Small Community Wastewater (SCWW) Funding Program Basics
Small Community Wastewater Funding is available to help small disadvantaged communities (small DACs), providing service to less than 20,000 people and having a median household income (MHI) of less than 80% the statewide MHI, implement eligible wastewater capital improvement projects.
Eligible Applicants
- Any city, town, district, or other public body created under state law, including state agencies
- A Native American tribal government or an authorized Native American tribal organization having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes or other waste
- Any designated and approved management agency under Section 208 of the Clean Water Act
- 501(c)(3)'s and National Estuary Programs project
Eligible Projects
Planning/design and construction of wastewater infrastructure projects including:
- Wastewater treatment
- Septic to sewer conversions
- Regionalization
- Local sewers
- Sewer interceptors
- Wastewater reclamation and distribution
- Stormwater treatment
- Combined sewers
- Landfill leachate treatment
Financing Terms
- Financing Limit: Grants are available through the Small Community Grant Wastewater program per the terms included in the current Clean Water Intended Use Plan. Loans are limited only by facility's ability to borrow
- Grants and Principal Forgiveness: May be available to eligible applicants serving disadvantaged communities
- Loan Interest Rate: interest rate may vary each calendar year; it is 50% of the average interest rate paid by the state on general obligation bonds issued in the prior calendar year. Lower interest rates may be available to facility’s serving small, disadvantaged communities through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). Interest History
- Loan Repayment Term: up to 30 years or useful life of the project
- Loan Repayment: Begins within one year after project completion
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