Division of Financial Assistance: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Basic CEQA Information

All potential funding and water supply permit applicants should submit the draft CEQA documents to the State Clearinghouse for review and comment and identify the State Water Board, Division of Financial Assistance and Division of Drinking Water (Division) as a Reviewing Agency. This helps ensure that the Division’s comments are addressed during the draft stage rather than after the CEQA document have been adopted or certified by the Lead Agency. Applicants are also encouraged to submit the draft CEQA documents directly to the Division of Financial Assistance Environmental Section before, or during the State Clearinghouse review period to ensure that the Division receives the documents and its comments are included in the final draft CEQA document.

Administrative draft CEQA documents may also be submitted to the Division for review and comment prior to the State Clearinghouse review period.

  Please note if you decide to share the administrative CEQA documents with Division, it will be considered public document subject to Public Records Act. You should consult with your agency legal staff prior to sharing the administrative CEQA documents to ensure the documents can be shared with another outside agency.

Since each project is unique, applicants seeking funding and/or a water supply permit from the State Water Board are encouraged to contact the Division of Financial Assistance Environmental Section early in the project planning process to discuss the project and ensure consistency with funding and water supply permit requirements.

  Refer to the CEQA Process Flow Chart for when Responsible Agency and Lead Agency coordination is necessary.