Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution Control Program



The Initiatives in Nonpoint Source Management was developed in partial response to the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990 (CZARA). CZARA requires states to develop and implement management measures for nonpoint source pollution to restore and protect coastal waters. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) jointly prepared guidance documents with specific management measures that would fulfill CZARA requirements.

Under the State Water Resources Control Board's Nonpoint Source Program, technical advisory committees (TAC) were formed to examine the USEPA/NOAA management measures and their applicability to California. A statewide approach was taken to reduce resource expenditures and to eliminate the potential for regulatory inequities, which might occur if a separate nonpoint source pollution control program were instituted for coastal areas. TACs were convened regarding: Confined Animals; Irrigated Agriculture; Pesticide Management; Plant Nutrient Management; Range Management; Abandoned Mines; Hydromodification; Wetlands and Riparian Areas; Marina and Recreational Boating; On-site Sewage Disposal Systems; and Urban Runoff.

Each TAC prepared its own report with recommendations. These TAC reports identified a wide range of activities that were incorporated into the State Water Board's report titled "Initiatives in Nonpoint Source Management." Below is a list of the TAC reports, as well as other documents developed for the Nonpoint Source Program.