Climate Change Readiness
Quick Links
Home | Guiding Principles | Resources
- California Climate Change Assessment: Gateway to science, policy, data, plans, etc.
- Safeguarding California: California’s Implementation Plan
- Cal-Adapt:
Climate Tools. Explore projected changes in temperature, precipitation, snowpack and sea level rise in California over this century with our interactive climate data visualizations
- California Water Resources Control Board: Information About Climate Change and Water Resources
- California 4th Climate Change Assessment: California's research reports that respond to policy needs.
- Drought Monitor: Current summary of drought conditions for the State of California
Local Activities
- San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative
- Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy for San Diego Bay (2012)
- San Diego County Ecosystems: The ecological impacts of climate change on a biodiversity hotspot: An assessment and summary magazine from the Climate Science Alliance (2018)
- Water Supply, Demand, Hydrology
- San Diego Watershed Basin Study: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
State of Science
- Fact sheets on Ocean Acidification and Harmful Algal Blooms from the Southern California Coastal Waters Research Project (SCCWRP)
- National Research Council videos that explain how scientists have arrived at the current state of knowledge about recent climate change and its causes. This is part one of a seven-part series, available on the National Academies channel.
- U.S. Climate Science Special Report (Nov 2017)
Browse the Web
For nearly any issue there is already some research and possibly plans that can provide you useful information.
For additional information contact Jeremy Haas, Environmental Program Manager, at or 619-521-3009.