Electronic Submittal of Information (ESI) - Frequently Asked Questions


9.1 How do I "log out" of my GeoTracker account?

ESI users Under TOOLS at upper left, click on "Logout."

Regulators At the upper right of the main GEOTRACKER HOME page, click on "LOGOUT."

9.2 What is the distinction between LUST (LUFT) and Permitted UST sites?

The LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tank, sometimes referred to as "LUFT" (Leaking Underground Fuel Tank)) and Permitted UST (Underground Storage Tank) databases were created and maintained totally separate from each other. Currently, only the LUST database is actively maintained, the permitted UST database is no longer maintained (see FAQ 8.4). LUST sites listed in GeoTracker may not necessarily be listed also as Permitted USTs and vice versa. A LUST site is a UST site where UST-related contamination has been discovered and a cleanup "case" has been created to address that contamination. A Permitted UST is an active underground storage tank that has been issued a "permit" to operate by the local permitting agency and there is no distinction as to whether or not contamination has occurred related to that UST. There are many instances where a site has been entered into the GeoTracker system as a contaminated site (i.e. as a LUST site), but may not be listed in the Permitted UST database - either because the UST is no longer an active "permitted" UST or, if active, it just never got entered. Note that the LUST database may list the same site address more than once if more than one "unauthorized release" has occurred at that address and separate cleanup cases have been created for each release.

RPs and their consultants should never request upload access to Permitted USTs (FAQ 2.1).

9.3 Do work plans need to be uploaded?

All reports (including work plans) that are required by your regulator need to be uploaded into Geotracker in PDF format as GEO_REPORT submittals.

9.4 Is the time spent uploading data/reports to the GeoTracker reimbursable by the fund?

Reasonable costs associated with uploading required data and reports into the GeoTracker for qualifying LUST (LUFT) sites are reimbursable by the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (USTCF). Information about the USTCF is available at https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/ustcf/

9.5 Secure access to GeoTracker by a Water Agency (Purveyor)

GeoTracker no longer provides secure access specifically designed for water agencies (purveyors).