Nestlé Spring Water Extractions in San Bernardino National Forest - Report of Investigation References
The following is a list of the references used by Division staff to prepare the Report of Investigation. Most of the documents provided here are also publicly available elsewhere.
- Binnie, S. A., Phillips, W. M., Summerfield, M. A., & Fifield, L. K. (2007). Tectonic uplift, threshold hillslopes and denudation rates in a developing mountain range. Geology, 35, 743-746
- Binnie, S. A., Phillips, W. M., Summerfield, M. A., Fifield, L. K., & Spotila, J. A. (2010). Tectonic and climatic controls of denudation rates in active orogens: The San Bernardino Mountains, California. Geomorphology, 118(3), 249-261.
- Bureau of Land Management. (2017). Survey Plats and Field Notes Search. Official Federal Land Records Site. See survey plat for T1N R4W SBB&M dated 8/30/1878 and others.
- Center for Biological Diversity, et al. v. US Forest Service, et al., 5:15-cv-2098 (US District Court for the Central District of California, Eastern Division October 13, 2015).
- Cross v. Kitts, 69 Cal. 217, 222 (1986).
- Dames & Moore. (1999). Assessment of History and Nature of Arrowhead Springs, San Bernardino Mountains.
- Decision 1194. (1964). In the Matter of Application 11036 of Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company and Application 11037 of Orange County Water District to Appropriate from Santa Ana River and Chino Creek in Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. State Water Resources Control Board. Oct 29, 1964.
- Del Rosa Mutual Water Company vs. Carpenter et al., 31798 (Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino 1931).
- Dutcher, L. C., & Garrett, A. A. (1963). Geologic and Hydrologic Features of the San Bernardino Area. Water Supply Paper 1419.
- File from Amanda Frye. (2016). Letter dated Feb 14, 1929 to California Consumers Company, California Consolidated Water Company from Byron Walters. "Doc Sep 17 2015 1115.pdf" emailed to Victor Vasquez, Division staff, on Dec 22, 2016. See pp. 7-8.
- Gutierrez v. Wege, 145 Cal. 730, 734 (1905).
- Haley & Aldrich, Inc. (2016). Stream Reconnaissance Survey of Upper Strawberry Canyon and Proposed Future Data Collection Activities.
- James, I. (2015). Bottling Water Without Scrutiny. Retrieved May 4, 2016, from The Desert Sun:
- Maguire, Pearce & Storey, PLLC. (2016a). Chain of Title for Arrowhead Water Rights and SUP [Transmittal to Natalie Stork, Division staff]. April 21, 2016.
- Maguire, Pearce & Storey, PLLC. (2016b). NWNA Response to Arrowhead Water Rights Inquiry [Memorandum to Natalie Stork, Division staff]. July 11, 2016.
- Maguire, Pearce & Storey, PLLC. (2016c). Re: Transmittal of As-Built Drawings with Respect to SBNF Special Use Permit #7285 and related Operations and Maintenance (Information; Request for Exemption from the California Public Records Act [Transmittal to Ken Petruzzelli, OE staff counsel]. July 21, 2016. *Certain material was redacted under Government Code section 6254, subd. (k)*
- Morton, D. M., & Miller, F. K. (2006). Geologic map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30' x 60' quadrangles, California. USGS, Open-File Report 2006-1217.
- NWNA. (2016a). RE: Request for information directed to Nestlé Waters North America Inc. Strawberry Canyon, San Bernardino, CA [Letter to Natalie Stork, Division staff]. March 11, 2016. *Certain material was redacted under Government Code section 6254, subd. (k)*
- OE. (2016). Nestlé Waters North America Water Rights [Memorandum to Division staff]. November 17, 2016. *Attorney-client privileged communications, document withheld. Please see Reference document #21.*
- OE. (2017a). Nestlé Water North America prescriptive rights [Memorandum to Division staff]. May 1, 2017. *Attorney-client privileged communications, document withheld. Please see Reference document #21.*
- OE. (2017b). Nestlé Waters North America Report of Investigation [Memorandum to Division staff]. September 22, 2017. (Included with the Report as Appx B)
- Pioneer Title Insurance and Trust Company. (1930). [Letter and attachments addressed to O'Melveny, Tuller & Meyers, Attorneys]. Provided by Nestlé at June 16, 2016 meeting with Division staff. Letter dated September 23, 1930.
- Pomona Land & Water Co. v. San Antonio Water Co., 152 Cal. 618 (1908).
- PRISM Climate Group, Oregon State University. (2004). Data Explorer: Time Series Values for Individual Locations. Retrieved from April 17, 2017.
- R Core Team. (2016). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
- San Bernardino National Forest. (2016). Letter to Interested Agencies, Local Governments, Tribes, and Public. Arrowhead Ranger District: March 18, 2016.
- San Bernardino National Forest Supervisor's Office. (2016). [Letter to Victor Vasquez, Division staff]. May 20, 2016.
- San Buenaventura Research Associates. (2005). Historic Resources Report, Arrowhead Springs Hotel, San Bernardino, CA.
- Spotila, J. A., House, M. A., Blythe, A. E., Niemi, N. A., & Bank, G. C. (2002). Controls on the erosion and geomorphic evolution of the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains, Southern California. Geological Society of America Special Papers, 365, 205-230.
- State Water Board. (2015). Retrieved from GeoTracker:
- State Water Board. (2016). Public Comment/Objection Reading Room. Retrieved May 5, 2016, from Nestlé Waters North America Inc Special Use Permit:
- The Hydrodynamics Group. (1997a). FDA Compliance Report: Arrowhead Spring Complex No. 7, San Bernardino National Forest.
- The Hydrodynamics Group. (1997b). FDA Compliance Report: Arrowhead Springs No.'s 2 and 3, San Bernardino National Forest.
- The Hydrodynamics Group. (1998). Investigation of the Arrowhead Complex 1 & 8 for FDA Compliance.
- US Army Corps of Engineers. (2013). Prado Dam. Retrieved from (previously
- US Forest Service. (1978). Special Use Permit issued to Arrowhead Puritas Inc. issued August 2, 1978, amended June 24, 1981.
- US Forest Service. (2012). Arrowhead Tunnels Project Special Uses Permit Geo-Sciences Specialist Report.
- US Forest Service. (2016). Memo to File: Documentation of Site Survey of Water Right A6108.
- US Geological Survey. (2016a). StreamStats. Retrieved June 6 and Dec 29, 2016, from
- US Geological Survey. (2016b). Santa Ana Basin. Retrieved April 10, 2017, from California Water Science Center: (previously /sana_nawqa/index.html)
- US Geological Survey. (2017). USGS 11058500 E TWIN C NR ARROWHEAD SPRINGS CA. Retrieved June 20, 2016, from National Water Information System: Web Interface:
- Water Rights Order 98-08. (1998). Order Revising Declaration of Fully Appropriated Stream Systems. State Water Resources Control Board. Nov 19, 1998. ).
- Wolfskill v. Smith, 5 Cal.App. 175, 181 (1907).