Fees Stakeholder Information
Thank you for your interest in the fees stakeholder process. On this page you will find important announcements, stakeholder meeting information and resources.
Quick Links
- 2025 Drinking Water & ELAP, Water Quality and Water Rights Fees Stakeholder Meetings
Fee Schedules
- FY 2023-24 SGMA Fee Schedule
- FY 2024-25 Drinking Water Fee Schedule (Effective upon filing with SOS: 10/25/24)
- FY 2024-25 ELAP Fee Schedule (Effective upon filing with SOS: 10/24/24)
- FY 2024-25 Water Quality Fee Schedule (Effective upon filing with SOS: 10/31/24)
- FY 2024-25 Water Rights Fee Schedule (Effective upon filing with SOS: 11/4/24)
- FY 2024-25 Water Rights Fees Schedule Summary
Upcoming Stakeholder Meetings
- Water Quality Fees
- Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 9:00 – 11:00 am
- Handout
- Water Rights Fees
- Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 1:00 – 3:00 pm
- Handout
- Drinking Water / ELAP Fees
- Friday, March 7, 2025 at 9:00 – 11:00 am
- Handout
Stakeholder Meetings
How to Participate in a Fee Stakeholder Meeting
Due to the COVD-19 emergency, all fee stakeholder meetings are currently being held via live webcast and the Zoom platform.
Watch & Listen via Live Webcast
Individuals who only want to watch or listen should use this option as it preserves interactive meeting resources for those who are participating for discussion.
CalEPA Public Meeting Live Webcasts (https://video.calepa.ca.gov/)
Participate in Meetings with Zoom 
Persons wishing to join in on meeting discussions will need to do so using the Zoom platform and will need to contact the appropriate program by email (addresses listed below) to receive the Zoom Meeting ID and password for the respective meeting.
Instructions for requesting the Zoom Meeting ID and password:
- By 12:00 p.m. the day before the stakeholder meeting:
- Send an email to the appropriate program:
- Water Quality: FeeBranch@waterboards.ca.gov
- Water Rights: WaterRightsFees@waterboards.ca.gov
- Drinking Water & ELAP: DAS-DrinkingWaterFees@waterboards.ca.gov
- In the Subject line, indicate the program (e.g., Water Quality Fees)
- In the body of the email, indicate:
- Your name
- Who you represent (i.e., self, another person, an organization)
- Identify whether you intend to participate via videoconference (your computer microphone and speaker) or by telephone
- If calling in by telephone, please provide the last three digits of the telephone number you will be calling from
The meeting coordinator will respond to your email with the Zoom Meeting ID and password for the stakeholder meeting the day prior to the meeting.
If you do not send an email by 12:00 p.m. the day before the stakeholder meeting, please send the email as soon as you can. You cannot participate in the Zoom meeting until you receive an email with the Zoom ID and password. This means you may need to begin watching the webcast available on YouTube.
Participating on Zoom through Video Conference
- The State Water Board will be using the Zoom remote meeting service for those who want to provide comments. Do not use the live webcast if you are participating through the Zoom remote service. And only use the Zoom service if you want to provide comment.
- You do not need to create a Zoom account to participate in a fee stakeholder meeting. The Meeting ID and password provided by the Water Board are all you will need to join the meeting, but you will need to enter your name so the Board can identify and unmute you from the speaker queue.
- You do not need to install software on your computer to participate. The Zoom service can run within an existing web browser.
- Downloading the Zoom software may, however, provide a superior meeting experience for you. You can download the Zoom client in advance at: https://zoom.us/download
- Familiarize yourself with the Zoom features here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697
Participating on Zoom through Telephone:
- The Zoom remote meeting service allows individuals to dial from a list of California phone numbers.
- You will need to have the Meeting ID to join the meeting.
- General information about using a phone to participate in a Zoom meeting is available here.
- When you are asked to comment during the meeting, the meeting organizer will unmute your phone, but you may also need to press *6 on your phone.
- If you need to get the attention of the host during the meeting, you may raise your hand by pressing *9 on your phone.
If you want to use your phone to provide comments but follow along with the video presentations (e.g., because you do not have or want to use a computer microphone or camera), you can do so, but the computer or mobile device will need to be connected to the Zoom meeting using the steps above for “Participating via Video Conference.” When connecting to the Zoom meeting through a computer or mobile device select the option that you are participating by phone call. The Zoom service will give you a participant number that you can then enter on your phone (#[Participant Number]#]).
If you have technical issues during a meeting, send an email to the appropriate program:
- Water Quality: FeeBranch@waterboards.ca.gov
- Water Rights: WaterRightsFees@waterboards.ca.gov
- Drinking Water & ELAP: DAS-DrinkingWaterFees@waterboards.ca.gov
Past Stakeholder Meetings
Subscribe to our Email Lists
Water Quality Fees
See "Fee Regulations - Water Quality" under the "General Interests" section.
Water Rights Fees
See "Water Rights Fees" under the "Water Rights" Section.
Drinking Water Fees
See "Drinking Water Fees" under the "Drinking Water" Section.
See "SGMA Groundwater Extraction Reporting and Fees" under the "General Interests" section.
Please contact the appropriate program below with any questions about the stakeholder process:
- Drinking Water: DAS-DrinkingWaterFees@waterboards.ca.gov
- ELAP: DAS-ELAPFees@waterboards.ca.gov
- SGMA: SGMA@waterboards.ca.gov
- Water Quality: FeeBranch@waterboards.ca.gov
- Water Rights: WaterRightsFees@waterboards.ca.gov