California Environmental Reporting System (CERS)
Which UST Forms Must Be Uploaded? (October 12, 2016)
Question: Which forms are required to be submitted or uploaded in CERS? -And which of these must be signed before they are uploaded?
Answer: This FAQ has been updated to reflect CalEPA Unified Program Guidance Letter 14-08, Reporting Underground Storage Tank Information, published October 27, 2014 and the regulatory amendments adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) on August 2, 2016. The Guidance Letter allows regulated businesses to choose their preferred method of reporting specified documents; to either report these documents electronically as an uploaded pdf file to CERS or a local portal, or to continue to use the historical reporting manner prior to electronic reporting. Regulations adopted by the State Water Board allow submittals to be made by hand delivery, mail, facsimile or other electronic method unless otherwise directed by the agency that will receive the submittal as long as CERS Data Dictionary does not define the data elements for the submittal and there is no specific-named document upload option for that submittal. For example, some UST testing service providers routinely sent copies of their test certifications to the business and to the CUPA or Participating Agency (PA) on behalf of the business. Or the business may have mailed a hard copy to the CUPA or PA. Such practices, if previously acceptable to the CUPA or PA, may, at the discretion of the regulated business and with the approval of the CUPA or PA, resume until CERS 3.0 is released, currently projected in 2020.
This FAQ describes the reporting options for all UST related data and documents. In CERS, there are data entry screens where information is entered into fields, or boxes or radio buttons are checked. There are also six specifically named documents that are uploaded as pdf files. The Guidance Document does not affect these data entry screens or the specifically named documents.
However, there are eighteen ‘other required documents’ that may be reported as indicated in the Guidance Letter. Note that some of these documents may not be applicable to every UST facility. Signature requirements are provided as well. Refer to the Other Required Documents section below for more detailed information.
Below is a screen shot of the named uploadable documents and the Misc State-Required doc upload tool.

Each document upload screen provides several standardized CERS upload options. Note that all options may not be appropriate for all documents:

The following identifies each UST Program related document and the upload option(s) authorized by code or regulation (HSC 6.7 or CCR Title 23) the regulated business can select for that specific document. Submittals may be rejected by the regulator if an incorrect upload option is used. For further information contact your local CUPA or PA. (
Submitted using CERS data entry screens
- UST Facility Operating Permit Application (formerly UPCF A) - Required with every submittal
- UST Tank Information (formerly UPCF B)/Monitoring Plan (formerly UPCF D) - Required with every submittal
- Certification of Installation/Modification (formerly UPCF C) – Required for all UST installations, replacements or modifications
Uploading Documents
Regulated businesses must upload documents in pdf (portable document format) format unless another option is chosen as shown below.
- Specifically named documents
- UST Response Plan (formerly UPCF E) - Upload Document or Provided Elsewhere in CERS. Document signature not required. This document does not need to be reported separately if the required information is provided in the Hazardous Materials Business Plan Emergency Response and Training Plan.
- Certification of Financial Responsibility – Upload Document. Document signature required.
- Owner Statement of Designated UST Operator Compliance – Upload Document. Document signature required.
- UST Monitoring Site Plan (Facility Plot Plan) - Upload Document or Provided Elsewhere in CERS. This document does not need to be reported separately if the required information is provided in the Hazardous Materials Inventory Site Map.
- Letter from Chief Financial Officer – Upload Document. Document signature required.
- UST Owner/Operator: Written Agreement – Upload Document, Provided to Regulator, Stored at Facility, Exempt (if the operator is both the tank owner and the permit holder).
Document signature required.
- UST Response Plan (formerly UPCF E) - Upload Document or Provided Elsewhere in CERS. Document signature not required. This document does not need to be reported separately if the required information is provided in the Hazardous Materials Business Plan Emergency Response and Training Plan.
- Other required documents
When documents listed in the following table are required
, except for the Unauthorized Release Report,regulated businesses may choose to report using the ‘Miscellaneous State- Required Documents’ link shown in image 1 or they may choose to report as allowed in the Guidance Letter and the UST regulations. If the historic reporting method is used there is no need to additionally report these documents to CERS.A signature is required for all of these documents before they can be reported.
Document Name (Signature required for all documents) Upload Document
as pdfHistorical reporting
methodMonitoring System Annual Certification X X Spill Bucket Testing Report X X Secondary Containment Testing Report X X Tank Integrity Test Report (Possible Unauthorized Release) X X Tank Integrity Test Report (New Construction) X X Tank Integrity Test Report (After Lining) X X Tank Integrity Test Report (With Statistical Inventory Reconciliation) X X Tank Integrity Test Report (With Manual Inventory
Reconciliation)X X Line Integrity Test Report (Suction Pipe) X X Line Integrity Test Report (Gravity Pipe) X X Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Annual Results Statement X X Enhanced Leak Detection Test Report (New Construction) X X Enhanced Leak Detection Test Report (Single-Walled Tanks within 1,000 Feet of Public Drinking Water Well(s)) X X Enhanced Leak Detection Test Report (Double-Walled Tanks within 1,000 Feet of Public Drinking Water Well(s)) X X Temporary Closure Tank Liquid Sampling Results X X Tank Lining Structural Integrity Certification X X Tank Lining Interior Lining Inspection Certification X X Tank Bladder Minimized Puncture Threat Certification X X Unauthorized Release Report (Required to be reported to CERS)X X