Hearings Program

Carmel River / Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project
Petition for Change Hearing


Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Exhibit No.
MPWMD-1 Resolution No. 2006-04, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Certifying the Final EIR/EA and Adopting the Mitigation Monitoring Plan, and Approving the MPWMD Phase 1 Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project; adopted August 21, 2006.
MPWMD-2 Testimony of Henrietta Stern
MPWMD-2 (HS-1) Resume of Henrietta Stern, MPWMD Project Manager
MPWMD-2 (HS-2) Notice of Preparation of an EIR issued December 13, 2004.
MPWMD-2 (HS-3) Notice of Completion of Draft EIR for ASR Project, March 23, 2006.
MPWMD-2 (HS-4)
Notice of Availability of Draft EIR for ASR Project, March 23, 2006.
MPWMD-2 (HS-5) Notice of Determination of approval of the MWPMD ASR Project based on Certified EIR, transmitted August 23, 2006
MPWMD-2 (HS-6) Excerpt from Final EIR for ASR Project (pages 2-15 thru 2-22) with text changes to Chapters 5 & 8
MPWMD-2 (HS-7) Comment letter from California Department of Fish & Game on Draft EIR and MPWMD responses to comments in Final EIR on ASR Project
MPWMD-2 (HS-8) Comment letter from National Marine Fisheries Service on Draft EIR and MPWMD responses to comments in Final EIR on ASR Project
MPWMD-2 (HS-9) Comment letter from Carmel River Steelhead Association on Draft EIR and MPWMD responses to comments in Final EIR on ASR Project
MPWMD-2 (HS-10) U.S. Army Right-of-Entry letter dated September 19, 2007
MPWMD-2 (HS-11) City of Seaside Conditional Use Permit #UP-06-18
MPWMD-2 (HS-12) RWQCB letter dated July 11, 2007 for General Waiver
MPWMD-2 (HS-13) July 2007 Quarterly Update on Water Supply Project Efforts
MPWMD-3 Testimony of Joe Oliver
MPWMD-3 (JO-1) Resume of Joe Oliver, MPWMD Senior Hydrologist
MPWMD-3 (JO-2) Map of the Monterey Peninsula Water Resources System (MPWRS)
MPWMD-3 (JO-3) Map showing location of Santa Margarita Test Injection Well No. 1 (SMRIW #1) and Paso Robles Test Injection Well (PRTIW)
MPWMD-3 (JO-4) Table showing injection diversions for both SMTIW No. 1 and PRTIW
MPWMD-3 (JO-5) List of Permits
MPWMD-3 (JO-6) MPWMD Seaside Basin ASR program expenditures through FY 2006
MPWMD-3 (JO-7) Associated Facilities New ASR Well
MPWMD-3 (JO-8) Location of the Seaside Groundwater Basin
MPWMD-3 (JO-9) Contours of Groundwater Elevation in the Paso Robles/400-Foot Aquifers
MPWMD-3 (JO-10) Contours of Groundwater Elevation in the Santa Margarita/Deep Aquifers
MPWMD-3 (JO-11) Simulated End-of-Year Usage Storage in Coastal Area of Seaside Groundwater Basin
MPWMD-3 (JO-12) Interim Approval for Santa Margarita Well
MPWMD-3 (JO-13) Water Level Elevation
MPWMD-3 (JO-14) Background on Seaside Basin Monitoring and Management Program
MPWMD-3 (JO-15) Phase 1 Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project
MPWMD-4 Testimony of Larry M. Hampson
MPWMD-4 (LH-1) Resume of Larry Hampson, MPWMD Water Resources Engineer
MPWMD-4 (LH-2) MPWMD Restoration Project Summary Table
MPWMD-4 (LH-3) Carmel River Lagoon Management Plan (Endangered Species Habitat Criteria) List
MPWMD-4 (LH-4) Carmel River Lagoon  Stage – Volume Graph
MPWMD-5 Testimony of Kevan Urquhart
MPWMD-5 (KU-1) Resume of Kevan Urquhart, MPWMD Senior Fisheries Biologist
MPWMD-5 (KU-2) National Marine Fisheries Service.  2002.  Instream Flow Needs for Steelhead in the Carmel River: Bypass flow recommendations for water supply projects using Carmel River waters.  June 2002.  Santa Rosa, CA
MPWMD-5 (KU-3) Dettman and Kelly.  1986.  Assessment of the Carmel River Steelhead Resource.  Volume 1. Biological Investigations.  Prepared for the MPWMD.
MPWMD-5 (KU-4) MPWMD.  2006.  Chapter IX. Steelhead Mitigation Measures, in the 2005-2006 Mitigation Program Annual Report, June 2006.
MPWMD-5 (KU-5) Figure 5-8 from Exhibit SWRCB-1, Chapter 5.
MPWMD-5 (KU-6) Figure 5-11 from Exhibit SWRCB-1, Chapter 5. 
MPWMD-5 (KU-7) Figures 5-12 & 5-13 from Exhibit SWRCB-1, Chapter 5).
MPWMD-5 (KU-8) Figure IX-7 from Exhibit KU-4: 2005-2006 Mitigation & Monitoring Report, June 2006, Chapter IX.
MPWMD-6 Testimony of Darby Fuerst
MPWMD-6 Resume of Darby Fuerst, MPWMD Water Resources Manager
MPWMD-6 (DF-2) MPWMD – CAW ASR Management and Operations Agreement
MPWMD-6 (DF-3) Order re: (1) Watermaster’s Post Judgment Petition; and (2) Joint Pot-Judgment Motion
MPWMD-6 (DF-4) Resolution No. 96-02
MPWMD-6 (DF-5) Unimpaired Carmel River Flow at San Clemente Dam Site
MPWMD-6 (DF-6) Carmel River Basin Runoff Index
MPWMD-6 (DF-7) Profile of Carmel Valley Aquifer Showing Cal-Am Production Wells
MPWMD-6 (DF-8) Table 9.  Recommended Minimum Instream Surface Flows and Cumulative Maximum Rates of Withdrawal for New Water Diversions
MPWMD-6 (DF-9) Water Availability Analysis for Petition Requesting Changes to Water Right Permits
MPWMD-6 (DF-10) Carmel River Water Availability Analysis – Table 9
MPWMD-6 (DF-11) Simulated “Excess” Monthly Carmel River Flow Below San Clemente Dam
MPWMD-6 (DF-12) CAW Carmel River Diversions with Phase 1 ASR Project in Acre-Feel (V6.4)
MPWMD-6 (DF-13) Simulated “Excess” Monthly Carmel River Flow Below San Clemente Dam Diverted
MPWMD-6 (DF-14) Technical Memorandum 2006-01
MPWMD-6 (DF-15) Carmel River and Seaside Coastal Diversions with Phase 1 ASR Project (V.6.4)
MPWMD-6 (DF-16) Simulated Monthly “Recovered” Water from Seaside Groundwater Basin with Phase 1 ASR Project (6.4)
MPWMD-7 Phase 1 ASR Project - Draft EIR/EA (March 2006) and Final EIR/EA …BY REFERENCED TO SWRCB-1

