Water Quality Certification Program Public Notices

Public Notices for Applications Received

Project Identification Project Description Notice Date
Lower Blue Lake Dam Seepage Mitigation and Weir Replacement Project

On January 21, 2025, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) submitted a request for water quality certification for Lower Blue Lake Dam Seepage Mitigation and Weir Replacement Project for the Mokelumne River Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 137) Non-Capacity License Amendment (Project). In 2018, PG&E observed evidence of adverse seepage conditions on the downstream embankment face of Lower Blue Lake Dam. Since the 2018 event, PG&E has been operating the reservoir under a self-imposed temporary elevation restriction. The Project includes: (1) installing a filter, seepage collection system, and rock fill buttress along the downstream earthen embankment portion of Lower Blue Lake Dam to address seepage; (2) raising the crest of Lower Blue Lake Dam by approximately two feet; (3) replacing the existing reservoir depth staff gage; (4) installing a public safety railing along a portion of the dam; and (5) replacing degraded concrete associated with the instream flow release weir and including it within the FERC Project Boundary; (6) removal of the existing helipad at the left dam abutment; (7) asphalt paving on the dam crest; (8) removal and abandonment of an existing water line; (9) and a portion of electrical conduit that provides power and communications to the IFR weir gauging station would be relocated outside of the rock fill buttress footprint.

Hell Hole Seasonal Storage Increase Project

The Hell Hole Seasonal Storage Increase Project (Project) is part of the Middle Fork American River Project (MFP, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. 2079) which is owned and operated by Placer County Water Agency (PCWA). The MFP includes two major storage reservoirs (French Meadows and Hell Hole) that have a combined capacity of approximately 342,000 acre-feet, five smaller regulating reservoirs and diversion pools, and five powerhouses with a combined capacity of approximately 224 megawatts. The MFP seasonally stores and releases water to meet consumptive demands within Placer County and to generate power. The Project consists of modifications to the existing Hell Hole Spillway to allow for storage of additional water in the Hell Hole Reservoir during spring and summer after the peak of the runoff period. Modifications to Hell Hole Dam include: (1) removal of the upper six inches of the existing ogee to construct new overflow gates; (2) construction of two concrete end abutments on the crest structure; and (3) construction of a 1.5-foot-wide concrete pier to separate regulating and non-regulating overflow gates. The Project also includes the construction of a new control building, transformer, propane tank, and security fence associated with the Hell Hole Dam modifications.

Yuba River Development Project (FERC Project No. 2246) and Narrows Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 1403)

On December 30, 2024, Yuba County Water Agency (YCWA) submitted requests for water quality certification for the Yuba River Development Project (FERC Project No. 2246) and Narrows Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 1403).

The Yuba River Development Project is located on the Yuba River, Middle Yuba River, North Yuba River, and Oregon Creek, and has an installed capacity of 361.9 megawatts. Main facilities include: New Bullards Bar Reservoir, Our House Diversion Dam Impoundment, Log Cabin Diversion Dam Impoundment, New Bullards Bar Dam, Our House Diversion Dam, Log Cabin Diversion Dam, Camptonville Diversion Tunnel, Lohman Ridge Diversion Tunnel, New Colgate Powerhouse, New Bullards Bar Minimum Flow Powerhouse, and Narrows 2 Powerhouse. Though YCWA does not own Englebright Dam, Englebright Reservoir, or Daguerre Point Dam, these facilities are critical infrastructure in operation of the Yuba River Development Project. As part of the Project, YCWA proposes: (1) a new tailwater depression system at New Colgate Powerhouse; (2) construction, operation and maintenance of a new auxiliary flood control outlet at New Bullards Bar Reservoir; (3) modification of the Our House and Log Cabin diversion dams fish release outlets; (4) modification to the Lohman Ridge Diversion Tunnel intake; (5) modifications to recreation facilities at New Bullards Bar Reservoir; (6) modifications to Project roads; and (7) modifications to Project operations and flow releases.

