Water Recycling Criteria Update (Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 3)


California Water Code section 13521.2 requires the State Water Board, on or before January 1, 2023, to update the uniform statewide criteria for nonpotable recycled water uses (Water Recycling Criteria) to incorporate by reference the criteria and applicable backflow protection provisions, including provisions for the use of swivel or changeover device for dual-plumbed systems, that are contained in the policy handbook adopted pursuant to section 116407 of the Health and Safety Code (the Cross Connection Control Policy Handbook).

Division of Drinking Water staff will be addressing updates to the Water Recycling Criteria through multiple regulation packages. The purpose and timeframe of the regulatory packages are as summarized in the table below.

Package Purpose Timeframe
1 Incorporate by reference the criteria and applicable backflow provisions per CWC 13521.2 Winter 2022 – Summer 2023
2 Incorporate non-substantive and clarifying Water Recycling Criteria updates TBD
3 Address additional Water Recycling Criteria updates not addressed in Package 2 TBD

Rulemaking Information

Information and documentation pertaining to this regulatory action will be provided here, pending development of the regulations.

Sections Affected

California Code of Regulations: Title 22 Sections: TBD

History of Rulemaking Proceedings

  • Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Published: TBD
  • Close of the 45-Day Public Comment Period: TBD
  • Date of Scheduled Public Hearings: TBD
  • Date filed with Office of Administrative Law: TBD
  • Approved by Office of Administrative Law: TBD
  • Filed with the Secretary of State: TBD
  • Effective Date: TBD

Status of Proposal

  • Staff has not started Rulemaking process

Rulemaking Documentation

45-Day Comment Period Documentation

  • TBD

Final Documentation

  • TBD

Complete Rulemaking Documentation Files

  • TBD

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For Questions or Comments, please contact: ddwrecycledwater@waterboards.ca.gov