Expedited Claim Account Program (ECAP)

Expedited Claim Account Program (ECAP)

In 2014 the State Legislature enacted Senate Bill 445 (SB 445) which required the State Water Resources Control Board to investigate potential methods to reduce the overall cost for site cleanup and the time to reach closure for sites in the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (Fund). SB 445 added Section 25299.50.7 to the California Health and Safety Code to create the Expedited Claim Account Program within the Fund. By promoting collaborative communication between Fund staff, regulatory staff, the claimant, and consultant, ECAP has successfully reduced the overall cost and time for sites to reach closure in California.

Expedited Claim Account Program

ECAP Objective: ECAP reduces the cost for site cleanup and time to reach closure; establishes multi-year budgets; increases collaboration among Fund staff, regulatory staff and claimants and their consultants; and creates project milestones, cost estimates, and reimbursement submission schedules.
ECAP Benefits: Stakeholders participate in the Joint Execution Team (JET) meetings and expectations regarding scope of work, schedule, costs, and anticipated reimbursements are clearly defined prior to implementation of tasks. Data objectives, milestones, and a general approach to achieve closure are also determined.
Eligible Applicants: Claims in the Fund are eligible. A claimant must have a Letter of Commitment (LOC) from the Fund. Claimants that have applied for a LOC but have not received it yet will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
How to Become Part of ECAP:
  • Sites can be added to ECAP at the request of the Lead Agency.
  • Request participation: the claimant sends a letter or email to ECAP that states they would like to participate in ECAP. The letter must identify the claim number, site name, and address and specifically request participation in ECAP. Please email the request to the ECAP Unit at DFA-ECAP@Waterboards.ca.gov. You may also mail the letter to Laura Shook, State Water Resources Control Board, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95812. Email is faster and is recommended.
ECAP Process:
  • ECAP staff prepares a Review Summary Report (RSR)
  • ECAP staff conducts the initial Conceptual Site Model (CSM) meeting with Regional Boards and Local Oversight Programs (LOPs) to establish closure criteria
  • ECAP staff facilitate periodic conference call meetings with case stakeholders (Regional Boards, LOPs, Claimants, and Consultants) known as “Joint Execution Team (JET)” meetings
  • ECAP staff review the Project Execution Plans (PEPs) to establish scope and budget for tasks needed for the path to closure
Funding: ECAP staff assist claimants and consultants in the best use of the remaining available funds. ECAP does not provide an additional source of funding. The existing laws for eligibility and reimbursement cap for claims are unchanged. Prior to 2015-$1.5 Million. Post 2015-$1.0 Million.

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  Subscribe to our other email lists. See the "Financial Assistance" section.


For further information, contact us at:

Email with "ECAP" in the subject line to: DFA-ECAP@Waterboards.ca.gov

(800) 813-FUND (3863)

Inquiries will be responded to within 48 hours.

  Why Join ECAP?

  • ECAP has successfully assisted Regional Water Boards and LOPs in closing over 145 cases since inception in 2015
  • 61% of ECAP claims are closed or in the process of closing
  • 12 cases closed in Fiscal Year 2023/2024
  • Technical experts assist in evaluation of the site relative to Low Threat Case Closure Policy (LTCP)
  • Most claimants achieve case closure within 3.0 years after entering ECAP

  ECAP Status

Pie chart 49% closed, 1% hold, 12% closure initiated, 38% Active

  Current ECAP Sites

California Map with Region info

ECAP Projects List

Submit a Project Execution Plan (PEP) and Budget Change Request (BCR)


  1. Send the Excel PEP to your ECAP staff assigned to the Claim.
  2. Upload the signed Budget Change Request (BCR) and PDF copy of the PEP to GeoTracker (as one submittal). The PDF upload should include the following:
    • BCR (signed by Claimant)
    • Cover Page
    • Summary Page
    • Multi-Year Budget Plan


Success Stories

  Claim 6680 in Region 2

Unocal #7005, Walnut Creek, CA

  Claim 16618 in San Mateo County

L. Bocci & Sons Inc., Colma, CA

Learn More About the Low-Threat UST Case Closure Policy (LTCP)