Hearings Program

Byron-Bethany Irrigation District: Administrative Civil Liability Hearing (ACL) Hearing
The West Side Irrigation District Cease And Desist Order (CDO) Hearing
The Consolidated Phase (PHASE 1- Water Availability) and the Separate Phases (PHASE 2 - Enforcement Actions)

List of Exhibits

List of Rebuttal Exhibits

Prosecution Team

Exhibit Identification
Description Phase
WR-1 Draft Cease and Desist Order (CDO) issued to West Side Irrigation District (WSID) on July 16, 2015 (ENF01949) Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-2 WSID CDO Certified Mail Return Receipts Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-3 WSID request for hearing dated August 7, 2015 Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-4 Administrative Civil Liability Compalint (ACLC) issued to Byron-Bethany Irrigation District on July 20, 2015 Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-5 BBID ACLC Certified Mail Return Receipts Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-6 BBID request for hearing dated August 6, 2015 Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-7 Testimony of Katherine Mrowka All
WR-8 Statement of Qualifications of Katherine Mrowka All
WR-9 Testimony of Brian Coats Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-10 Statement of Qualifications of Brian Coats Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-11 Testimony of Jeffrey Yeazell Phase I
WR-12 Statement of Qualifications of Jeffrey Yeazell Phase I
WR-13 Testimony of Kathryn Bare Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-14 Statement of Qualifications of Kathryn Bare Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-15 Testimony of Paul Wells Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-16 Statement of Qualifications of Paul Wells Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-17 Testimony of Stephen Nemeth Phase I
WR-18 Statement of Qualifications of Stephen Nemeth Phase I
WR-19 Testimony of John Collins Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-20 Statement of Qualifications of John Collins Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-21 Testimony of Michael George Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-22 Statement of Qualifications of Michael George Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-23 January 17, 2014, Governor BrownProclamation No. 1-17-2014
(available at https://www.gov.ca.gov/news.php?id=18379)
WR-24 January 17, 2014, State Water Board 2014 Shortage Notice (available at https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/water_issues/programs/drought/docs/notice_of_curtailment.pdf) All
WR-25 April 25, 2014, Governor Brown Proclamation of a Continued State of Emergency (available at https://www.gov.ca.gov/news.php?id=18496) All
WR-26 May 27, 2014, Unavailability Notice All
WR-27 November 12, 2014, Notice of Partial Lifting of May 27 Notice All
WR-28 November 19, 2014, Notice of Temporary Lifting of May 27 Notice All
WR-29 January 23, 2015, Shortage Notice All
WR-30 February 4, 2015, State Water Board Order WR 2015-0002-DWR All
WR-31 April 1, 2015, Governor Brown Executive Order B-29-15 (Executive Order) (available at https://www.gov.ca.gov/docs/4.1.15_Executive_Order.pdf) All
WR-32 April 2, 2015, State Water Board Notice of Curtailment of Water Right Diversions Expected Soon All
WR-33 April 23, 2015, Unavailability Notice All
WR-34 May 1, 2015, Unavailability Notice Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-35 May 1 Unavailability Notice issued to WSID Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-36 June 12, 2015, Unavailability Notice All
WR-37 June 12 Unavailability Notice Mailing List All
WR-38 June 12 Unavailability Notice issued to BBID Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-39 June 12 Unavailability Notice issued to Banta-Carbona Irrigation District Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-40 July 15, 2015, Clarification All
WR-41 July 15 Clarification issued to BBID Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-42 July 15 Clarification issued to WSID Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-43 September 17, 2015, Notice of Water Availability for Diversion by Senior [Pre-1914] Water Right Holders on the Sacramento, Feather River and Delta Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-44 November 2, 2015, Notice of Available Water to Divert Under Pre-1927 Water Rights for the Sacramento River Watershed and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-45 November 6, 2015, Notice of Diversion Opportunity for All Post 1914 Water Rights for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Watersheds and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-46 Conditions at time of April 23, 2015, Unavailability Notice Phase I
WR-47 Conditions at time of May 1, 2015, Unavailability Notice Phase I
WR-48 Conditions at time of June 12, 2015, Unavailability Notice Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-49 2010-2013 Average Demand Dataset as of February 20, 2015 All
WR-50 2015 Informational Order Demand Dataset without calculations, April 8, 2015 [submitted electronically only] All
WR-51 2015 Informational Order Demand Dataset with embedded calculations, June 15, 2015 [submitted electronically only] All
WR-52 2015 Combined Sacramento/San Joaquin River Basin Senior Supply/Demand Analysis, August 19, 2015 All
WR-53 2015 Combined Sacramento/San Joaquin River Basin Senior Supply/Demand Supporting Analysis Spreadsheet, August 21, 2015 [submitted electronically only) All
WR-54 2015 Sacramento River Basin Supply/Demand Analysis with Proportional Delta Demand, October 30, 2015 All
WR-55 2015 Sacramento River Basin Supply/Demand Analysis with Proportional Delta Demand Supporting Analysis Spreadsheet [submitted electronically only] All
WR-56 2015 Sacramento River Basin Senior Supply/Demand Analysis With North Delta Demand, as of September 10, 2015 All
WR-57 2015 Sacramento River Basin Senior Supply/Demand Analysis With North Delta Demand, as of September 10, 2015, Supporting Analysis Spreadsheet (submitted electronically only) All
WR-58 2015 San Joaquin River Basin Senior Supply/Demand Analysis With Proportional Delta Demand, October 27, 2015 Phase I
WR-59 2015 Upper San Joaquin River to Merced River Supply/Demand Analysis, October 16, 2015 Phase I
WR-60 Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast February 1, 2015 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/snow/bulletin120/b120feb15.pdf) Phase I
WR-61 Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast March 1, 2015 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/snow/bulletin120/b120mar15.pdf) Phase I
WR-62 Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast April 1, 2015 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/snow/bulletin120/b120apr15.pdf) Phase I
WR-63 Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast May 1, 2015 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/snow/bulletin120/b120may15.pdf) Phase I
WR-64 Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast February 26, 2015, Update (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/iodir/B120UP.201502) Phase I
WR-65 Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast March 26, 2015 Update (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/iodir/B120UP.201503) Phase I
WR-66 Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast April 2015 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/iodir/B120UP.201504) Phase I
WR-67 Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast May 2015 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/iodir/B120UP.201505) Phase I
WR-68 WRUDS Demand Dataset Workbook Supporting May 1, 2015, Water Availability Notices (PRA document ‘WRUDS_DB 2015-04-06.xlsx’) [submitted electronically only] Phase I
WR-69 Sample Supply and Demand Graph by Mert K. Lininger (1977) Phase I
WR-70 ERIMS Raw Data File (November 3 PRA document ‘erims data request 022615.csv’) [submitted electronically only] Phase I
WR-71 Water Engineering and Management, California Single Family Water Use Efficiency Study, June 1, 2011 (Aquacraft, Inc.).  [Hard copy of relevant page only] (available at https://www.irwd.com/images/pdf/save-water/CaSingleFamilyWaterUseEfficiencyStudyJune2011.pdf) Phase I
WR-72 CDEC Supply Tables (PRA document ‘WY 2014-2015 CDEC Supply Tables.xlsx’ version dated 10/9/15) [submitted electronically only] Phase I
WR-73 Sacramento River Water Year Forecast Breakdown, dated May 1, 2015 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/products/20150501SRWSI.pdf) Phase I
WR-74 San Joaquin River Water Year Forecast Breakdown, May 1, 2015 (available at: http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/products/20150501SJWSI.pdf) Phase I
WR-75 Excel Workbook with Sacramento River and Legal Delta Supply/Demand Analysis in Support of May 1, 2015 Notice (PRA document ‘Sacramento Basin Charts With WRUDS 2015-05-01.xlsx’) [submitted electronically only] Phase I
WR-76 California Central Valley Unimpaired Flow Data, Fourth Edition Draft, by Bay-Delta Office dated May 2007  Phase I
WR-77 Excel Workbook with Combined Sacramento River, San Joaquin River, and Legal Delta Supply/Demand Analysis in Support of June 12, 2015 Notice (PRA file ‘20150610_sacsjcombined.xlsx’) [submitted electronically only] Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-78 2015 San Joaquin River Basin Senior Supply/Demand Analysis With Proportional Delta Demand, August 19, 2015 (PRA file 20150821_sjprorated.pdf) Phase I
WR-79 Appendix to Drought ’77, Dry Year Program, State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, March 1978 (PRA file Appendix to Drought ’77 – Dry Year Program – March 1978 Complete.pdf) [See WR-152 for report] [submitted electronically only] Phase I
WR-80 Email Meeting Invitation dated May 12, 2015, from Brian Coats to Various, re: San Joaquin River Stakeholder Meeting – Senior Rights (PRA file 2015AprMay 515 Pages.pdf at page 260) Phase I
WR-81 2015 Delta Demand Analysis, Senior Demand Having 1902 and Prior Claims (Mean Daily Flow at Vernalis), dated October 7, 2015 (PRA file 20151007_Delta-Vernalis 1902 and Senior Demand Alternate.pdf) Phase I
WR-82 Email dated June 8, 2015, from Sean DeGuzman to Brian Coats and Jeff Yeazell, re: Sacramento & San Joaquin Forecast Updates (PRA file 2015Jun1.pdf at pages 264-265) Phase I
