CCR Title 1, Section 100 Changes: Non-Regulatory Changes (SWRCB-DDW-21-100)

Changes without regulatory effect are also known as “non-regulatory changes,” “non-substantive changes,” or “Section 100 changes.”

A change without regulatory effect is defined as any change which:

This includes the following, without limitation:

  1. Renumbering, reordering, or relocating regulations;
  2. Repeals of regulations where all rulemaking authority has been repealed;
  3. Repealing when a final court judgment invalidates a regulation;
  4. Syntax, cross-reference, grammar, and punctuation changes;
  5. Changing authority and/or reference citations; and
  6. Conforming a regulation to mandated statutory language where a regulation is inconsistent with and superseded by a changed statute, and the agency has no discretion to have a regulation which differs from the proposed amended regulation. (1 CCR, §100(a)(1)-(6).)

These itemized examples are not an exclusive list of changes without regulatory effect. Any change which meets the general definition of a change without regulatory effect may qualify as a Section 100 change and approval by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL).

SWRCB-DDW-21-100B ― Title 22, Div. 4, Ch 3: Non-Regulatory Effect Changes

SWRCB-DDW-21-100A ― Reference Corrections

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