The Narrows Hydroelectric Project is located on the Yuba River and has an installed capacity of 12 megawatts. The Narrows Hydroelectric Project includes the Narrows 1 Powerhouse, Narrows Penstock, Narrows Tunnel, and the Powerhouse Access Tram. The Narrows Hydroelectric Project does not include any dams, intakes, switchyards or transmission lines, or roads. Water for the Narrows Hydroelectric Project is received from USACE’s Englebright Reservoir through Englebright Dam’s intake and tunnel. YCWA has not proposed any changes to existing Narrows Hydroelectric Project facilities.

Poe Hydroelectric Project Amendment Request: Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Condition 1 & 9 On December 19, 2024, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) submitted a water quality certification (certification) amendment application for the Poe Hydroelectric Project (Project), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Project No. 2107. The proposed amendment would change the language in certification Condition 1: Minimum Instream Flows and Condition 9: Poe Bypass Reach Biological Monitoring. PG&E proposes to change Condition 1 language to allow Minimum Instream Flow (MIF) modifications for future maintenance or repairs of the dam, outlet facilities, and MIF release facilities without seeking a certification amendment. PG&E proposes to change Condition 9 to (1) make the language in the condition consistent with previously approved changes to the Amphibian Monitoring Plan, (2) change the language of Condition 9 plan revisions, and (3) clarify the biological monitoring schedule in the Poe Bypass Reach Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Plan. 01/14/2025
Bucks Creek Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Certification Amendment (FERC Project No. 619)

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is requesting an amendment to the water quality certification (certification) for the Bucks Creek Hydroelectric Project (Project). PG&E proposes two modifications to Condition 1: Minimum Instream Flows of the certification. First, PG&E requests to include language allowing for temporary modifications to the minimum instream flow requirements described in Table 2 (below Lower Bucks Lake) and Table 3 (below Grizzly Forebay). The revision would provide PG&E with the flexibility to address future maintenance and operational needs at Grizzly Forebay Dam and Lower Bucks Lake Dam. Additionally, PG&E is requesting to revise the deadline to submit the final annual report on minimum instream flow compliance to the State Water Board’s Deputy Director of the Division of Water Rights from December 15 to January 31. The revision would align the annual reporting deadline with United States Forest Service 4(e) Condition No. 31 and the Project’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license.

Don Pedro Hydroelectric Project and La Grange Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project Nos. 2299 and 14581, respectively)

The Don Pedro Hydroelectric Project, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Project No. 2299, and the La Grange Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 14581 (collectively, Projects) are located on the Tuolumne River in Tuolumne and Stanislaus Counties, California, northeast of the City of Turlock. The Projects are jointly owned and operated by Turlock Irrigation District and Modesto Irrigation District (collectively, Districts). As part of the Don Pedro Hydroelectric Project relicensing, the Districts intend to incorporate an existing infiltration gallery; construct and operate a second infiltration gallery; replace or install new recreation facilities; modify the Don Pedro Hydroelectric Project boundary; and implement measures to protect and enhance environmental conditions such as minimum instream flows, ramping rates, and spring and fall pulse flows. As part of the new license for the La Grange Hydroelectric Project, the Districts intend to continue to operate the La Grange Hydroelectric Project as it has been historically operated, with the addition of measures to protect and enhance environmental conditions.

Merced River Hydroelectric Project and Merced Falls Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project Nos. 2179 and 2467, respectively)

The Merced River Hydroelectric Project (Merced River Project) and Merced Falls Hydroelectric Project (Merced Falls Project, collectively Merced Projects), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Project Nos. 2179 and 2467, respectively, are located in the Merced River watershed, in Merced and Mariposa counties, California. The majority of the Merced Projects’ facilities are located on federal land administered by the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as part of the Sierra Resource Management Area. The major components of the Merced Projects include one reservoir, one impoundment, three powerhouses, and various access roads and other appurtenant facilities. The Merced River Project has an authorized installed capacity of 101.25 megawatts and the Merced Falls Project has an authorized installed capacity of 3.4 megawatts.