WR-83 June 16, 2015, Clarification Notice of Curtailment for Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Diverters Claiming Both a Pre-1914 and Riparian Right Phase I
WR-84 BBID Initial Statement of Diversion and Use S021256 Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-85 BBID Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use for 2010, Submitted July 1, 2013 (S021256) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-86 BBID Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use for 2011, Submitted July 1, 2013 (S021256) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-87 BBID Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use for 2012, Submitted July 1, 2013) (S021256) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-88 BBID Initial Response to February 2015 Informational Order (S021256) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-89 BBBID Service Area Map, Exhibit A to Response to February 2015 Informational Order (S021256) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-90 July 1, 2015 Query to CDEC for BBID Diversions from June 2, 2015 through June 30, 2015 Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-91 Google Maps BBID Service Area Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-92 BBID Informational Order Responses as of September 14, 2015 Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-93 BBID Daily Diversion Total Emails June 1, 2015, through June 23, 2015 (BBID Subpoena Response pages BBID-SUBP000471 through BBID-SUBP000495) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-94 BBID June 2015 Diversions Table (BBID Subpoena Response page BBID-SUBP000508) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-95 BBID Informational Order Response June 2015 (downloaded July 21, 2015; BBID Subpoena Response Pages BBID-SUBP000509 through 511) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-96 BBID Informational Order Response July 2015 (downloaded August 5, 2015; BBID Subpoena Response Pages BBID-SUBP000505 through 508) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-97 BBID Informational Order Response August 2015 (downloaded September 9, 2015; BBID Subpoena Response pages BBID-SUBP000502 through 504) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-98 BBID Informational Order Response September 2015 (downloaded October 5, 2015; BBID Subpoena Response pages BBID-SUBP000499 through 501) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-99 BBID Informational Order Response October 2015 (downloaded November 5, 2015; BBID Subpoena Response pages BBID-SUBP000496 through 498) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-100 June 19, 2015 Article titled “MH GM searches for water sale,” Tracy Press News, Denise Ellen Rizzo (available at http://www.goldenstatenewspapers.com/tracy_press/news/mh-gm-searches-for-water-sale/article_2502306e-1610-11e5-9586-df6cf25a0145.html Phase 2 - BBID
WR-101 June 22, 2015 Article titled “Deal Keeps Mountain House water flowing,” Stockton Record, Alex Brietler (available at http://www.recordnet.com/article/20150622/NEWS/150629914) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-102 June 22, 2015 Article titled “MH Deal Not Yet Set,” Tracy Press News, Michael Ellis Langley (available at http://www.goldenstatenewspapers.com/tracy_press/news/mh-water-deal-not-yet-set/article_16b23264-1905-11e5-b352-ef45ab2991e2.html) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-103 June 25, 2015 Article titled “Some water agencies in California consider defying state cuts,” SFGate, Kurtis Alexander (available at http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Some-water-agencies-in-California-consider-6347901.php) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-104 May 29, 2015 Article titled “State may block water sale between city, farmers,” Tracy Press News, Sam Matthews (available at http://www.goldenstatenewspapers.com/tracy_press/news/state-may-block-water-sale-between-city-farmers/article_4e867208-059c-11e5-b5f1-ff444809dc36.html) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-105 June 12, 2015 Article titled “California curtails senior water rights,” Sacramento Bee, Dale Kassler and Ryan Sabalow (available at http://www.sacbee.com/news/state/california/water-and-drought/article23849281.html) Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-106 BBID “Response to State Water Resources Control Board Curtailment Notice of June 12, 2015,” (available at http://bbid.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/BBID-Curtailment-Response-FINAL1.pdf) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-107 LYRIS Notice dated June 12, 2015, “Notice of Unavailability of Water and Need for Immediate Curtailment for those Diverting Water in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Watersheds and Delta with a Pre-1914 Appropriative Claim Commencing During or After 1903” Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-108 September 29, 2015 Article titled “Selling California’s water and fallowing acres,” The Packer.com, Mike Hornick (available at http://www.thepacker.com/news/opinion/selling-california%E2%80%99s-water-and-fallowing-acres) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-109 April and May, 2015, FNF forecast summaries from Department of Water Resources Phase I
WR-110 September 17, 2015, email from Aaron Miller, Department of Water Resources, to Paul Wells, Division of Water Rights Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-111 October 2, 2015, email from Aaron Miller, Department of Water Resources, to Paul Wells, Division of Water Rights Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-112 Water Right License 1381 (Application 000301), West Side Irrigation District, Amended August 19, 2010 Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-113 Map of WSID Service Area, 2001 Petition, License 1381 Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-114 License 1381 Map Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-115 2007 Report of Licensee, License 1381 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-116 2008 Report of Licensee, License 1381 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-117 2009 Report of Licensee, License 1381 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-118 2010 Report of Licensee, License 1381 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-119 2011 Report of Licensee, License 1381 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-120 2012 Report of Licensee, License 1381 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-121 2013 Report of Licensee, License 1381 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-122 2014 Report of Licensee, License 1381 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-123 June 9, 2014, Curtailment Certification Form, License 1381 (A000301) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-124 May 14, 2015, Curtailment Certification Form, License 1381 (A000301) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-125 July 7, 2015, letter from WSID Counsel Jeanne Zolezzi to Tom Howard Phase 2 - WSID
WR-126 CalEPA Complaint No 42962, submitted March 2, 2015 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-127 April 2, 2015, email from Victor Vasquez to Kathy Bare Phase 2 - WSID
WR-128 April 10, 2015, letter from Kathryn Bare to Troy Brown Phase 2 - WSID
WR-129 May 7, 2015, letter from Troy Brown to Kathryn Bare Phase 2 - WSID
WR-130 May 26, 2015, letter from Kathryn Bare to Troy Brown Phase 2 - WSID
WR-131 June 10, 2015, letter from SWRCB to Martha Lennihan and Jeanne Zolezzi Phase 2 - WSID
WR-132 March 22, 2015, Site Visit photographs, Michael George Phase 2 - WSID
WR-133 May 15, 2015, Drive-by Site Visit photographs, Michael George Phase 2 - WSID
WR-134 May 18, 2015, Site Inspection Report, John Collins Phase 2 - WSID
WR-135 Tables of WSID diversions provided by Karna Harrigfeld as part of WSID’s Subpoena response, November 30, 2015 (submited as 20151130163704862.pdf and hard copy WSID Subpoena Response Exhibit 7) Phase I, Phase 2 - WSID
WR-136 May 19, 2014, Wastewater Irrevocable License Agreement between City of Tracy and WSID (WSID Subpoena Response Exhibit 1) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-137 June 12, 2014, Commencement Email triggering Wastewater Agreement diversions (from WSID Subpoena response Exhibit 2) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-138 WSID spreadsheet showing 2014 City of Tracy Wastewater used by WSID under 2014 Agreement by month (from WSID Subpoena response Exhibit 3) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-139 March 3, 2015, Wastewater Irrevocable License Agreement between City of Tracy and WSID (WSID Subpoena Response Exhibit 4) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-140 August 7, 2015, email from David Kaiser to Carol Petz (from WSID Subpoena response Exhibit 8) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-141 Statement 495, Banta-Carbona Irrigation District (Division files and WSID Subpoena Response Exhibit 8) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-142 April 10, 2015, Agreement for Temporary Pumping Right Assignment, Banta-Carbona Irrigation District and WSID (WSID Subpoena response Exhibit 8) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-143 2014 City of Tracy Wastewater Revocable License Agreement Invoices (WSID Subpoena response Exhibit 3) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-144 July 8, 2015, letter from City of Tracy to WSID terminating 2015 Wastewater Revocable License Agreement (WSID Subpoena Response Exhibit 4) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-145 Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Report, May, 1, 2015, hard copy version. Phase I
WR-146 Table of BBID Diversions June 1 through June 30, 2015 Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-147 Table comparing reported diversions for all of June in prior years with diversions for June projected and reported in 2015 Phase I, Phase 2 - BBID
WR-148 Daily FNF for Sacramento at Bend Bridge (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/stationInfo?station_id=BND) Phase I
WR-149 Most Recent 30 Days of Daily FNF for Sacramento at Bend Bridge as of November 4, 2015 (available at: http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/queryDaily?BND) Phase I