California-American Water

Exhibit No.
CAW-1 Testimony of B. Kent Turner
CAW-1A Statement of Qualifications –Turner
CAW-1B Seaside Basin Alternatives
CAW-1C Aquifer Storage & Recovery Management and Operations Agreement
CAW-2 Testimony of Thomas J. Bunosky
CAW-2A Statement of Qualifications – Bunosky
CAW-2B Monterey District Water Demand
CAW-2C Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget:  October – December 2007

National Marine Fisheries Service

Exhibit No.
NMFS-1 Testimoney of Joyce Ambrosius
NMFS-2 Qualifications of Joyce Ambrosius
NMFS-3 Qualifications of William E. Hearn
NMFS-4 Petitions for Change to Permits 7130B and 20808 for Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Project Phase I Proposed Changes to Current Permit Conditions

Carmel River Steelhead Association

Exhibit No.
CRSA-1 Resume of Bob Baiocchi
CRSA-2 Curriculum vitae of John Garrett Williams
CRSA-3 Testimony of Bob Baiocchi
CRSA-4 Testimony of John G. Williams
CRSA-5 Testimony of Felix Smith
CRSA-6 Testimony of Robert Zampatti
CRSA-7 Testimony of Dr. Henry Smith
CRSA-8 Testimony of Dr. Roy Thomas