Arroyo Canal Fish Screen and Sack Dam Fish Passage Project

On November 6, 2024, the United States Bureau of Reclamation submitted a request for certification for the Arroyo Canal Fish Screen and Sack Dam Fish Passage Project (Project). The Project aims to enhance fish passage at the Arroyo Canal and Sack Dam facilities on the San Joaquin River, prevent the entrainment of anadromous fish, and ensure effective fish passage at Sack Dam. The Project includes the following: (1) construction of a fish screen; (2) construction of a new 4,500 cubic feet per second channel around Sack Dam; (3) installation of new structures to control flow releases into the river channel; (4) construction of a fishway to provide salmonid passage; and (5) construction of a new maintenance building. Additionally, the Project will require the removal of an existing Pacific Gas and Electric Company gas and power line, with new line installed to replace it.

Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2997)

On October 25, 2024, South Sutter Water District submitted a request for water quality certification for the Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project (Project; FERC Project No. 2997). The 6.8-megawatt project is located on the Bear River. The Project includes Camp Far West Reservoir, Camp Far West Dam and associated spillway, an intake tower, powerhouse, a switchyard, and two recreation areas and associated facilities. South Sutter Water District has applied for a new FERC license, under which it proposes to: (1) raise the normal maximum water surface elevation of Camp Far West Reservoir by approximately 5 feet from an elevation of 300 feet to an elevation of 304.8 feet (i.e., pool raise) by raising the crest of the existing spillway; (3) relocate, reroute, or realign 104 recreation facilities and replacement or rehabilitation of recreation facilities; (4) add an existing 0.25-mile road as a primary Project road; (5) modify the Project boundary to account for the new reservoir surface level and to remove a transmission line that is no longer part of the Project; and (6) implement new protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures.

Poe Hydroelectric Project Minimum Instream Flow and Tributary Access Monitoring Temporary Amendment

On October 15, 2024, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) submitted a water quality certification (certification) amendment application for the Poe Hydroelectric Project (Project). The amendment would allow temporary modifications to Condition 1 (Minimum Instream Flows) and Condition 13 (Tributary Access). A temporary reduction in minimum instream flow (MIF) is needed to complete dam safety maintenance on the radial bypass gate, specifically, recoating the gate, replacing seals, and replacing the hoist and controls. PG&E proposes to lower MIF to 100 cfs from June 1, 2025, through November 1, 2025. Because lowering MIF will impact tributary access monitoring, PG&E proposes to delay monitoring until the next Critically Dry water year type if 2025 is classified as a Critically Dry water year.

Yuba-Bear Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2266)

On August 29, 2024, Nevada Irrigation District submitted a request for water quality certification for the Yuba-Bear Hydroelectric Project (Project; FERC Project No. 2266).  The 79.32 megawatt project is located on the South Yuba River, Middle Yuba River, and Bear River.  The Project includes four developments: Bowman, Dutch Flat, Chicago Park, and Rollins, which include 13 main dams, 11 reservoirs, four water conduits, four powerhouses, 17 campgrounds and associated recreation facilities. Nevada Irrigation District has applied for a new FERC license, under which it proposes to: add a powerhouse adjacent to the existing Rollins Powerhouse; add five new streamflow gages; replace, upgrade, or construct new recreation facilities; decommission two non-Project roads; modify the Project boundary to add additional roads and recreation areas; and implement new minimum flow, ramping, and spill cessation measures.

Kerckhoff Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 96)

On August 22, 2024, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) submitted a request for water quality certification for the Kerckhoff Hydroelectric Project, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. 96 (Project). The Project is located in Fresno and Madera Counties on the San Joaquin River. In addition to continued operations, PG&E proposes: 1) decommissioning of the Kerckhoff 1 Powerhouse; 2) construction of a new day use area; 3) Project boundary updates; and 4) implementation of new environmental management plans and measures.

