El Dorado Hydroelectric Project (El Dorado Project)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Project No. 184

(Photo courtesy of Mr. Rob Laddish)
Applicant: El Dorado Irrigation District (EID)
County: El Dorado, Alpine, and Amador
License Expiration Date:September 30, 2046
Water Quality Certification Status: Issued April 4, 2006
Waterbodies: South Fork American River and Associated Tributaries
FERC Licensing Process: Alternative Licensing Process
Project Description:
Portions of the El Dorado Project were built from 1860 to 1876 for gold mining operations. After 1884, water from the El Dorado Project was used for industrial, irrigation, and domestic purposes in the Placerville area. Hydroelectric generation capability was added to the El Dorado Project from 1922 to 1924 by then owner, Western States Gas and Electric Company (Western States). Following construction of hydroelectric facilities by Western States, hydroelectric operations began in 1924. Western States merged with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) in 1927. El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) purchased the El Dorado Project from PG&E, and on April 2, 1999, FERC approved the transfer of the federal license to operate and maintain the El Dorado Project to EID. On September 16, 1999, the California Public Utilities Commission approved the transfer of El Dorado Project facilities and related assets to EID, including the water rights associated with the El Dorado Project (FERC Project No. 184).
The El Dorado Project stores water in Lake Aloha, Echo Lake, Caples Lake, and Silver Lake for release after the spring runoff. Water from these lakes connects to the South Fork American River (SFAR) via associated tributaries. A portion of the SFAR is then diverted by the El Dorado diversion dam into the El Dorado canal. Five smaller streams that are tributaries of the SFAR (Alder Creek, Bull Creek, Ogilby Creek, Esmeralda Creek, and No Name Creek) are each diverted into the El Dorado canal as well. The canal provides water to the El Dorado Forebay where flows are divided between the El Dorado Powerhouse and the intake to EID's irrigation canal. Flows that enter the powerhouse pass through two single impulse turbines that are directly connected to two 11,500-kilowatt generators. Upon exiting the powerhouse, water is discharged back into the SFAR.
State Water Resource Control Board (State Water Board) staff was involved throughout the FERC relicensing process which culminated in issuance of a new FERC license on October 18, 2006. The El Dorado Project is upstream of the Chili Bar Hydroelectric Project and the Upper American River Project, both of which received new FERC licenses in 2014.
Related Documents
- 401 Water Quality Certification for the Caples Spillway Channel Stabilization Project – Issued March 4, 2020
- 401 Water Quality Certification for the Oyster Creek Stabilization Project - Issued February 27, 2019
- 401 Water Quality Certification for the Mill Creek Diversion Structure Removal Project - Issued July 19, 2018
- Notice of Applicability under State Water Resources Control Board 401 General Certification for El Dorado Irrigation District's No Name Creek Streamgage Installation Project, Ogilby Creek Streamgage Installation Project, and Bull Creek Streamgage Installation Project - September 30, 2016
- EID Response to Potential Water Transfer - August 4, 2015
- SWRCB Response to Potential Water Transfer - July 31, 2015
- Supplemental Termporary Amendment - Issued May 4, 2015
- Temporary Amendment to 401 Water Quality Certification - Issued April 9, 2015
- 2014 Drought Information
- May 27, 2014 - EID Request for Rehearing of FERC Determination
- April 28, 2014 - FERC Response to March 28, 2014 EID Letter Regarding Operating Emergencies
- March 28, 2014 - EID Letter Requesting Response from FERC to February 20, 2014 Letter
- February 20, 2014 - EID Letter Notifying FERC of Resumption of Minimum Streamflows and Request to Clarify Operating Emergency Determination
- February 10, 2014 - FERC Letter Responding to EID’s Notification of Minimum Instream Flow Modification
- February 7, 2014 - EID Emergency Drought Coordination Consultation Letter/EID Board Resolution
- February 6, 2014 - EID Letter Notifying FERC of Minimum Streamflow Modifications
- 401 Water Quality Certification - Issued April 4, 2006
- Supplemental Information to the Final Environmental Impact Statement - January 4, 2006
- Final Environmental Impact Statement for Hydropower License - August 2003
- Attachment A - El Dorado Settlement Agreement
- Attachment B - Staff Response to Comments on the El Dorado Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- El Dorado Relicensing Settlement Agreement