Issue Date: November 22, 1995
Revision Date: August 8, 2017


TLS-300 Series, TLS-350 Series, TLS-450 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, EMC Series, EMC Basic, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus with Single Stage Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-301, Dual Stage Hydrostatic Sensors 794380-302, 303

Interstitial Detector (Liquid-Phase)


Output Type Qualitative
Sampling Frequency Continuous
Operating Principle Float switch

Test Results

Single Stage Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-301

  30% by weight
calcium chloride in water
**50% by weight
ethylene glycol in water
Product Activation Height (in) 1.74 1.5
Response time (min) <1 35.75
Recovery time (min) <1 <1

Dual Stage Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-302 **

High*** Low***
Product activation height (in) 12.25 1.62
Response time (min) <1 <1
Recovery time (min) <1 <1

Dual Stage Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-303

  30% by weight
calcium chloride in water
High*** Low***
Product activation height (in) 13.13 1.20
Response time (min) <1 <1
Recovery time (min) <1 <1

*Evaluation performed by Carnegie Mellon Institute.

**Dual Stage Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-302 was replaced by Sensor 794380-303 and is not supported by TLS-450 series console.

***The "high" and "low" refer to high and low level alarm points of dual stage hydrostatic sensors.


EMC Series and EMC Basic controllers have been evaluated only for use with sensors 794380-301 and 794380-303.
Evaluator reports that sensors will respond to any liquid after their thresholds are exceeded.
Response times measured from trigger point, except for sensor 794380-301 with 50% by weight ethylene glycol in water, where response time also included time for liquid level to rise from bottom of a test cylinder to trigger point.
Evaluator reports sensors can easily be removed, cleaned, and reinstalled after an alarm was triggered or for periodic testing.
Sensors are reusable.
Comparison of TLS-450 with TLS-350 series console showed comparable results when evaluated with representative sensors.
The TLS-4 8601 Series consists of the following derivatives: TLS-4, TLS-4B, TLS-4c, TLS-4i, and TLS-S1 consoles. TLS-4 8601 Series testing did not include testing with ethylene glycol. Evaluator expects comparable results from previous testing with other consoles listed. Single Stage Hydrostatic.

Single Stage Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-301

Intended to monitor level of either ethylene glycol or calcium chloride solutions in interstitial or annular space of a double-walled tank.
If the brine level in the reservoir drops below the threshold of the sensor, an alarm condition is generated.
The evaluation using 30% by weight calcium chloride in water was reevaluated using a different approved test protocol.

Dual Stage Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-302

Alarm is activated if any significant gain or loss of solution occurs.
Dual stage hydrostatic sensor 794380-303 has replaced this sensor and is fully interchangeable with this sensor.
Vendor will discontinue production of this sensor as of December 31, 2003.

Dual Stage Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-303

If brine level in reservoir drops below the threshold of low-level sensor or if any liquid rises above the threshold of high level sensor, an alarm condition is generated. Alarms are indicated by an audible alarm, displayed message on the console, printed message (if the console is equipped with a printer), and recorded as part of the console "Alarm History Report".

  • Veeder-Root
    125 Powder Forest Dr.
    Simsbury, CT 06070-2003
    Tel: (860) 651-2700
  • Evaluator: Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
    Tel: (412) 268-3495
    Dates of Evaluation: 12/07/92, 03/16/98

  • Evaluator: Ken Wilcox Associates
    Tel: (816) 443-2494
    Date of Evaluation: 07/08/02, 02/02/03, 03/03/08, 12/22/16

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