Strategy for a Healthy San Diego Bay

San Diego Bay (Bay) is the largest natural enclosed bay in southern California and the most intensively used water body in the San Diego region. The Bay’s water plays a vital role in sustaining the local and regional economy, supporting national security, and providing a multitude of recreational opportunities. The Bay provides critical habitats and ecosystems that support local and migratory wildlife.

For this reason, in June 2015 the San Diego Water Board endorsed a Strategy for a Healthy San Diego Bay (Strategy). The Strategy was developed to guide the Board and its staff in making the most effective and efficient use of their resources when taking actions to protect and restore the health of the Bay.

The Strategy consists of seven steps

Step 1 - Identify key beneficial use categories applicable to San Diego Bay. Then identify key areas associated with those beneficial use categories.

Step 2 - Assess conditions in San Diego Bay with regard to the key uses and associated areas.

Step 3 - Prioritize which issues are most important to address in San Diego Bay.

Step 4 - Set measurable goals for meaningful environmental outcomes.

Step 5 - Realign the Board's work to implement the tasks necessary to achieve the measurable goals.

Step 6 - Track progress of the work identified and the outcomes anticipated.

Step 7 - Periodically reevaluate the work priorities, goals, and milestones and set course corrections as necessary.

The Strategy begins with identifying the Bay’s key beneficial uses by looking at the beneficial uses designated in the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (Basin Plan). The beneficial uses of San Diego Bay were grouped around three key beneficial uses:

In March 2017, the San Diego Water Board endorsed the staff report entitled Key Beneficial Uses and Key Areas – Focusing on What Is Most Important. The report ranks San Diego Bay as a key water body and identifies the areas of special importance in the Bay for Habitats and Ecosystems, Fish and Shellfish Consumption, and Recreation.

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