Storm Water Trash Implementation Program Logo

Storm Water Program - Trash Implementation Program

The Trash Amendments apply to all municipal separate storm sewer system [MS4], industrial, and construction NPDES permittees.

The State Water Resources Control Board Executive Director sent separate 13383 Orders to traditional and non-traditional Small MS4 permittees and to the Department of Transportation on June 1, 2017. Regional Water Quality Control Boards, as the Permitting Authorities, issued Water Code 13383 Orders to their Phase I permittees that contained region specific requirements, which differed in some cases from the State Water Resources Control Board Orders.

Upon reissuance or amendment, State and Regional Water Board MS4 permits have or will contain trash control implementation requirements and compliance milestones to demonstrate progress towards 100 percent compliance with the Trash Provisions. On June 22, 2022, the State Water Board reissued the Statewide Department of Transportation General Permit. On September 8, 2022, the State Water Board reissued the General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities. These reissued permits implement the Trash Provisions for the Department of Transportation and construction dischargers. The General Permits for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities and the Small MS4 General Permit will implement the Trash Provisions when reissued.

how does trash

Trash Amendments Timeline

timeline with 5 rectanges: 1 - Trash Amendments Become Effective on December 2, 2015, 2 - Water Code 13383 Orders Issued To MS4 Permittees on June 2, 2017, 3 - MS4 Permittees Comply with 13383 Orders by December 2, 2018, 4 - MS4 Permit Reissuance to Include Trash Implementation Requirements During Calendar Year 2020- 21, 5 - Final Compliance 10 Years After mplementing Permit Effective Date, In No Case Later than December 2030

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