Vermillion Valley Hydroelectric Project (Vermillion Valley Project)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Project No. 2086
![Vermillion Valley Dam on
Upper Mono Creek](images/bc_vermillion_cover_photo_web.jpg)
Vermillion Valley Dam on
Upper Mono Creek
(Photo courtesy of State Water Board staff)
(click to enlarge)
Applicant: Southern California Edison (SCE)
County: Fresno
FERC License Expiration Date: August 31, 2003
Water Quality Certification Status: Final Issued - May 31, 2019
Water Body: Mono Creek and Warm Creek
FERC Licensing Processes: Traditional Licensing Process (TLP)
Project Description
The Vermillion Valley Hydroelectric Project (Vermillion Valley Project) is one of seven FERC-licensed projects that are part of a hydroelectric system owned and operated by Southern California Edison (SCE), and referred to collectively as the Big Creek Hydroelectric System. The Vermillion Valley Project is the upper-most project in the Big Creek Hydroelectric System. It is located on Mono Creek in Fresno County, and occupies national forest land administered by the United States Forest Service. The Vermillion Valley Project consists of water diversion, storage, and conveyance facilities only; it does not include any power generation or transmission facilities. Major Vermillion Valley Project facilities include: Vermillion Valley Dam on Mono Creek; Lake Thomas A. Edison; and a small diversion located on nearby Warm Creek. The 101,700 acre-feet of usable storage capacity in Lake Thomas A. Edison can be used to generate power at any of the nine major powerhouses in the Big Creek Hydroelectric System.
SCE proposes to continue operation of the Vermillion Valley Project without any major modification, but has collaborated with involved stakeholders and resource and regulatory agency staff throughout the relicensing process to develop a range of environmental protection, enhancement, and mitigation measures for the Vermillion Valley Project. These measures are described in the Big Creek Alternative Licensing Process (ALP) Hydroelectric Projects Settlement Agreement (Settlement Agreement), which establishes certain obligations for the protection, mitigation, and enhancement of environmental resources affected by the Vermillion Valley Project once a new hydropower license is issued by FERC. SCE has requested that FERC and the State Water Board incorporate some provisions of the Settlement Agreement into the new Vermillion Valley Project license and water quality certification.
Related Documents
Water Quality Certification and Draft California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Final Water Quality Certification for the Six Big Creek Hydroelectric Projects (FERC Project Nos. 67, 120, 2085, 2086, 2174, and 2175) – May 31, 2019
Final CEQA Supplement for the Six Big Creek Hydroelectric Projects (FERC Project Nos. 67, 120 2085, 2086, 2174, and 2175) – May 31, 2019
- Appendix A – Programs and Measures Implemented by SCE to Reduce Overall Greenhouse Gas Emissions in California
- Appendix B – Response to Comments
- Notice of Determination
- Draft Water Quality Certification for the Six Big Creek Hydroelectric Projects (FERC Project Nos. 67, 120, 2085, 2086, 2174, and 2175)
- Draft CEQA Supplement for the Six Big Creek Hydroelectric Projects (FERC Project Nos. 67, 120, 2085, 2086, 2174, and 2175)
- Notice of Completion
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Big Creek ALP Hydroelectric Projects Settlement Agreement