Issue Date: November 22, 1995
Revision Date: November 6, 1997

Western Environmental Resources

AES System II

Volumetric Tank Tightness Test Method (Overfill)

Certification Leak rate of 0.1 gph with PD = 97.7% and PFA = 2.3%.
Leak Threshold 0.05 gph.
A tank system should not be declared tight if the test result indicates a loss or gain that equals or exceeds this threshold.
Applicability Gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel, fuel oil #4.
Other liquids with known coefficients of expansion and density may be tested after consultation with the manufacturer.
Tank Capacity Maximum of 15,000 gallons.
Tank must be minimum 100% full.
Waiting Time Between delivery and the beginning of test, waiting time is included in the waiting time after "topping off". Between "topping off" and beginning test, waiting time is computer-dictated by real-time analysis of level and temperature data.
Total waiting time is approximately 4 to 12 hours. There must be no dispensing or delivery during waiting time.
Test Period Minimum of 2 hours (two 1-hour tests).
Test data are acquired and recorded by system's computer.
Leak rate is calculated from the last 1 hour, 30 minutes of test period data.
There must be no dispensing or delivery during test.
Temperature Average for product is determined by a minimum of 5 temperature sensors.
Groundwater Depth to groundwater in tank excavation backfill must be determined.
If groundwater is above bottom of tank, product level must be adjusted to provide a minimum net pressure of 2 psi at bottom of the tank during test.
Calibration Level sensors must be calibrated before each test in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
Temperature sensor must be checked annually and, if necessary, calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
Comments Not evaluated using manifolded tank systems.
  • Western Environmental Resources
    PO Box 37
    Bakersfield, CA 93302
    Tel: (805) 326-0173
  • Evaluator: Vista Research
    Tel: (415) 966-1171
    Date of Evaluation: 12/20/90

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