WR-150 Google Map identifying WSID pump station and drain. Phase 2 - WSID
WR-151 San Joaquin County Irrigation Districts, map prepared by San Joaquin County Geographic Information Systems November 15, 2011 (available at http://www.sjmap.org/mapdocs/frontcounter_irrigation_districts.pdf) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-152 Drought 77 Dry Year Program, State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, January 1978 (PRA document ‘Drought 77 – 1-24-14.pdf’) [See WR-79 for Appendix] Phase I
WR-153 The 1976-1977 California Drought, A Review, California Department of Water Resources, May 1978 (PRA document ‘9_drought-1976-77.pdf’) [submitted electronically only] Phase I
WR-154 State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Recommendations for Improving the Administration of the Water Rights Priority in Dry Years, February 2015 Phase I
WR-155 CDEC Daily Full Natural Flow from 09/15/2015 to 10/15/2015 for Stations CLE to ISB Phase I
WR-156 2015 Yuba R. Watershed to Feather R. Senior Supply/Demand, August 12, 2015 Phase I
WR-157 2015 Yuba R. Watershed to Feather R. Senior Supply/Demand, August 21, 2015 Phase I
WR-158 Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor’s Report for Year 1931, State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources [submitted electronically only] Phase 2 - WSID
WR-159 The West Side Irrigation District Water Management Plan, November 2009 [submitted electronically only] (available at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/watershare/wcplans/2010/west_side_id_wmp_nov_2009.pdf) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-160 eSMR_Tracy effluent flow 2014 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-161 Undated letter from WSID to Division of Water Rights Phase 2 - WSID
WR-162 Division of Water Rights Report of Inspection, West Side Irrigation District (A000301), July 18, 1985 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-163 WSID Application 301 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-164 November 21, 2001, letter from Jeanne Zolezzi re: Petition for Change License 1381 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-165 Map of West Side Irrigation District Drainage (developed by K. Bare from 2001 petition map) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-166 State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources, Data Sources for Table Water Supervisor Reports, 1924-1928, 1931, 1933 and 1934, 1935 Phase I
WR-167 City of Tracy, City Council Resolution 2014-065, Authorizing Agreement with the West Side Irrigation District for Sale of Treated Effluent and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Agreement Phase 2 - WSID
WR-168 City of Tracy, City Council Resolution 2015-033, Authorizing Agreement with the West Side Irrigation District for Sale of Treated Effluent and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Agreement Phase 2 - WSID
WR-169 Prosecution Team Subpoena duces tecum issued to WSID on October 29, 2015 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-170 Prosecution Team Subpoena duces tecum issued to BBID on October 29, 2015 Phase 2 - BBID
WR-171 CDEC Plot of BBID Diversions for 100 days ending September 17, 2015 (from http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/queryDaily?BBI) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-172 May 21, 2015, email from Daniel Kelly Phase 2 - BBID
WR-173 April 28, 2004 Contact Report, Division staff, Jeanne Zolezzi and Gene Carson Phase 2 - WSID
WR-174 State Water Resources Control Board Order WR 2010-0012-Exec, Order Approving Settlement Agreement and Partial Revocation (WSID) Phase 2 - WSID
WR-175 May 8, 1917, Letter from State Water Commission to West Side Irrigation District regarding Protest of East Contra Costa Irrigation Company Phase 2 - WSID
WR-176 July 24, 1917, Letter from State Water Commission to West Side Irrigation District Phase 2 - WSID
WR-177 September 21, 1998, Letter from Division of Water Rights to WSID Phase 2 - WSID
WR-178 October 15, 1987, Letter from Division of Water Rights to WSID Phase 2 - WSID
WR-179 History of Byron, (available at http://history.rays-place.com/ca/cc-byron.htm) Phase 2 - BBID
by ref
Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast February, 2014 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/snow/bulletin120/b120feb14.pdf) Phase I
by ref
Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast March, 2014 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/snow/bulletin120/b120mar14.pdf) Phase I
by ref
Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast April, 2014 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/snow/bulletin120/b120apr14.pdf) Phase I
by ref
Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 Forecast May, 2014 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/snow/bulletin120/b120may14.pdf) Phase I
by ref
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, Order R5-2012-0115-02 (NPDES No. CA0079154) Waste Discharge Requirements for the City of Tracy, Tracy Wastewater Treatment Plant, San Joaquin County Phase 2 - WSID
by ref
CDEC Daily FNF values (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/reports/FNF) Phase I
by ref
CDEC Full Natural Flow General (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/snow/current/flow/index2.html) Phase I
by ref
City of Tracy, City Council, May 6, 2014, Meeting Agenda Item 1.F and materials, regarding Authorization of an Agreement with the West Side Irrigation District for Sale of Treated Effluent and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Agreement (available at http://www.ci.tracy.ca.us/documents/20140506_Reg_CC.pdf) Phase 2 - WSID
by ref
City of Tracy, City Council, May 6, 2014, Meeting Minutes, Item 1.F, regarding Adoption of Resolution 2014-065, Authorizing Agreement with the West Side Irrigation District for Sale of Treated Effluent and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Agreement (available at http://www.ci.tracy.ca.us/documents/20140506_Reg_Mins.pdf) Phase 2 - WSID
by ref
City of Tracy, City Council, March 3, 2015, Meeting Agenda Item 1.F and materials, regarding Authorization of an Agreement with the West Side Irrigation District for Sale of Treated Effluent and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Agreement (available at http://www.ci.tracy.ca.us/documents/20150303_Regular_Agenda.pdf) Phase 2 - WSID
by ref
City of Tracy, City Council, March 3, 2015, Meeting Minutes, Item 1.F, regarding Adoption of Resolution 2015-33, Authorizing Agreement with the West Side Irrigation District for Sale of Treated Effluent and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Agreement (available at http://www.ci.tracy.ca.us/documents/20150303_Regular_Agenda.pdf) Phase 2 - WSID
by ref
Bureau of Reclamation Finding of No Significant Impact, Warren Act Contracts for Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, Byron-Bethany Irrigation District, and Patterson Irrigation District, January 2015 (available at  http://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/documentShow.cfm?Doc_ID=23782) Phase 2 - BBID
by ref
City of Tracy, Citywide Storm Drainage Master Plan, p. 2.3. (available at http://www.ci.tracy.ca.us/documents/Final_Storm_Drainage_Master_Plan.pdf) Phase 2 - WSID
by ref
City of Tracy Water Supply Assessment (available at http://www.ci.tracy.ca.us/documents/Water_Supply_Assessment.pdf) Phase 2 - WSID
by ref
State Water Resources Control Board Decision 878 Phase 2 - WSID
by ref
State Water Resources Control Board Decision 1241 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-196 Water Services Agreement Between Byron-Bethany Irrigation District and Mountain House CSD (Appendix 12-A to the Mountain House Master Plan) (available at https://www.sjgov.org/commdev/cgi-bin/cdyn.exe/handouts-mtnhouse_mh_apx_12-A?grp=handouts-mtnhouse&obj=mh_apx_12-A)) Phase 2 - BBID
by ref
United States Bureau of Reclamation, Supplemental EA and FONSI for Additional Point of Deliver for BBID Non-CVP Water to Westlands Water District, (available at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/nepa_projdetails.cfm?Project_ID=5198) Phase 2 - BBID
by ref
United States Bureau of Reclamation Press Release dated August 10, 2012, “Reclamation Releases Draft Contract for Exchange of Water With Byron-Bethany Irrigation District forTracy Hills Water Supply Project” (available at http://www.usbr.gov/newsroom/newsrelease/detail.cfm?recordid=40524 Phase 2 - BBID
by ref
United States Bureau of Reclamation Draft Contract for Exchange of Water With Byron-Bethany Irrigation District for Tracy Hills Water Supply Project (available at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/warren_act/ByronBethanyID.pdf) Phase 2 - BBID
by ref
United States Bureau of Reclamation, FONSI, Contra Costa Water Transfer to Byron Bethany Irrigation District, available at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/documentShow.cfm?Doc_ID=19141), p. 1 Phase 2 - BBID
WR-201 CCWD Transfer Refill Accounting spreadsheet (submitted electronically only) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-202 Monthly Report on CCWD-BBID Transfer, August 2015 Phase 2 - BBID
WR-203 CCWD August Transfer Personal Communications (email from Lucinda Shih to Paul Wells dated September 11, 2015) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-204 Division of Water Rights Decision regarding Petitions for Temporary Change, June 22, 2015 Phase 2 - BBID
WR-205 BBID/Reclamation Long-Term CVP Contract 14-06-200-785-LTR1 (submitted electronically only) (available at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/cvpia/3404c/lt_contracts/2005_exec_cts_water_serv/05_watersvc_byron-bethany.pdf) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-206 United States Bureau of Reclamation, New Release dated February 27, 2015, “Reclamation Announces Initial Water Supply Allocation for Central Valley Project (available at http://www.usbr.gov/newsroom/newsrelease/detail.cfm?RecordID=48986) Phase 2 - BBID
WR-207 June 30, 2015, Article titled “Emergency drought project reverses flow in Delta-Mendota Canal” ABC News (available at http://www.abc10.com/story/news/2015/06/30/delta-mendota-canal-reverses-flow/29544075/) Phase 2 - BBID
by ref
State Water Resources Control Board Decision 1638 Phase 2 - WSID
WR-253 Powerpoint presentation: Phase I Case-in-Chief Presentation Phase I


Exhibit Identification
Description Phase
WSID-0001 Map of WSID intake canal facilities Phase 1, Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0002 Map of WSID with canals Phase 1, Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0003 Map of WSID POD and City of Tracy Discharge Phase 1, Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0004 Second Map of WSID with canals Phase 1, Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0005 WSID License 1381 Phase 1, Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0006 Department of Public Works Bulletin No. 21-B dated 1929 All
WSID-0007 October 9, 1933 State of California Department of Public Works letter All
WSID-0008 DWR Water Supervisor’s Report for 1931 All
WSID-0009 July 1985 License 1381 Inspection Report Phase 1, Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0010 DWR Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Atlas All
WSID-0011 August 1924 Report on Drainage prepared by Thomas H. Means Engineering Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0012 2010 Drainage Agreement between the Tracy and WSID Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0013 Tracy November 2012 Citywide Storm Drainage Master Plan Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0014 1937 California Lands deed to WSID Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0015 1947 Costa deed to WSID Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0016 1948 NBID deed to WSID Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0017 September 21, 1998 WSID letter to SWRCB Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0018 September 25, 1998 WSID letter to SWRCB Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0019 Tracy NPDES permit Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0020 Excel spreadsheet submitted by Tracy to SWRCB Phase 1, Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0021 April 2011 City of Tracy Urban Water Management Plan Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0022 May 6, 2014 Tracy Resolution 2014-165 Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0023 The 2014 Agreement between WSID and Tracy Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0024 March 3, 2015 Tracy Resolution 2015-033 Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0025 The 2015 Agreement between WSID and Tracy Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0026 July 7, 2015 termination letter from Tracy to WSID Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0027 Legislative Intent Declaration Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0028 Reclamation districts map, San Joaquin County, 4-22-2015 Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0029 DWR-Delta Overview Phase 1
WSID-0030 SLDMWA-Exchange Contractors Agreement 2015 Phase 1
WSID-0031 USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset Report Phase 1
WSID-0032 DWR FNF Powerpoint Phase 1
WSID-0033 1995 Settlement Agreement in New Don Pedro FERC Proceeding Phase 1
WSID-0034 USBR Settlement Contractors letter 4-21-2015 Phase 1
WSID-0035 NCWA Sacramento Valley District map Phase 1
WSID-0036 Appendix to Drought '77 - Dry Year Program - March 1978 Phase 1
WSID-0037 GCID District map Phase 1
WSID-0038 Bulletin_168 (1978) Phase 1
WSID-0039 Butte WD - drought letter 2015 Phase 1
WSID-0040 DWR Bulletin 132-09 Phase 1
WSID-0041 DWR Feather River Final Settlement Agreement Phase 1
WSID-0042 DWR California Central Valley Unimpaired Flow Data Report (May 2007) Phase 1
WSID-0043 CH2M-hill MBK Sacramento Valley Water Efficiency Report Phase 1
WSID-0044 Sacramento Valley Regional Water Management Plan Annual Update 2010-11 Phase 1
WSID-0045 SRSC SVRWMP Update Submittal Letter - January 7 2013 Phase 1
WSID-0046 USBR Environmental Assessment for SRSC water use extension Phase 1
WSID-0047 Madera ID_SBx7-7_2013-12-18 Phase 1
WSID-0048 Turlock ID Final AWMP 12-11-2012 Phase 1
WSID-0049 Merced ID Ag Water Management Plan Final Phase 1
WSID-0050 Grasslands Bypass Project Monthly Report Master 2015 Jan-Jun final Phase 1
WSID-0051 Oakdale ID 2012 AWMP Phase 1
WSID-0052 S. San Joaquin ID Final 2012 AWMP 2012 Phase 1
WSID-0053 USBR-Water Management Planner 2014 Phase 1
WSID-0054 MID map Phase 1
WSID-0055a Cover sheet for Exhibit WSID0055
WSID-0055 20150610_sacsjcombined.xlsx Phase 1
WSID-0056 SSJID AWMP 2015 Phase 1
WSID-0057 1969 Joint Board - DWR Agreement Phase 1
WSID-0058 DWR Unimpaired Inflow Report Phase 1
WSID-0059 Kathy Bare deposition transcript Phase 2
WSID-0060 Written Testimony of Rick Martinez Phase 1, Phase 2 - WSID
WSID-0061 A011900 2013 Report of Licensee Phase 1
WSID-0062 A011900 2014 Report of Licensee Phase 1
WSID-0063 A011900 license Phase 1
WSID-0064 S014982 2013 Supplemental Statement Of Water Diversion And Use Phase 1
WSID-0065 S014982 2014 Supplemental Statement Of Water Diversion And Use Phase 1
WSID-0066 S014982 Phase 1
WSID-0067 S014983 2013 Supplemental Statement Of Water Diversion And Use Phase 1
WSID-0068 S014983 2014 Supplemental Statement Of Water Diversion And Use Phase 1
WSID-0069 S014983 Phase 1
WSID-0070 SWRCB GIS map Phase 1
WSID-0071 City of Stockton MUD MOMR June 2015 Phase 1
WSID-0072 City of Stockton MUD MOMR June 2013  Phase 1
WSID-0073 City of Stockton MUD MOMR June 2014 Phase 1
WSID-0074 City of Turlock ww0088 maps Phase 1
WSID-0075 City of Turlock ww0088 petition Phase 1
WSID-0076 Drought 77 - 1-24-14 Phase 1
WSID-0077 Final Wastewater Master Plan February 2012 Phase 1
WSID-0078 Maxwell A011957 SWRCB GIS map Phase 1
WSID-0079a Cover sheet for Exhibit WSID0079 Phase 1
WSID-0079 2015 IO Actual Demands.xlsx Phase 1
WSID-0080 Maxwell Irrigation 2013 REPORT OF LICENSEE Phase 1
WSID-0081 Maxwell Irrigation District l004644 a011957 Phase 1
WSID-0082 Meridian 2013 report of licensee Phase 1
WSID-0083 Meridian 2014 report of licensee Phase 1
WSID-0084 Meridian A009737 SWRCB GIS map Phase 1
WSID-0085a Cover sheet for Exhibit WSID0085
WSID-0085 WY 2014-2015 CDEC Supply Tables.xlsx
WSID-0086 Meridian l007160 a009737 Phase 1
WSID-0087 MID Return Flows to Rivers, 2000-2015 Phase 1
WSID0088 MID 2015 AWMP Final Phase 1
WSID0089 WDR for Mountain House r5-2013-0004 Phase 1
WSID-0090 Order no. R5-2009-0010 Phase 1
WSID-0091 S007368 2013 supplemental statement of water diversion and use Phase 1
WSID-0092 S007368 Phase 1
WSID-0093 SWRCB UW supplier data 120115 Phase 1
WSID-0094 Wastewater Utility Master Plan 2012 Phase 1
WSID-0095 Woodland Final 2010 Phase 1
WSID-0096 DWR June 1969 Memorandum Report_The Delta & the SWP All
WSID-0097 Water Right Decision 100 All
WSID-0098 Water Right Decision 1379 All
WSID-0099 Written Testimony of Karna Harrigfeld All
WSID-0100 NDWA Contract All
WSID-0101 Map of FNF Stations and Legal Delta Boundary (Bonsignore Figure 2A) All
WSID-0102 Map of FNF and UF Watersheds (Bonsignore Figure 2J) All
WSID-0103 Map of Sacramento San Joaquin Watershed and Legal Delta Boundary All
WSID-0104 Map of Locations of Water Rights Used in Demand Analysis Sacramento Watershed (Deposition Exhibit 9) Phase 1
WSID-0105 Map of Locations of Water Rights Used in Demand Analysis San Joaquin Watershed (Deposition Exhibit 80) Phase 1
WSID-0106 2015 San Joaquin River Basin Supply/Demand Chart dated April 21, 2015 (Deposition Exhibit 43) Phase 1
WSID-0107 2015 Sacramento River Basin Supply/Demand Chart dated 4/29/2015 (Deposition Exhibit 10) Phase 1
WSID-0108 2015 Sacramento River Basin Supply/Demand Chart dated May 1, 2015 (Deposition Exhibit 30) Phase 1
WSID-0109 Demand Summary from May 1, 2015 Excel spreadsheet (Deposition Exhibit 31) Phase 1
WSID-0110 2015 Combined Sacramento San Joaquin River Senior Supply/Demand Chart dated June 10, 2015 (Deposition Exhibit 85) Phase 1
WSID-0111 2015 Sacramento River Basin Senior Supply/Demand Analysis with Proportional Delta Demand Chart from June 10, 2015 file (Deposition Exhibit 28) Phase 1
WSID-0112 Senior Demand Summary from June 10, 2015 Excel spreadsheet (Deposition Exhibit 29) Phase 1
WSID-0113 May 21, 2015 SWRCB staff emails (Deposition Exhibit 48) Phase 1
WSID-0114 May 22-26, 2015 SWRCB staff emails (Deposition Exhibit 49) Phase 1
WSID-0115 June 2, 2015 Email Mrowka to Kostyrko (Deposition Exhibit 51) Phase 1
WSID-0116 June 12, 2015 SWRCB staff Emails (Deposition Exhibit 70) Phase 1
WSID-0117 June 21, 2015 Email from Kostyrko to Evoy (Deposition Exhibit 50) Phase 1
WSID-0118 Department of Public Works Water Supervisors Report for Year 1931 (Deposition Exhibit 86) Phase 1
WSID-0119a Cover sheet for Exhibit WSID0119 Phase 1
WSID-0119 Sacramento Basin Charts with WRUDS 2015-05-01.xlsx Phase 1
WSID-0120a Cover sheet for Exhibit WSID0120 Phase 1
WSID-0120 20150610_sacprorated.xlsx Phase 1
WSID-0121 Written Testimony of Nicholas F. Bonsignore, P.E. All
WSID-0122 Expert Report of Nicholas F. Bonsignore, P.E. All
WSID-0123 Written Testimony of Thomas Burke, P.E. All
WSID-0124 Expert Report of Thomas Burke, P.E. All
WSID-0125 Technical Memorandum of Thomas Burke, P.E. re WSID Diversions WSID2
WSID-0126-0149 Intentionally omitted
WSID-0150 Deposition of Brian Coats All
WSID-0151 Deposition of Jeffrey Yeazel All
WSID-0152 Deposition of Katherine Mrowka All
WSID-0152r Katherine Mrowka Depo Excerpts All
WSID-0153 Deposition of John O’Hagan vol. 1 All
WSID-0154 Deposition of John O’Hagan vol. 2 All
WSID-0155 Deposition of Thomas Howard vol. 1 All
WSID-0156 Deposition of Thomas Howard vol. 2 All
WSID-0157 Deposition of Michael George All
Written Testimony of Jack Alvarez All
WSID-0159 Attachment to July 10, 2015 email from Felicia Marcus to Molly Strauss All
WSID-0160 Attachment to June 11, 2015 email from Tom Howard to Nancy Aquino Phase 1
WSID-181 Runoff data for WY 2015: DWR 2015 Monthly Unimpaired Flow Reports May to Sept Phase 1
WSID-182 Summary of 2015 CDEC Monthly Unimpaired Flow Data (May-September Phase 1
WSID-183 May 12, 2015 email and 1956 DWR Delta Lowlands Report Phase 1
WSID-184 Photo of Spaletta's BIG Post-it: 2015 June Combined Supply Phase 1


