Petition Requesting Changes in Water Rights of The Department of Water Resources and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for the California WaterFix Project Hearing

File Transfer Protocol Site Information

The State Water Board developed a secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) website where parties to the hearing should upload their exhibits and parties can download the exhibits submitted by other parties. Each party on the service list will be provided a party-specific account with a username and password before their exhibit submittal deadline. All parties to the hearing will also have access to a shared account on the FTP site, which will allow parties to view and download other parties' exhibits, but only after the exhibit submittal deadline. The shared account is accessible at fix download&p=waterfix123.

Part 1 | Rebuttal | Sur-Rebuttal | Part 2 | Part 2 - Rebuttal | Part 2 - Sur - Rebuttal

Part 1 - Carmichael Water District

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
  Cover Letter  
  Carmichael Water District Exhibit Identification Index (.xlsx)  
  Letter Re: Submission of Exhibit List for Entry into Evidence - 11/02/2016  
CWD-1 Testimony of Steve Nugent Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
CWD-2 License No. 001387 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
CWD-3 Report of Licensee for License 001387 (2011 through 2015) Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
CWD-4 License No. 8731 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
CWD-5 Report of Licensee for License 8731 (2011 through 2015) Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
CWD-6 Permit No. 7356 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
CWD-7 Progress Report by Permitee for Permit 7356 (2011 through 2015) Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
CWD-8 UWMP Map Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
CWD-9 Diagram of Aerojet Plum Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
CWD-10 Notice of Errata to CWD-1 Re Testimony of Steve Nugent and submittal of CWD-10 As a Substitute for Incomplete CWD-1 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017  
SVWU-1 Draft January 2016 Biological Assessment for the California WaterFix  
SVWU-2 Monthly Probability of Exceedance - Storage at Shasta Reservoir  
SVWU-100 Testimony of Walter Bourez  
SVWU-101 Statement of Qualifications for Walter Bourez  
SVWU-102 MBK Report on Review of Bay Delta Conservation Program Modeling, June 20, 2014  
SVWU-103 MBK Technical Comments on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan/California Water Fix Partially Recirculated Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS, October 28, 2015  
SVWU-104 MBK Technical Comments on Coordinated Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement, September 29, 2015  
SVWU-105 Testimony of Dan Easton  
SVWU-106 Statement of Qualifications for Dan Easton  
SVWU-107 MBK California WaterFix Modeling Review, August 30, 2016  
SVWU-108 MBK Technical Memorandum with example 2-year injury  
SVWU-109 MBK Technical Memorandum regarding B1, H3, and H4 scenarios  
SVWU-110 Walter Bourez Powerpoint Presentation  


Part 1 - Rebuttal

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
  To come  


Part 1 - Sur-Rebuttal

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
  To come  


Part 2

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
  To come  

* For a complete account of testimony and exhibits that have been admitted into evidence, please see the Ruling Page for the corresponding ruling date and/or Transcript Page for the corresponding transcript date.