Issue Date: November 22, 1995
Revision Date: April 5, 2011


(originally listed as Marley Pump Co.)

Red Jacket Electronics RE400-179-5 to RE400-199-5 Combination High Level/Low Level Sensor, RE400-042-5 Hydrostatic Sensor, Red Jacket PPM 4000 with Optical Liquid Discrimination Sensor

Interstitial Detector (Liquid-Phase)


Output Type Qualitative
Sampling Frequency Continuous
Operating Principle Float switch (RE400-058-5, RE400-059-5, RE400-147-5, RE400-148-5 Overfill Sensor, RE400-111-5 Sump Sensor), electrical conductivity and optical (RE400-203-5 Optical Liquid Discrimination Sensor), conductive polymer (RE400-204-5 Dispenser Pan Monitor), optical (RE400-180-5 Liquid Refraction Sensor)

*The SWRCB currently discourages the use of discriminating sensors for new installations in California.

Test Results

RE400-058-5, RE400-059-5, RE400-147-5, RE400-148-5 Overfill Sensor

  Unleaded Gasoline Diesel* Water
Detection time (sec) <1 <1 <1
Fall time (sec) <1 <1 <1
Lower detection limit (cm) 2.97 2.82 2.57

RE400-111-5 Sump Sensor

  Unleaded Gasoline Diesel* Water
Detection time (sec) <1 <1 <1
Fall time (sec) <1 <1 <1
Lower detection limit (cm) 3.60 3.41 3.20

RE400-203-5 Optical Liquid Discrimination Sensor

  Unleaded Gasoline Diesel* Water
Detection time (sec) <1 <1 <1
Fall time (sec) <1 <1 <1
Lower detection limit (cm) 1.17 1.12 1.10

RE400-204-5 Dispenser Pan Monitor

  Unleaded Gasoline Diesel* Water
Detection time (hr:min:sec) <00:30:00 <02:00:00 <00:00:01
Fall time (hr:min:sec) <01:20:00 1-2 days <00:00:01
Lower detection limit (cm) 0.44 0.44 1.08

RE400-180-5 Liquid Refraction Sensor

  Unleaded Gasoline Diesel* Water
Detection time (sec) <1 <1 <1
Fall time (sec) <1 <1 <1
Lower detection limit (cm) 1.17 1.12 1.10

*Evaluations determined these sensors' responses to the liquids shown above and those indicated in the following section. Biodiesel blends B6-B20 meeting ASTM D7467 and biodiesel B100 meeting ASTM D6751 would also produce an alarm if the sensor threshold is exceeded. Responses to these fuels were not determined, but would be expected to be very similar to the diesel responses.

Specificity Results (in addition to above)

Activated: synthetic gasoline, n-hexane, jet-A fuel, toluene, xylene(s).


Evaluator claims sensors will respond to any liquid once threshold has been exceeded.
After exposure to diesel, RE400-204-5 Dispenser Pan Monitor reading may not return to pre-contaminated level.
Sensors are reusable.

  • Veeder-Root
    125 Powder Forest Dr.
    Simsbury, CT 06070-2003
    Tel: (860) 651-2700
  • Evaluator: Ken Wilcox Associates
    Tel: (816) 443-2494
    Date of Evaluation: 06/01/95

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