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UST Program - Available Local Guidance (LG) Letters

UST Program - Local Guidance (LG) 158


February 24, 2000

TO: Local Agencies

The purpose of this letter is to assist you in implementing Section 25297.15 of Ch. 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code pertaining to landowner notification and participation. Enclosed are: 1) a sample letter (sample letter 1) for you to send to primary responsible parties to inform them of this new legislation; 2) a sample letter (sample letter 2) that the primary responsible party may use to inform you of the list of landowners; 3) a sample letter (sample letter 3) that the primary responsible party may use to inform you that all current record fee title owners have been notified of a cleanup or site closure proposal, or local agency intention to make a determination that no further action is required or to issue a closure letter; 4) a sample letter (sample letter 4) of your intent to make a determination that no further action is required at a site and/or to issue a closure letter, and 5) a copy of the new legislation.

Sample letter 1 sets a 20 day period for submittal of the certified list of landowners. The law does not specify a time period, so you are free to choose an alternate period of time for compliance. Sample letter 3 is designed for the primary responsible party to use to both submit a proposal to you and to notify all landowners of the proposal. The law does not specify how much time you should give landowners to review proposals or issue a closure letter before you act on them, so this is your decision.

If you have any questions about this subject, please contact Mrs. Terry Brazell at (916) 227-4404.


[Original signed by:]

Allan Patton, Manager

Underground Storage Tank Program

Enclosures (5)

Enclosure #1: New Landowner Notification and Participation Requirements
Enclosure #2: List of Landowners Form
Enclosure #3: Notice of Proposed Action Submitted to Local Agency
Enclosure #4: Determination of No Further Action and Proposed Site Closure
Enclosure #5: AB681

cc: Regional Board UST Program Managers

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