Exhibit Identification
Description Phase
BBID-201 Written Testimony of Rick Gilmore Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-202 Notice Of Appropriation of Water May, 1914 Phase 1
BBID-203 Map of BBID Current Boundaries Phase 1
BBID-204 Map-Pre-1945 CA Bethany 1911 Phase 1
BBID-205 Logan Photo-Feb 17th Phase 1
BBID-206 Agreement Number 353311-Byron-Bethany Irrigation District and the State of California Department of Water Resources, 1964 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-207 Agreement-Byron-Bethany Irrigation District and the State of California Department of Water Resources, 1993 Phase 1
BBID-208 Agreement-Byron-Bethany Irrigation District and the State of California Department of Water Resources, 2003 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-209 Department of Water Resources Bulletin #76, 1978 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-210 Water Update Special Board Meeting Presentation, July 1, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-211 Map of BBID Facilities Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-212 Newspaper Article Mountain House Water Source Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-213 Email from B. Elroy, to K. Mrowka dated June 16, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-214 Picture of BBID Pump Stations Phase 1
BBID-215 Picture of BBID Pump Station No. 1 North Phase 1
BBID-216 Picture of BBID Pump Station, No. 1 South Phase 1
BBID-217 Letter from Michelle Morrow to Barbara Evoy, SWRCB dated September 23,2014 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-218 Letter and Complaint to Katherine Mrowka, Enforcement Program Manager, SWCB from SWC, Letter dated June 16, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-219 SWRCB Letter to BBID, dated June 12, 2015 in reference to Notice of Unavailability of Water and Need for Immediatnt Curtilailment for those Diverting Water in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Watersheds and Delta with a Pre-1914 Appropritative Claim Commencing During After 1903 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-220 Email from Laura Moon to D. Kellydated May 6, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-221 Email from D. Kelly to to Jerry Johns dated May 20, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-222 Email from Dan Kelley to Jerry Johns dated May 20, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-223 Email from D. Kelly to Jerry Johns dated May 20, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-224 Email from D. Kelly to Jerry Johns dated May 22, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-225 Letter to California Dept. of Water Resources, dated May 23, 2015, from Rick Gilmore Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-226 Email from K. Geyer to Laura Moon dated May 29, 2015 with Attachment Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-227 Email to Rick Gimore with letter from Maggie Hunnicutt, Dated June 4, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-228 CBS News Article Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-229 Contract Between State of California Department of Water Resources and North Delta Water Agency Phase 1
BBID-230 Letter to Robert Cooke, SWRCB from Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District dated June 10, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-231 Letter to Rick Gilmore, from Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District dated June 15, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-232 Email to and from D. Kelly to Cathy Crothers dated June 10, 2015 through June 17, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-233 Letter to Rick Gilmore from Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District dated June 17, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-234 Letter to G.F Duerig, Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservations dated August 13, 2015 from Rick Gilmore Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-235 Amendment No. 2 dated May 12, 2015 Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-236 Petition for Temporary Change dated June 22, 2015 Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-237 BBID/Carmichael Transfer Agreement Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-238 BBID Sample Groundwater Agreement Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-239 Emails dated June 8, 2015 to and from BBID to T. Howard in reference to San Joaquin River Voluntary Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-240 Email to A. Ferguson from Montgomery Amanda dated June 3, 2015 in reference to Water Code Section 1485 Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-241 BBID Sac Reg County San Dist. Prop. Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-242 Direct Testimony of Edwin Ross Pattison Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-243 Water Services Agreement Between BBID and MHCSD Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-244 Letter From Rick Gilmore to Edwin Pattison in reference to Notice of no water available for diversion under BBID's pre-1914 appropriate water right (Notice). Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-245 Email from J. Ohagan to K. Geyer in reference to BBID and Mountain House Follow UP dated June 19, 2015 Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-246 Water Transfer Agreement between MHCSD and SSJID Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-247 SWRCB Compliance Order No. 01-10-15R-005
BBID-248 Resume of Greg Young Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-249 Screen shot of Folder structure Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-250 Screen shot of spreadsheet tabs Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-251 Senior Chart from June 10, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-252 Map-Sacramento-San Joaquin-Delta Watershed and Legal Delta Boundary Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-253 Screen shot of SWRCB tributary analysis Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-254 Screen shot of Folder-subfolder structure Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-255 SJEC Data Analysis Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-256 SLDMWA Invoice tracking SJEC deliveries Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-257 USBR Friant Operations Spreadsheet Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-258 WCWD-JWDB Data and Analysis Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-259 Email dated April 24, 2015 from MBK to SWRCB Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-260 SRSC Data and Analysis Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-261 Letter dated April 21, 2015 from United States Department of Interior to Sacramento River Settlement Contractor with SRSC accounting Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-262 Remaining Top 40 Senior Demand Reduction Analysis Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-263 Mandeville Island Water Right Statements and Data for Duplicate Reporting Analysis-Senior Demand Analysis Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-264 Mandeville-Initial Statements Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-265 Mandeville-Crop Listing By Statement Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-266 Information Order Reporting Spreadsheets for six Mandeville Statements Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-267 Original Reporting Spreadsheet for Solari Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-268 Revised Reporting Spreadsheet for Solari Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-269 Screen shot of SJ County Spreadsheet tool links Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-270 Duplicate Delta Counting Analysis Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-271 SWRCB News Release for Delta Cutback Program Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-272 Table 2-4 and Table 2-5 of the Bonsignore Report Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-273 Comparison of Senior Demand and FNF Original June 9, 2015 Senior Chart v. Revised Senior Chart Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-274 Analysis of Post 1914 Rights to April 1916 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-275 North Delta Water Agency Fact Sheet Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-276 County of Sacramento Reporters Transcript of Proceedings, July 8, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-277 Letter dated July 20, 2015 to BBID from John O'Hagan Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-278 ECCID Contract Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-279 Letter dated July 15, 2015 to BBID from SWRCB Board, Thomas Howard Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-280 F. Spivy-Weber CC:  J. O’Hagan, Apr. 1, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-281 Email from J. O’Hagan to D. D’Adamo CCing K. Mrowka dated April 2, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-282 Email from K. Mrowka to D. D’Adamo and J. O’Hagan dated May 19, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-283 Email to K. Mrowka to F. Marcus dated June 17, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-284 Email from C. Trgovcich to D. D’Adamo, CC: J. O’Hagan dated June 25, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-285 EMail from C. Trgovcich dated July 17, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-286 Email from F. Marcus to B. Envoy CC: J. O’Hagan, Sept. 17, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-287 K. Mrowka to Brian Coats, August 12, 2015 in reference to Change in Riparian demand for Sac Basin Supply/Demand Charts Phase 1
BBID-288 B. Envoy to T. Howard dated April 21, 2015 in reference to Updated San Joaquin Graph Phase 1
BBID-289 B. Envoy to T. Howard dated April 21 in reference to SJ Question Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-290 J. O'Hagan to T. Howard dated May 1, 2015m in reference to Water Right Curtailment Calculations Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-291 C. Peach to J. O'Hagan, dated June 17, 2015 in reference to Drought Lyris List Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-292 J. Matthews to P. Wells, dated June 24, 2015 in reference to Recipients of Lyris Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-293 SWRCB 2015 Summary of Water Shortage Notices Phase 1
BBID-294 Deposition of Harvey Banks dated September 23,1986 and continued . To November 3, 1986 Phase 1
BBID-295 IO 2014 TID Reporting Change Screen Shot Phase 1
BBID-296 SWRCB Organizational Chart, 2016, Signed by Barbara Evoy Phase 1
BBID-297 SWRCB Organizational Chart 2016, Signed Tom Howard Phase 1
BBID-298 SWRCB Resolution NO. 2012-0029 Phase 1
BBID-299 Declaration of John O' Hagan in Opposition to Petitioner/Plaintiff's Application for Stay and/or in the Alternative Temporary Restraining Order and/or Preliminary Injunction Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-300 Memorandum to All Water Rights Staff from Barbara Evoy, Deputy Director, Division of Water Rights dated July 6, 2012 in reference to Redelegation of Authorities Pursuant to Resolution NO. 2012-0029 Phase 1
BBID-0301 Order After Hearing in Ex Parte Application for Temporary Stay Re: Enforcement Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-302 Notice of Public Hearing and Pre-Hearing Conference, September 25, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-303 Memorandum of Points and Authorities of Respondents SWRCB Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-304 SWRCB Resolution NO. 2012-0048 Phase 1
BBID-305 Video of January 6, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-306 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing January 6, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-307 Video of January 20, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-308 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing January 20,2015 Phase 1
BBID-309 Video of February 3, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-310 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing February 3, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-311 Video of February 17, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-312 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing February 17, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-313 Video of March 17, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-314 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing March 17, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-315 Video of April 21, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-316 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing April 21,2015 Phase 1
BBID-317 Video of May 5, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-318 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing May 5, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-319 Video of May 19, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-320 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing May 19, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-321 Video of May 20, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-322 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing May 20, 2015, File I Phase 1
BBID-323 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing May 20, 2015, File II Phase 1
BBID-324 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing May 20, 2015, File III Phase 1
BBID-325 Video of June 2, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-326 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing June 2, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-327 Video of June 16, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-328 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing June 16, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-329 Video of July 7, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-330 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing July 7, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-331 Video of July 21, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-332 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing July 21, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-333 Video of August 4, 2015 SWRCB Board Meeting Phase 1
BBID-334 Transcript of SWRCB Board Meeting/Hearing August 4, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-335 Reclamation San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority 2015 Delta-Mendoat Canal Expanded Reverse Flow Project Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-336 Satement of William T. O'Leary Phase 1
BBID-337 SWRCB Letter dated January 17, 2014 in reference to Notice of Surface Water Shortage and Potential For Curtailment of Water Rights Diversions Phase 1
BBID-338 SWRCB Letter dated May 27, 2014 in reference to Notice of Unavailability of Water and Immediate Curtailment for Those Diverting Water in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Eatersheds with a Post -1914 Appropriative Right Phase 1
BBID-339 SWRCB Letter dated May 27, 2014 in reference to Notice of Unavailability of Water and Immediate Curtailmen for Those Diverting Water from the Russian River Watershd Upstream of the Russian River's confluence with Dry Creek,and with a Post-1914 Appropriate Right HAving A Priority Date of February 19, 1954 or Later Phase 1
BBID-340 SWRCB Letter dated April 23, 2015 Notice of Unavailbility of Water and Need for Immediate Curtailment for those Diverting Water Under a Junior Priority Class Right in the Scott River Watershed Subject to Decree No. 30662 Phase 1
BBID-341 SWRCB Letter dated April 23, 2015 in reference to Notice of Unavailability of Water and Immediate Curtailmen for thise Diverting Water oin trhe San Joaquin River Watershed with a post-1914 Appropritave Right Phase 1
BBID-342 SWRCB Letter dated April 30, 2015 to Term 91 Right Owner's Name in reference to Notice of Immediate Curtailment Term 91 Water Right Permit/License Phase 1
BBID-343 SWRCB Letter dated May 1, 2015 in reference to Notice of Unavailability of Water and immediate Curtailment for those Diverting Water in the Sacramento River Watershd with a Post-1914 Appropriative Right Phase 1
BBID-344 SWRCB Letter dated June 12, 2015 to BBID in reference to Notice of Unavailability fo Water and Need for Immediate Curtialment for those Diverting Water in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Watersheds and Delta with a pre-1914 Apprpriative Claim Commencing During or AFter 1903 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-345 SWRCB Letter dated July 15, 2015 to BBID in reference to Partial Rescession of April, May and June 2015 Curtailment Notices and Clarificatin of State Water Board Position Re: Notices of Unavailability of Water for those Diverting Water in the Sacramento River Watershed, San Joaquin River Watershed and Delta, and Scott River Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-346 Email from D. Riddle to L. Grober, CCing J. O’Hagan dated March 14, 2014 Phase 1
BBID-347 Email from J. Kassel to O’Hagan et al., CCing L. Grober dated March 14, 2014 Phase 1
BBID-348 Email from J. Yeazell to J. O’Hagan and L. Grober dated July 1, 2014 Phase 1
BBID-349 Email from J. O’Hagan to L. Grober dated August 8, 2014 Phase 1
BBID-350 Email from B. Coats to L. Grober dated September 25, 2014 Phase 1
BBID-351 Email from L. Grober to J. O'Hagan  dated September 29, 2014 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-352 Email from L. Grober to B. Envoy CCing D. Riddle and J. O’Hagan dated October 1, 2014 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-353 Email from J. O'Hagan to W. Croyle CCing L. Grober dated October 24, 2014 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-354 Email from L. Grober to T. Howard CCing J. O’Hagan, dated October 30, 2014 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-355 Email from J. O'Hagan to K. Mrowka CCing K. Mrowka dated October 31, 2014 Phase 1
BBID-356 Email from T. Howard to J. O'Hagan CCing K. Mrowka dated November 12, 2014 Phase 1
BBID-357 Email from R. Satkowski to J. O’Hagan, L. Grober, K. Mrowka, and D. Riddle, November 19, 2014 Phase 1
BBID-358 Email from J. O’Hagan to L. Grober and D. Riddle, CCing K. Mrowka,dated January 16, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-359 Email from S. Ligare to L. Grober Ccing K.Mrowka dated February 17, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-360 Email from J. Yeazell to L. Grober, CCing J. O’Hagan, K. Mrowka, and D. Riddle, February 17, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-361 Email from L. Grober Ccing K. Mrowka dated February 17, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-362 Email from K. Mrowka to L. Grober, O’Hagan and D. Riddle dated April 13, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-363 Email from B. Envoy to K. Mrwoka dated April 16, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-364 Email from B. Evoy to J. O’Hagan, K. Mrowka, and L. Grober dated April 20, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-365 Email from O’Hagan to L. Grober CCing K. Mrowka, dated April 21, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-366 Email from T. Howard to L. Grober, CCing J. O’Hagan dated April 21, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-367 Email from K. Mrowka to L. Grober CCing J. O’Hagan,dated May 18, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-368 Email from B. Evoy to L. Grober CCing J. O’Hagan dated May 21, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-369 Email from L. Grober to J. O’Hagan dated May 27, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-370 Email from B. Evoy to J. O’Hagan, K. Mrowka, and L. Grober, dated June 10, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-371 Email from B. Evoy to L. Grober and J. O’Hagan dated June 12, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-372 Email from B. Evoy to J. O’Hagan and L. Grober June 30, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-373 Email from K. Mrowka to J O’Hagan, L. Grober, and D. Riddle dated July 1, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-374 Email from K. Mrowka to L. Grober dated July 9, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-375 Email from B. Evoy to J. O’Hagan, D. Riddle, and L. Grober dated  July 20, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-376 Email from B. Evoy to L. Grober, D. Riddle, John O'Hagan, and K. Mrowka dated, July 27, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-377 Email from J. O'Hagan to L. Grober and K.CCing D. Riddle dated September 15, 2015 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-378 Email from C. Trgovcich to J. O’Hagan and K. Mrowka CCing L. Grober dated September 17, 2015 Phase 1
BBID-379 Order Partially Granting Petitioners Ex Parte Application for Temporary Restarining Order and Issuing an Order To Show Cause Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-380 SWRCB Letter Dated July 24, 2015 to D. Kelly and L. Bernadett, Somach Simmons & Dunn Phase 1
BBID-381 Bill from SWRCB dated May 22, 1987 Phase 1
BBID-382 Senate Rules Committee, Office of Senate Floor Analysis Phase 1
BBID-383 California Enviormental Protection Agency, Enrolled Bill Report Phase 1
BBID-384 Susan Paulsen's Report and Appendix Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
Susan Paulsen's Report and Appendix
Errata: Expert Report of Susan C. Paulsen (BBID 384)
Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID


Animations Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-384_References_1 References Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-384_References_2 References Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-384_References_3 References Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-384_References_4 References Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-385 Revised Senior Chart with Post 1914 Rights to April 1916 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-386 Excel Spreadsheet-WRUSD 05-28-15 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-387 Excel Spreadsheet-WRUSD-6-15-15 Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-388 Written Testimony of Susan C. Paulsen Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-389 Summary of Modifications to WRUSD's Data (summation is used for generating revised Senior Chart) Phase 1
BBID-390 Opinion and Order of the Division of Water Rights, Decided-April 17, 1926 Phase 1
BBID-391 Delta Water Rights Decision, 1379 SWRCB Phase 1
BBID-392 Greg Young Testimony Phase 1, Phase 2 - BBID
BBID-400 Mrowka Depo-Exhibit #47 Phase 1
BBID-401 Mrowka Depo-Exhibit #59 Phase 1
BBID-402 Mrowka Depo-Exhibit #63 Phase 1
BBID-403 Coats Depo-Exhibit #10 Phase 1
BBID-404 Howard Depo-Exhbit #65 Phase 1
BBID-405 1950 Demand Graph (WR-75jgy) Phase 1


Exhibit Identification
Description Phase
Morat-1 Qualification statement Phase 2 - BBID
Morat-2 Written expert testimony Phase 2 - BBID

