Water Measure Report Regulation

Water Rights Measurement Data Tracker

If you are authorized to divert over 10 acre-feet of water annually, or have diverted over 10 acre-feet in a previous year, you are required to measure your diversions and report your measurement data to the State Water Board. The following table shows every water right and claim presumed subject to the Measurement Regulation – based on licensed or permitted face value and previously reported diversions – as well as the status of their measurement data submissions for the most recent water year. If you are missing any of the items listed below, you are likely out of compliance and should consult our Water Measurement home page for your requirements. Please see the "Commonly Asked Questions" section below the table for more details on where this information comes from and how to interpret it. Additional questions may be directed to the Water Measurement inbox: DWR-Measurement@waterboards.ca.gov.

The State Water Board is proposing changes to the Water Measurement and Reporting Regulation. Please visit the Water Measurement and Reporting Regulation Rulemaking webpage for more information.

Water Rights Measurement Data Tracker

Commonly Asked Questions

This list shows all water right subject to Measurement Regulations (above 10 Acre-feet in annual diversions). This includes licenses, permits, and registrations with face values above 10 Acre-feet, as well as claims of pre-1914 and/or riparian water rights that have previously reported over 10 Acre-feet of water diverted in any year. If you believe your pre-1914 or riparian claim should not appear on this list, please ensure that you have not reported any erroneous diversion amounts in your Annual Water Use Reports (Supplemental Statements of Diversion and Use).
Measurement data must be submitted to the State Water Board along with your Annual Water Use Report each year. Data is submitted using the "Manage Measurement Data" button next to each registered Measurement Device or Method in your Annual Report. Data uploaded in any other way (e.g., included as a generic attachment to your Annual Report) cannot be identified as measurement data, and will not be counted as such. Please ensure you have correctly uploaded your data file.
Not necessarily. Submitting your measurement data is only one component of compliance. You must also have an acceptable measurement device or method, identify a Qualified Individual, measure at the correct frequency and accuracy, and ensure your submitted data is high-quality and supports your reported diversion volumes. Additional documents may be required to demonstrate how volume was calculated from measurement data. Diverters who implement an Alternative Compliance Plan (ACP) must also submit an ACP that meets all regulation criteria. Please visit our Water Measurement page for a complete overview of requirements.