Public Notification Rule (SWRCB-DDW-22-003)

Information and Documentation Pertaining to This Regulatory Proposal

Sections Affected

California Code of Regulations: Title 22 Sections: TBD

History of Rulemaking Proceedings

  • Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Published: TBD
  • Close of the 45-Day Public Comment Period: TBD
  • Date of Scheduled Public Hearings: TBD
  • Date filed with Office of Administrative Law: TBD
  • Approved by Office of Administrative Law: TBD

Filed with the Secretary of State: TBD
Effective Date: TBD

Status of Proposal

This rulemaking is in progress.

Inquiries regarding the contents of these regulations may be directed to:

Rulemaking Documentation

45-Day Comment Period Documentation

  • TBD

Final Documentation

  • TBD

Complete Rulemaking Documentation Files

  • TBD