Storm Water Program - Public Involvement and Participation
The contents of these web sites and documents do not necessarily reflect the view and policies of the State Water Resources Control Board, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
- Phase
II Public Involvement and Participation Fact Sheet,
Environmental Protection Agency
This fact sheet outlines the Phase II final Rule requirements and profiles the Public Involvement and Participation minimum control measure by offering some general guidance.
- Adopt
Your Watershed,
Campaign to encourage stewardship of the nation's water resources. List of over 3,000 watershed groups.
- Snapshot
The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
A 1-day sanctuary-wide volunteer water quality monitoring event. Increases public awareness of water quality issues.
- Urban
Watch Monitoring Program,
City of Monterey, CA
Trained volunteers monitor urban storm drains, and identify common pollutants.
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Storm Water Contacts
- General Inquiries:
Toll Free: 1-(866)-563-3107 - State and Regional Board Contact Information