Prosecution Team (Rebuttal)

Exhibit Identification
Description Phase
WR-209 Rebuttal Testimony of Katherine Mrowka All
WR-210 (cor)
Rebuttal Testimony of Brian Coats


WR-211 Rebuttal Testimony of Jeffrey Yeazell I
WR-212 Supplemental Statement of Qualifications of Jeffrey Yeazell I
WR-213 Rebuttal Testimony of Leslie Grober I
WR-214 Statement of Qualifications of Leslie Grober I
WR-215 Rebuttal Testimony of Paul Wells I
Rebuttal Testimony of Kathryn Bare WSID II
WR-217 Rick Martinez Drain Pumping Records WSID II

Byron-Bethany Irrigation District Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended December 31, 2014 (available at http://bbid.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2014-Financials_Audit-Report.pdf)

WR-219 2015 San Joaquin River Basin Senior Supply/Demand Analysis with Proportional Delta Demand chart dated June 10, 2015 [from spreadsheet submitted as WR-252] I
WR-220 Leslie Grober Declaration from TRO Proceedings I
WR-221 Thomas Burke Declaration from TRO Proceedings I

By Ref

Order for Temporary Urgency Change Petition dated February 3, 2015 found at: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/water_issues/programs/drought/docs/tucp/2015/tucp_order020315.pdf


