Waste Oil Tanks

The State Water Board Evaluation staff utilizes the UST Facility/Tank Data Download to assess whether the CUPA is accepting CERS submittals for used oil UST systems incorrectly utilizing both secondary containment and overfill prevention equipment exemptions. The CUPA should verify the following when reviewing over the Tank Information page:

  • Does the used oil UST system have single-walled vent piping or tank risers?
  • Is the overfill protection method marked as exempt?

If the answer to both is yes, the CUPA must either require the installation of overfill prevention equipment or secondary containment construction for the single-walled vent and tank riser.

For more information, refer to LG 150-3 and Single-Walled Vent or Riser Piping webpages.

UST Facility/Tank Data Download – Waste Oil Tank Overfill Prevention Equipment Data Analysis

How to obtain and set up the report from CERS

1. Log into CERS and go to Reports

Screen shot of the CERS Regulator home page with a red arrow pointing to 'Reports' in the top navigation menu, highlighted by a red circle.

2. Select UST Facility/Tank Data Download

Screenshot of the CERS Regulator Reports page with a red arrow pointing to the 'UST Facility/Tank Data Download' in the UST Program Reports section, highlighted by a red circle

3. Select the jurisdiction from the Regulator drop down and select Generate Excel Report. An Excel document will be downloaded to your computer.

Screenshot of the UST Facility/Tank Data Download page with a red arrow pointing to 'Regulator' and 'Generate Excel Report', which are both highlighted by a red circle

4. Open the excel document and go to the UST Tank & Monitoring Plan Info tab

Screenshot of the UST Facility/Tank Data Download excel report with a red arrow pointing to the 'UST Tank and Monitoring Plan Info' tab, highlighted by a red circle

5. Select row 3 (highlight entire row), go to the Data tab at the top, and then select Filter. You should now see a drop-down arrow (for filtering) in each of the columns.

Screenshot of the 'UST Tank and Monitoring Plan Info' tab with a red arrow pointing to 'Row #3', 'Data ribbon tab' at the top, and 'Filter' function, all highlighted by a red circle

How to filter the data

1. Find column 430 (Type of Action) and deselect UST Permanent Closure on Site and UST Removal

Screenshot of the 'UST Tank and Monitoring plan Info' tab with a red circle highlighting 'Column 430' which is named 'Type of Action' and a red box highlighting 'UST Permanent Closure on Site' and 'UST Removal'  in the drop down list of column 430.

2. Find column 440 (Tank Use and Contents) and filter for Used Oil or any other tank content that may appear to be used oil

Screenshot of the 'UST Tank and Monitoring plan Info' tab with a red a red box highlighting 'Used Oil' and 'Other Petroleum' under the drop down list in column 440

3. Find columns 452a, 452b, 452c, and 452d (Tank Overfill Prevention) and filter for the following.

  1. 452a: No
  2. 452b: No
  3. 452c: No
  4. 452d: Yes
Screenshot of the 'UST Tank and Monitoring plan Info' tab with a red box highlighting 'Columns 452a named Audible/Visual Alarm, 452b named Ball Float, 452c named Fill Tube Shut-off Valve, and 452 named Exempt'. The data has been filtered to show Audible/Visual with 'No', Ball Float with 'Yes', Fill Tube Shut-off valve with 'No', and Exempt as 'Yes'

4.Find column 464f (Vent Piping Construction) and filter for None. This identifies UST systems with single-walled vent piping.

Screenshot of the 'UST Tank and Monitoring plan Info' tab with a red box highlighting '464f' named 'Secondary Containment Construction'. The data has been filtered to show column 464f with 'None'

5. Clear filter for column 464f (Vent Piping Construction)

  1. Click on the drop-down arrow in the column header
  2. From the drop-down menu, select "Clear Filter from Secondary Containment Construction"
Screenshot of the 'UST Tank and Monitoring plan Info' tab. A red box highlights the 'Clear Filter from Secondary Containment Construction'

6. Find column 464k (Riser/Fill Pipe Piping Construction) and filter for None. This identifies UST systems with single-walled riser/fill piping.

Screenshot of the 'UST Tank and Monitoring plan Info' tab with a red box highlighting 'Column 464k' named 'Secondary Containment Construction'. The data has been filtered to show column 464k with 'None'

The Evaluation Staff will cross reference the USTs in this section with violation and enforcement data to determine if the CUPA consistently cites or requires correction of construction violations.