Issue Date: August 28, 1998
Revision Date: April 8, 2017


TLS-300, 300i, TLS-350 Series, TLS-450 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus with Discriminating Dispenser Pan Sensor 794380-322, Discriminating Containment Sump Sensor 794380-352

Interstitial Detector (Liquid-Phase)


Output Type Qualitative
Sampling Frequency Continuous
Operating Principle Product permeable, reed switch/float

Test Results

California requires annual certification of all leak detection equipment. The certification of discriminating sensors should include functional testing of both water and product detection capabilities.

Model 794380-322 and 794380-352: Currently the SWRCB UST Program staff discourages the use of polymer strip discriminating sensors at new installations in California. This is due to concerns about the impact that repeated/prolonged exposure to hydrocarbons may have on the sensor's ability to alarm and recover from alarm reliably. Since current evaluation protocols do not address this issue, no new polymer strip sensors should be installed until new evaluation protocols are in place.

TLS-300, 300i, TLS-350 Series, TLS-450 Series, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus

Discriminating Dispenser Pan Sensor 794380-322

  Polymer Strip Float Switch
Unleaded Gasoline Diesel* Water
High** Low**
Response time (sec) ~10 min 2-12 hrs <1 <1
Recovery time (sec) N/A*** N/A <1 <1
Lower detection limit - height (in) N/D*** N/D 7.66 1.37
Lower detection limit - thickness (in) 0.005 0.005 N/A N/A

Discriminating Containment Sump Sensor 794380-352

  Polymer Strip Float Switch
Unleaded Gasoline Diesel* Water
High** Low**
Response time (sec) ~10 min 2-12 hrs <1 <1
Recovery time (sec) N/A N/A <1 <1
Lower detection limit - height (in) N/D N/D 12.28 1.35
Lower detection limit - thickness (in) 0.005 0.005 N/A N/A

TLS-4 8601 Series

(The TLS-4 8601 Series consists of the following derivatives: TLS-4, TLS-4B, TLS-4c, TLS-4i, and TLS-S1 consoles.)

Discriminating Dispenser Pan Sensor 794380-3222

  Unleaded Gasoline Diesel*** High***** Low*****
Detection time (min) 8.3 99.3 <1 <1
Fall time (min) 10.3 >24 hrs. <1 <1
Threshold Level (inches) <0.125 <0.125 7.65 1.34

Discriminating Containment Sump Sensor 794380-352

  Unleaded Gasoline Diesel*** High***** Low*****
Detection time (min) 8.3 99.3 <1 <1
Fall time (min) 10.3 >24 hrs. <1 <1
Threshold Level (inches) <0.125 <0.125 12.25 1.36

*Evaluations determined these sensors' responses to the liquids shown above and those indicated in the following section. Biodiesel blends B6-B20 meeting ASTM D7467 and biodiesel B100 meeting ASTM D6751 would also produce an alarm if the sensor threshold is exceeded. Responses to these fuels were not determined, but would be expected to be very similar to the diesel responses.

**The "high" and "low" refer to high and low level alarm points of float switch sensors.

***See Glossary.

Specificity Results (in addition to above)

Activated: synthetic gasoline, jet-A fuel, n-hexane, toluene, xylene(s)
Not activated: water (polymer strip only)


Polymer strip must be air dried after exposure to unleaded fuel.
Polymer strips must be cleaned with solvent and dried after exposure to diesel.
Comparison of TLS-450 with TLS-350 series console showed comparable results when evaluated with representative sensors.

  • Veeder-Root
    125 Powder Forest Dr.
    Simsbury, CT 06070-2003
    Tel: (860) 651-2700
  • Evaluator: Ken Wilcox Associates
    Tel: (816) 443-2494
    Date of Evaluation: 01/02/95, 06/23/97, 04/20/98, 03/03/08, 12/16/16

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