Mokelumne River Hydroelectric Project

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Project No. 137

Tiger Creek Regulator Dam Tiger Creek Regulator Dam (Courtesy of PG&E)

Applicant: Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E)
County: Alpine, Amador, and Calaveras
License Expiration Date: September 30, 2031
Water Quality Certification Status: Issued
Waterbodies: Bear River, Mokelumne River, North Fork Mokelumne River and its tributaries
FERC Licensing Process: TBD

Project Description:

The Mokelumne River Hydroelectric Project (Project) is located on the Mokelumne, North Fork Mokelumne, and Bear Rivers, and tributaries to the North Fork Mokelumne River. The Project includes four natural lakes which have been dammed to increase water storage: Upper Blue Lake, Lower Blue Lake, Twin Lake, and Meadow Lake. Downstream of these lakes the Project has four power developments with capacities totaling 210.8 Megawatts (MW). The Salt Springs Development, approximately 15 miles downstream of the four lakes, is located on the Nork Fork Mokelumne River and includes the Salt Springs Dam Reservoir and a powerhouse with two turbines with a total capacity of 43.5 MW. The Tiger Creek Development exists just below the Salt Springs Development and diverts water from the North Fork Mokelumne River and Tiger Creek through conduits to the Tiger Creek powerhouse where a total capacity of 54.4 MW is produced. The West Point Development exists just downstream of the Tiger Creek Development and diverts North Fork Mokelumne River flows from the Tiger Creek afterbay to the West Point Powerhouse which has a total capacity of 14 MW. The Electra Development has a capacity of 98.9 MW, and diverts North Fork Mokelumne flows from just above the West Point powerhouse to Lake Tableaud then through the Electra powerhouse and into the Mokelumne River.

Related Documents:

Lower Blue Lake Dam Seepage Mitigation and Weir Replacement Project