Removal and Decommissioning of the Kanaka Powerhouse for the Kanaka Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 7242) License Surrender

On July 15, 2024, STS Hydroelectric, LLC submitted a request for water quality certification for the Removal and Decommissioning of the Kanaka Powerhouse for the Kanaka Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 7242) License Surrender (Project). The Kanaka Hydroelectric Project was damaged as a result of the Ponderosa Fire and ceased operations in August 2017. The Project includes: (1) removal of the Kanaka Powerhouse and substation structures; (2) cutting and installing a concrete plug in the intake pipe, and capping and abandoning-in-place the penstock; (3) installing a sand and gravel plug in the wet well; (4) filling and grading the tailrace with native material and then abandoning-in-place; (5) regrading the powerhouse site after demolition; (6) repairing any failed culvert systems within the FERC boundary to reduce sediment transport associated with Project roads; and (7) abandoning-in-place the diversion dam. Once decommissioned, the diversion dam will become the responsibility of the private landowner, and natural stream flows (average flow is approximately 10 cubic feet per second) will top the diversion dam.

Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project

On June 28, 2024, Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) submitted a request for a water quality certification for the Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project (Project) (part of Anderson Dam Hydroelectric Project, also known as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. 5737). The purpose of the Project is to retrofit Anderson Dam to meet FERC and the California Department of Water Resources’ Division of Safety of Dams seismic safety requirements and enable the Project to safely manage flood flows into Coyote Creek. Anderson Reservoir is located near the Calaveras and Coyote Creek Range Front Faults. The Project consists of: replacement of the existing Anderson Dam; replacement of the existing spillway; replacement of the Anderson Reservoir outlet works; decommissioning of the hydroelectric facility; and implementation of mitigation measures to offset the impact of Project activities. Mitigation measures include: construction period imported water releases; Ogier Ponds ecological enhancements; maintenance of spawning gravel and rearing habitat improvements in Live Oak Restoration Reach; phase 2 of the Coyote Percolation Dam improvements; and payment of fees into the Valley Habitat Plan. Valley Water also intends to surrender their FERC license for the Hydroelectric Facility as part of this Project.

French Meadows Campground Rehabilitation Project

On June 5, 2024, Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) submitted a request for a water quality certification for the French Meadows Campground Rehabilitation Project (Project). French Meadows Campground is a part of PCWA’s Middle Fork American River Hydroelectric Project (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. 2079). The Project will reduce the size of the campground and rehabilitate the remaining sites to meet current U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service accessibility standards. This includes replacing seven culverts. PCWA will remove existing culverts, install new culverts, improve downstream drainage and outlet from culverts as necessary, and backfill excavated areas using native soil or cement slurry. Rock-lined ditches will be placed to stabilize the banks at each end of the culverts.

Sediment Management Practices at Democrat Dam for the Kern River No.1 Hydroelectric Project

On June 6, 2024, Southern California Edison Company (SCE) applied for the Sediment Management Practices at Democrat Dam for the Kern River No. 1 Hydroelectric Project (Project). SCE is proposing the Project to reduce infill in the impoundment behind Democrat Dam, part of the Kern No. 1 Hydroelectric Project (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [FERC] Project No.1930). The Project objective is to maintain downstream river health by passing impounded sediment through Democrat Dam. The Project will continue the sediment management practices outlined in the Revised Sediment Management Plan, which is part of the Kern No. 1 Hydroelectric Project’s 1998 FERC license.

Freeman Diversion Facility Renovation Project

On April 9, 2024, United Water Conservation District (United) filed a water quality certification application for the Freeman Diversion Facility Renovation Project (Project). United is proposing the Freeman Diversion Facility Renovation Project (Project), with the overall goal to renovate the Freeman Diversion to improve fish passage at the facility, enhance the operational flexibility of the diversion for future water resource management, and enable greater sediment management capability through the facility while minimizing and mitigating potential take of threatened and endangered species. The Project consists of replacing the existing off-channel Denil fish ladder with an in-river hardened ramp, resurfacing the downstream face of the diversion grade control structure, constructing a new diversion intake and headworks, replacing and adding to the sediment management systems, replacing the fish screen system, replacing the fish bypass and evaluation system, and updating the flow operations at the diversion.
