Recycled Water - Advisory Group on Feasibility of Developing Criteria for Direct Potable Reuse


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Background on the Advisory Group

Water Code sections 13560-13569 [SB 918 (Pavley), 2010 and SB 322 (Hueso), 2013] require us to investigate and report to the Legislature on the feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse.

The law also requires an Expert Panel to be appointed to:

  1. Assess what, if any, additional areas of research are needed to be able to establish uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse;
  2. Advise the department on public health issues and scientific and technical matters regarding development of uniform water recycling criteria for indirect potable reuse through surface water augmentation; and
  3. Advise the department on public health issues and scientific and technical matters regarding the feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse.

The Advisory Group is to provide consultation to CDPH in the selection of the members of the Expert Panel. The Advisory Group is also to advise the Expert Panel on item (3) mentioned above.

Recommendations of the Advisory Group on the Feasibility of Developing Uniform Recycling Criteria for Direct Potable Resue (DPR)

The Advisory Group has submitted their recommendations to the State Water Board on issues related to the feasibility of developing uniform water recycling criteria for DPR. This consensus report represents a culmination of the discussions held during 11 public meetings of the Advisory Group that were held at various locations throughout the state over a 28-month timeframe.

In accordance with Water Code section 13566, the State Water Board has considered the recommendations of the Expert Panel and Advisory Group and prepared a draft Report to the Legislature. For more information on the Draft Report and how to provide public comments and attend public workshops, please visit the DDW Report to Legislature page.

Advisory Group Meetings

Meetings of the Advisory Group on Feasibility of Developing Criteria for Direct Potable Reuse are subject to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. We encourage interested parties to provide input.

Please note that the Advisory Group's final report is included as an attachment to the State Water Board's Report to Legislature that will be available after September 1, 2016.

Members of the Advisory Group

The law requires that the Advisory Group be composed of not less than nine members and have representatives from water and wastewater agencies, local public health officers, environmental organizations, environmental justice organizations, public health nongovernmental organizations, CDPH, SWRCB, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), ratepayer or taxpayer advocate organizations, and the business community.

Members of the Advisory Group are:

Name Title Organization
Ray Tremblay Department Head, Utilities Planning County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Jim Fiedler Chief Operating Officer Santa Clara Valley Water District
Amy Dorman Project Manager, Water Department City of San Diego
Mike Wehner Director of Water Quality and Technology Orange County Water District
Al Lau Director of Engineering and Planning Padre Dam Municipal Water District
Keith Solar Member San Diego County Taxpayers Association
Traci J. Minamide Chief Operating Officer City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation
Garry Brown Executive Director Orange County Coastkeeper
Andria Ventura Program Associate Clean Water Action
Conner Everts Executive Director Environmental Justice Coalition for Water
Frances Spivy-Weber Co-Chair, SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board
Julie Labonte Member, Water and Energy Committee San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce
Edward Moreno, MD, MPH Health Officer Monterey County Health Department
Bruce Macler, PhD National Risk Assessment Expert US EPA, Region 9
Randy Barnard Senior Engineer Division of Drinking Water

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