Program Contacts
Counties: Del Norte, Modoc, Humboldt, Shasta, Siskiyou, Trinity
Ryan Bey / 707-576-2679 /
Counties: Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake
Gil Falcone / 707-576-2830 /
Jonathan Warmerdam / 707-576-2468 /
Overview and Purpose
The North Coast Water Board’s Surface Water Protection Program is responsible for protecting the quality of surface waters of the state, including rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, enclosed bays, and estuaries. These aquatic ecosystems are home to sensitive beneficial uses and at-risk species, therefore any project activities that may affect their quality or condition must be regulated to prevent their net loss or degradation.
The Program regulates a range of different project types within waters of the state, including but not limited to development projects, gravel mining, harbor and bay dredging, utility corridor maintenance, aquatic habitat restoration, bank stabilization, and emergency infrastructure repair. The Surface Water Protection Program also permits watercourse crossing construction and repair activities that are not otherwise being regulated by other North Coast Water Board programs, such as the Forest Activities Program and/or Cannabis Regulatory Program.
Surface Water Protection Program staff routinely assist applicants before they submit an application to identify whether a proposed activity may qualify for permitting based on its design, objectives, and environmental analysis for conformance with CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act). Once staff deem an application complete and the application fees have been received, staff will permit the project by issuing either (1) waste discharge requirements or waivers under the State’s Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act authority, or (2) water quality certifications under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. These permits authorize applicants to conduct dredge, fill, or excavation activities within waters of the state, or Waters of the United States. Staff condition these authorizations to first avoid, then minimize, and last to mitigate temporary or permanent impacts, and include post-project monitoring and reporting requirements to ensure permit compliance.
Additionally, the Surface Water Protection Program conducts complaint investigations, violation notifications, compliance assistance and advanced enforcement actions to landowners conducting impactful or unpermitted activities.
Priorities for Fiscal Year 24/25
- Support project applicants for regulatory compliance during the planning, permitting, implementation and post-project monitoring for projects that could impact surface waters.
- Meet program performance targets and regulatory timelines for permit processing while ensuring applicants adhere to water regulations.
- Conduct complaint investigations and enforcement actions for unpermitted or impactful activities that are degrading or threatening to degrade water quality.
- Provide regulatory oversight for the ongoing deconstruction and restoration of the four lower-Klamath River dams.
- Engage with the development of the Humboldt Bay Wind Port and offshore Wind Farms.
- Implement the new Statewide Electrical Utility General Order once adopted by the State Water Board.