Water Partnerships Toolbox

This website is dedicated to providing a collection of tools that can be used for resource sharing between drinking water systems. It contains templates, guidelines, contacts, training and other information that may be applicable to many types of water partnerships, such as local resource sharing, consolidation and regionalization. Many of the templates below can provide a starting point for various types of agreements. However, a thorough review of all possible contractual issues and independent legal review is always recommended.

Find Water Systems Near You

  • Drinking Water System Outreach Tool

    This website provides a map of the boundaries of public water systems. It is currently under development and does not include all public water systems, but is searchable by address or county.

  • Drinking Water Watch

    All active and inactive public water systems in California are provided on this website as well as a contact phone number or address for the public water system. The listing can be filtered by county, but no map is provided.

If you are unable to find a public water system nearby, contact the District Engineer for additional support.

Collaboration Information and Templates

Mutual aid templates and guidance

Joint Power Authority regulations and Information

Joint Powers Agreement for public agencies (See Section 6500-6536 of the Government Code) and the Secretary of State's website. Section 6525 refers to mutual water companies combining with public water agencies.

Crafting Inter-local Water Agreements from University of North Carolina's Environmental Finance Center

Crafting Inter-local Water Agreements

Board Training, Asset Inventory and Rate Setting Training

Board Trainings, Asset Inventory and Rate Setting Trainings can be found on the Rural Community Assistance Corporation.

Funding and Funding Incentives for Consolidation and Regionalization

The Division of Financial Assistance (DFA) manages the State Water Resources Control Board's financial assistance programs. These programs offer low interest loans and grant funding for qualifying planning and construction projects.

General Funding Information

Funding Incentives for Consolidation and Regionalization

Drinking Water Grants-Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program – Fact Sheet

Other Funding Sources and Links to Funding Fair Dates

Local Area Formation Information (LAFCO)

Water Rights in Consolidation and Regionalization

If the public water system uses surface water as a water source (lake, river, etc.) the water system likely has surface water rights with specific areas of use, called the "Place of Use." To use these rights at other locations, a petition of change of use will be required by the Division of Water Rights.

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

USEPA’s Water Partnership Website

Contact Us

For assistance on water partnerships and consolidations, contact our coordinators:

Sirichad Tara Ouitavon, P.E., Northern California
(510) 620-3654

Bryan Potter , P.E., Southern California
(559) 447-3300