By Ref

Re-Revised Order for Temporary Urgency Change Petition dated April 6, 2015 found at: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/water_issues/programs/drought/docs/tucp/2015/tucp_order040615.pdf All

By Ref

Central Valley Project (CVP) Water Contractors, available at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/PA/water_contractors/latest_Water_Contractors.pdf

WR-225 Central Valley Project (CVP) Water Contractors, available at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/PA/water_contractors/latest_Water_Contractors.pdf I
WR-226 West Yost Quantification of Diversion and Use dated November 9, 2011. [Selected pages printed; full copy submitted electronically] WSID II
WR-227 August 19, 2010 ltr to K. Harrigfeld re WSID License 1381 Application WSID II
By Ref
Water Board Decision D1629 re: application 20245 and petition for partial assignment of SFA 25516 of Contra Costa Water District found at: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/waterrights/board_decisions/adopted_orders/decisions/d1600_d1649/wrd1629.pdf All
By Ref

Water Board decision D1638 re: application 29408 and wastewaters petition WW-6 of City of Thousand Oaks found at: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/waterrights/board_decisions/adopted_orders/decisions/d1600_d1649/wrd1638.pdf

By Ref
Water Board decision D1638 re: application 29408 and wastewaters petition WW-6 of City of Thousand Oaks found at: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/waterrights/board_decisions/adopted_orders/decisions/d1600_d1649/wrd1638.pdf All
By Ref

Water Board Decision D1641 - revised re: implementation of water quality objectives for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; petition to change the POD for the Central Valley Project and State Water Project in the southern delta; petition for change in place of use and purpose of use of the Central Valley project found at: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/waterrights/board_decisions/adopted_orders/decisions/d1600_d1649/wrd1641_1999dec29.pdf

By Ref
Board Decision D1643 re: applications of Delta Wetlands Properties found at: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/waterrights/board_decisions/adopted_orders/decisions/d1600_d1649/wrd1643.pdf All
By Ref
Board Decision D1650 re: Conditionally Approving Water Right Applications 30358A and 30358B found at: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/waterrights/board_decisions/adopted_orders/decisions/d1650_d1699/wrd1650.pdf All
WR-234 Bethany Drain Discharges versus WSID Pumping WSID II
WR-235 State of California, Department of Public Works, Bulletin No. 6 All
WR-236 State Water Board Water Rights Order 89-08, available at https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/board_decisions/adopted_orders/orders/1989/wro89-08.pdf All
WR-237 Greg Young spreadsheet (Senior Chart reproduction workbook.xlsx) provided by Dan Kelly on February 18, 2016 [submitted electronically only] I
WR-238 Revised Greg Young spreadsheet including Daily FNF data through September 2015 [wr238.xlsx] [submitted electronically only] I
WR-239 WR-239 – R-Script Data Files [wr239.zip] [submitted electronically only] I
WR-240 May 18, 1977, letter from Division of Water Rights to Diverters of Water from Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Channels – Notice of Shortage of Fresh Water


WR-241 Report of Licensee for 1975, 1976, 1977, WSID License 1381 I WSID II
WR-242 Delta Hydrology Report for May 31, 2015, through June 29, 2015 I WSID II
WR-243 Tides at Martinez, California, June 1 through June 5, 2015 (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/jspplot/jspPlotServlet.jsp?sensor_no=1811&end=06%2F05%2F2015+23%3A59&geom=huge&interval=4&cookies=cdec01) I
WR-244 CDEC Combined Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin Valley unimpaired flow record (available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/iodir/WSIHIST) I
WR-245 Suisun Bay and Delta Bathymetry, USGS (available at http://sfbay.wr.usgs.gov/sediment/delta/index.html) I
WR-246 CDEC Data for Delta outflow, SWP and CVP exports, and EC at Martinez, available at http://cdec.water.ca.gov/misc/dailyStations.html I
WR-247 DAYFLOW Delta channel depletions, available at http://www.water.ca.gov/dayflow/documentation/table3.cfm I
WR-248 Email from Mark Bettencourt to Les Grober, dated December 16, 2015 I
WR-249 Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District Water Management and Conservation Policy available at http://www.gcid.net/documents/Policies/Water%20Management%20and%20Conservation%20Policy%20Revised%20February%205%202015.pdf I
WR-250 Princeton-Cordora-Glenn Irrigation District Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use for 2014 I
WR-251 San Joaquin River above Merced River (Newman) flow data from May 3, 2015, through 9/30/3015 (from CDEC) I
WR-252 2015 San Joaquin Basin PRE-14 Supply-Demand Analysis spreadsheet, June 10, 2015 (PRA doc ‘San Joaquin Basin PRE-14 Supply-Demand Analysis.xlsx’ [submitted electronically only] I

Byron-Bethany Irrigation District (Rebuttal)

Exhibit Identification
Description Phase
BBID-393 CWD's invoice to BBID Phase 2
BBID-394 Rebuttal Testimony of Rick Gilmore Phase 2
BBID-395 Rebuttal testimony of Greg Young Phase 2

State Water Contractors (Rebuttal)

Exhibit Identification
Description Phase
SWC-1 Written rebuttal testimony of Paul Hutton 1
SWC-2 C.V. of Paul Hutton 1
SWC-3 Comparison of Delta Outflow and Salinity 1
SWC-4 DWR, Bulletin No. 27 1
SWC-5 CH2M Technical Report 1
SWC-6 August 8, 2015 Salinity Maps 1
SWC-7 July 23, 2014 Letter to SWRCB 1

The West Side Irrigation District (Rebuttal)

Exhibit Identification
Description Phase
WSID-161 Photograph of WSID Temporary Weir at Bethany Drain Phase 2
WSID-162 Photograph of WSID Permanent Weir at Bethany Drain Phase 2
WSID-163 Table For Calculating Flow Based upon Rectangular Weir Phase 2
WSID-164 Rick Martinez 2014 and 2015 Calendars Phase 2
WSID-165 Comparison Table of Flows to Deliveries (prepared from information contained in WSID0164 and WR-135) Phase 2
WSID-166 Pump Plant Motor Ratings Phase 2
WSID-167 Table For Calculating Flow Based upon Head Pressure Measurement Phase 2
WSID-168 1998 Drainage Agreement between The West Side Irrigation District and Byron Bethany Irrigation District Phase 2
WSID-169 September 4, 2007 Email from Rick L. Gilmore to Barbara Kleinert-WSID. Phase 2
WSID-170 Annotated Mrowka Testimony All
WSID-171 Annotated Coats Testimony All
WSID-172 Annotated Yeazell Testimony All
WSID-173 Annotated Bare Testimony Phase 2
WSID-174 Rebuttal Testimony of Rick Martinez Phase 2
WSID-175 Rebuttal Testimony of Nick Bonsignore Phase 2
WSID-176 Annotated Weir Cross Section Phase 2
WSID-177 Rebuttal Testimony of Susan Paulsen Phase 2
WSID-178 Rebuttal Testimony of Nick Bonsignore Phase 1

California Department of Water Resources (Rebuttal)

Exhibit Identification
Description Phase
DWR-1 Statement of Qualifications of Paul Marshall All
DWR-2 Statement of Qualifications of Maureen Sergent All
DWR-3 Testimony of Paul Marshall All
DWR-4 Testimony of Maureen Sergent All
DWR-5 Memorandum from Bob Suits to Paul Hutton, 5/29/01 All
DWR-6 Memorandum from Kamyar Guivetchi to Peter Lee, et al., 6/24/86 All
DWR-7 Glenn J. Hoffman, Salt Tolerance of Crops in the Southern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Final Report to SWRCB, 1/5/10 All
DWR-8 Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor’s Report for Year 1930 All
DWR-9 Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor’s Report for Year 1931 All
DWR-10 Agreement between California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and Byron-Bethany Irrigation District (BBID) for an Exchange of Water, 9/17/93


DWR-11 Letter from DWR and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights, 7/23/14 1
DWR-12 Letter from BBID to DWR, 9/10/14 1
DWR-13 DWR and Reclamation, DRAFT Technical Information for Preparing Water Transfer Proposals, November 2014 1
DWR-14 DWR and Reclamation, Addendum to DRAFT Technical Information for Preparing Water Transfer Proposals, November 2014 1