Electronic Submittal of Information (ESI) - Finding Sites/Facilities/Global IDs in GeoTracker

Finding Sites/Facilities/Global IDs in GeoTracker


2.1 What is a Global ID?

A GLOBAL ID is the unique GeoTracker identifier associated with a specific cleanup case at a site/facility, a permitted land disposal (landfill) site/facility, a waste discharge requirement (WDR) site/facility, an irrigated agricultural land, or other regulated site/facility. Since July 2008, all newly assigned cleanup case and land disposal (landfill) facility Global IDs begin with the letter “T” followed by 11 numbers. Global IDs that already existed in the Geotracker database prior to July 2008 begin with the letters “T”, “SL”, “DOD”, or “L.” Since a pre-July 2008 Global ID site/facility “type” may have been changed by the regulator since it was first entered into Geotracker, the pre-July 2008 Global ID format should not be relied on as a sure indicator of the current site/facility “type.” Waste Discharge Requirement site/facility Global IDs in Geotracker begin with the letters “WDR”. Irrigated agricultural land Global IDs begin with “AGL” and are currently only available for irrigated lands under the jurisdiction of the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. Please note that Geotracker also contains all-numeric GLOBAL IDs for active permitted (i.e. non-historical) Underground Storage Tanks (USTs). In addition to not having any letters, active permitted UST Global IDs are shorter in length than other types of Global IDs (typically only 4 or 5 digits). You should not request ESI upload access to them from your secure ESI account because reports and data uploaded to them are not available to regulators or the public.

2.2 How do I request upload access to a site/facility (Global ID)?

Before an RP or Authorized RP Agent can upload data and reports to a Global ID or grant upload access to a Contractor or Laboratory, the RP or Authorized RP Agent must first “claim” it. “Claiming” a site/facility Global ID means an RP (or, alternatively, the Authorized RP Agent acting on the RP’s behalf) has requested access to that site/facility Global ID and their request has been approved by the SWRCB. When the RP or Authorized RP Agent request has been approved by the SWRCB, the Global ID becomes one their “ASSOCIATED FACILITIES” and they can begin uploading to that Global ID as well as approve requests by Contractors and Laboratories for upload access to that same Global ID. Sometimes a site has more than one cleanup case associated with it, each having its own Global ID, so the user needs to be sure they are requesting the Global ID that is associated with the correct cleanup case number. Normally, only cleanup cases having a “status” containing the word “OPEN” should be requested, not “COMPLETED - CASE CLOSED.”

To request upload access to a Global ID, log onto your GeoTracker ESI account and on the left, under “Facility Management,” click on “Request Additional Facilities.” If you already know the Global ID, all you need to do is enter the Global ID in the “Global ID” search box and then click on “Search.” Note that the “Global ID” search box is case sensitive. If you don’t know the Global ID, try entering the street number (just the street number) in the “Street Name” box and the city in the “City” box. If it comes up in the search results and you are sure it is the one you need to upload to, select it by clicking in the empty checkbox to the left of the Global ID (a checkmark will appear in the box) and then click on “Request Checked Facilities.” If more than one search result appears for the same address, click on the first facility’s name. That will take you out to the public Geotracker “REPORT” page for that Global ID and at the upper right you will see the Lead Oversight Agency, Case #, Caseworker, etc. associated with that Global ID. When you are done viewing the “REPORT” page, close that browser window by clicking on the “X” at the upper right corner of the REPORT page window. If it wasn’t the correct Global ID, click on the next facility name to view that Global ID’s public “REPORT” page, etc. Once you have found the correct Global ID, click in the checkbox to the left of the correct Global ID to select it and click on “Request Checked Facilities.”

If you are a Responsible Party (RP), the SWRCB will approve your request for access usually within a few days after verifying your information.

If you are an Authorized RP Agent, you must upload a completed “Authorized RP Agent Authorization Form” (often referred to as the “Authorization Form”) by clicking on “Upload Auth RP Form” under “Facility Management.” Links to the form in PDF and Microsoft Word formats are made available immediately after you have clicked on “OK” to the message telling you that you need to upload the Auth RP Form. The “Authorized RP Agent Authorization Form” is also always available in the “Getting Started” section on our public ESI webpage https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/ust/electronic_submittal/index.shtml.

If you are Contractor or Laboratory, your request for access must be approved by the RP (or their Authorized RP Agent) who must have already successfully claimed that Global ID.

2.3 Site/Facility with multiple Global IDs, which one to request upload access to?

If a cleanup site/facility has had more than one unauthorized release occur over time, each cleanup “case” created by the Lead Cleanup Oversight Agency will have its own unique Global ID. First, check the “Status” column to see if only one of the Global IDs for the site is an “open” case. Unless the Lead Cleanup Oversight Agency instructs otherwise, an “open” case would normally be what you would request access to and upload to.

If more than one Global ID for a cleanup site/facility has a status containing the word "OPEN" and you don’t know the cleanup Case #, contact your Lead Cleanup Oversight Agency Caseworker and ask for clarification as to which Global ID to upload to. Or, if you know the Case #, click on a facility’s name and a new browser window will open displaying the public Geotracker “REPORT” page for that Global ID. You will see the Case # associated for that Global ID displayed at the upper right of the “REPORT” page under “Cleanup Oversight Agencies.” When you are done viewing a “REPORT” page, close that browser window. Repeat the process for each Global ID until you find the one with the right Case #. Once you have determined which Global ID to request and the “Request Additional Facilities” screen is back in view, click in the checkbox to the left of that Global ID to select it and then click on “Request Checked Facilities.” Be sure to read the instructions that follow pertaining to your account’s user type.

2.4 Correcting a site/facility name in GeoTracker

If you believe a site/facility name is not correct in GeoTracker, contact the Lead Oversight Agency Caseworker.

2.5 Correcting a site/facility address in GeoTracker

If you believe a site/facility street address is not correct in GeoTracker, contact the Lead Oversight Agency Caseworker.