diego Bay *
- 2016 Fisheries Inventory and Utilization of San Diego Bay Impacts from El Nino*
- 2015 Fisheries Inventory and Utilization of San Diego Bay*
- 2012 Fisheries Inventory and Utilization of San Diego Bay*
- 2010 Characterization of Essential Fish Habitat San Diego Bay*
- 2009 Fisheries Inventory and Utilization of San Diego Bay*
- 2008 Fisheries Inventory and Utilization of San Diego Bay *
- 1994-99 Fisheries Inventory and Utilization of San Diego Bay*
California Least Tern Reports
- 2019 California Least Tern Annual Study*
- 2018 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- 2017 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- 2016 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- 2015 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- 2014 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- 2013 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- 2012 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- 2009 California Least Tern Foraging Study*
- 2008 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- 2007 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- 2006 California Least Tern Annual Report*
- Bioaccumulation Database Description (12/2016)
- Bioaccumulation Database (12/2016)
- San Diego Bay Bioaccumulation Workshop (8/2016)
- Appendix A - Benthic Trawl Maps RHMP and SWHB All
- Appendix B - Sediment and Tissue Chemistry Tables RHMP and SWHB
- Appendix C - Bioaccumulation Catch Tables San Diego Bay
- Appendix D - Catch Photo Logs - Bioaccumulation San Diego Bay
- Appendix E - Graphical and Statistical Analysis
- Appendix F - SWHB Field Water Quality Table
- Appendix G - Raw Field Data Sheets
- Appendix H - COCs
- Appendix I - SWHB Study_Analytical Chem Rpts_Physis
- Appendix J - Level IV DV Report SWHB Study 2014
*Document provided through link to Port of San Diego website document
- Total Maximum Daily Loads webpage
- TMDLs applicable to San Diego Bay
- Chollas Creek Diazinon TMDL
- Shelter Island Yacht Basin Dissolved Copper TMDL
- Chollas Creek Copper, Lead, and Zinc TMDLs
- Indicator Bacteria: Revised Project I - Twenty Beaches and Creeks in San Diego Region (including Tecolote Creek)
- Indicator Bacteria: Project II - Baby Beach in Dana Point Harbor and Shelter Island Shoreline Park in San Diego Bay
- Site Restoration Unit webpage
- GeoTracker Site Cleanup Program investigation/assessment projects in San Diego Bay
- BAE Systems and SDG&E Northern Sediment Delineation Investigation
- Continental Maritime of San Diego Sediment Investigation
- Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal (TAMT) to Pacific Maritime Freight Sediment Investigation
- Solar Turbines - Bay Sediment
- City of San Diego 84-Inch SWCS Laurel Hawthorn Embayment Sediment Assessment
- Laurel Hawthorn Central Embayment Sediment Assessment
- Sunroad Resort Marina (East Harbor Basin Sediment Assessment)
- Tow Basin (East Harbor Basin Sediment Assessment)
- Mouth of Chollas Creek
- Military Facilities Unit webpage
- GeoTracker Military Facilities projects in San Diego Bay
- NPDES Program webpage
- List of permits applicable to discharges into San Diego Bay
- Boatyards and Boat Maintenance Facilities General NPDES Permit(R9-2019-0008)
- Fireworks General NPDES Permit (R9-2022-0002)
- Groundwater Extraction General NPDES Permit (R9-2015-0013)
- Discharges from Shipyards to San Diego Bay NPDES Permit (R9-2023-0012)
For a copy of this document, please email a request to our records admiistrator at - BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair NPDES Permit (R9-2015-0034)
- Huntington Ingalls San Diego Shipyard, Inc. (Continental Maritime of San Diego) NPDES Permit (R9-2015-0009)
- National Steel & Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) NPDES Permit (R9-2016-0116)
- Sweetwater Authority Richard A. Reynolds Desalination Facility NPDES Permit(R9-2017-0020)
- U.S. Naval Base Coronado NPDES Permit(R9-2015-0117 as amended by R9-2017-0011)
- U.S. Naval Base Point Loma NPDES Permit (R9-2014-0037 as amended by R9-2017-0010)
- U.S. Naval Base San Diego NPDES Permit (R9-2013-0064 as amended by R9-2017-0009)
- Statewide General WDRs for SSOs (WQ 2022-0103-EXEC)
- Wetlands and Riparian Protection Unit webpage
- State Water Board 401 Water Quality Certification and Wetland Program webpage
- State Water Board General Order for the Corps' Nationwide Permits (Order No. WQ 2021-0048-DWQ)
- CIWQS Facilities Data Visualization Tool
Select Facility Type: Dredge/Fill Sites; Open Map tab; Zoom to San Diego Bay to see sites issued Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
- Compliance Assurance Unit webpage
- Adopted Administrative Civil Liability Orders webpage
- Order No. R9-2023-0017 (6/14/2023): Settlement Agreement and Stipulated ACL Order to the City of San Diego for the April 2020 SSO to the Sweetwater River and San Diego Bay totaling $4,609,724 (with $1,081,823 funding the Ocean Connector's SEP and $2,600,000 funding the Living Shorelines SEP
- Active Administrative Civil Liability Complaints webpage
- Environmental Projects webpage
- ACTIVE: Ocean Connectors: Habitat Restoration & Education Program (City of San Diego)
- ACTIVE: Living Shorelines: Sweetwater Channel (City of San Diego)
- STRONGLY SUPPORTED: Sweetwater Channel Restoration
- COMPLETE: Chollas Creek Restoration Opportunities Assessment (City of San Diego)
- Site Restoration Unit webpage
- GeoTracker Site Cleanup Progam cleanup projects in San Diego Bay
- CIWQS Facilities Data Visualization Tool
- Groundwater Extraction Permit Sites Data Visualization Tool
- Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) Data Visualization Tool
- Construction Stormwater Sites Data Visualization Tool
- Industrial Stormwater Sites Data Visualization Tool
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