California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)


esmr2 logo Regularly Scheduled Meetings:

  • The 3rd Wednesdays of February, May, August and November
  • 10am – 11am

For more information about this group or to be added to our mailing list, please email Rassam Zarghami or phone (916) 341-5516.

Current eSMR2 User Group Discussion

The next stage in eSMR development is to interface with ICIS. The interface would reduce the level of effort required by “Major” Discharges to submit both Electronic Self-Monitoring Reports (eSMR) and Discharger Monitoring Reports (DMRs).

After consideration of the options, the overall direction of the group was to pursue the eSMR2.5 option, due to, in large part, this path requiring only logging into and navigating through one system. However, many of the details of how this would actually work remain unanswered. In order to move forward with the project, we must get input on how to resolve some of the issues that have come up and to ask additional questions to ensure that we are thinking of the various aspects of the project.