California Environmental Reporting System (CERS)
Reporting Closure of USTs and Installation of New USTs
Question: What is the process for a business to report the permanent closure, either in-place or removal, of underground storage tanks (USTs) and the installation of new USTs at the same site?
Answer: Businesses reporting the permanent closure of one or more USTs and the subsequent installation of one or more USTs should follow this procedure:
Make a UST closure submittal:
- Log into CERS, go to your facility and select ‘Start Facility Submittal.’
- Select the ‘Start’ button for the Underground Storage Tanks submittal element.
- Start the submittal based on the most recently accepted submittal. Select ‘Start.’
- CERS automatically opens the UST Facility Operating Permit Application. Select ‘Confirmed/Updated Information’ as the ‘Type of Action.’ Select ‘Save.’
Note: Do not report ‘Permanent Facility Closure’ as new tanks are to be installed.
- CERS automatically returns to the UST submittal page. Select the ‘UST Tank Information/Monitoring Plan- Tank ID’ for the UST that was permanently closed.
- Select ‘Edit’ on the UST Tank Information/Monitoring Plan page.
- On the UST Tank Information/Monitoring Plan page:
- Select either ‘UST Permanent Closure on Site’ for closure-in-place or ‘UST Removal’
- Enter ‘Date UST Permanently Closed’
- Select ‘Save’
Note: If the ‘Date UST System Installed’ is unknown, contact the local UPA to verify this information. If no installation date can be determined, enter 1/1/1900.
- Select ‘Save’ on the UST Monitoring Plan page. No entries are required on this page.
- CERS automatically returns to the UST submittal page. Repeat the process above for each remaining permanently closed UST at the facility. Once complete, select ‘Submit.’
- Follow up with the UPA to confirm the submittal has been accepted. If accepted with conditions or if not accepted, resubmit with corrections as directed by the UPA. This submittal must be accepted by the UPA before a new UST installation submittal is submitted or accepted by the UPA.
Make a new UST installation submittal:
Within 30 days of placing the new USTs into service, the new UST(s) must be submitted to CERS.
Note: Some UPAs may request or accept submittals before the new USTs are placed into service. Check with your UPA for guidance.
- Start the new UST installation submittal based on the previously accepted UST closure submittal. Follow steps 1-3 above to start a new submittal.
- CERS automatically opens the UST Facility Operating Permit Application. The UST Facility Operating Permit Application type of action should be = Confirmed/Updated or New Permit as one or more USTs are being reported for the first time. If you are unsure which type of action is appropriate, check with your local UPA. Select ‘Save.’
- CERS automatically returns to the UST submittal page. Select the ‘Discard’ button to remove each previously reported permanently closed UST. If some USTs remain in operation do not delete them from the submittal.
- CERS automatically displays a pop-up confirmation asking if you are sure you want to discard the ‘UST Tank Information/Monitoring Plan.’ Select ‘Discard.’
- CERS automatically returns to the UST submittal page. Select the ‘Add Tank’ button to create a new entry for each newly installed UST. This is essential so that CERS gives each new UST a unique CERS Tank ID number.
- On the ‘UST Tank Information/Monitoring Plan’ page, select the either ‘Confirmed/Updated Information’ or ‘New Permit.’ Complete the rest of the tank information on this page. Select ‘Save.’
Note: The tank ID name or number under ‘Tank ID #’ is optional and solely for business use. If used, the tank ID name or number should be different from existing or new USTs that are currently at the facility.
- On the ‘UST Monitoring Plan’ page, complete all sections of the tank monitoring information. Select ‘Save.’
- CERS automatically returns to the UST submittal page. Continue steps 1-7 if additional new USTs are installed at this facility. Once complete, select ‘Submit.’
Once accepted or accepted with conditions by the UPA, the USTs will be reported to CERS. The next submittal should be based on this accepted submittal to remain in compliance and make the reporting process more efficient.
For additional references related to reporting the permanent closure of USTs, the following two FAQs may be referenced: