CWSRF Funding Requirements

Environmental Regulations

Projects must comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and applicable federal environmental laws to receive funding from the State Water Board. The State Water Board is required to conduct environmental review prior to awarding funding.

American Iron and Steel (AIS)

AIS requires CWSRF funding recipients to use iron and steel products produced in the U.S. for the project.

View American Iron and Steel (AIS)

Build American, Buy America (BABA)

BABA expands on AIS requirements to require all iron and steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the project to be produced in the United States. BABA was recently signed into law in 2021.

  • Build America, Buy America Requirement
  • At this time, waiver to this requirement may be granted for projects that have initiated design planning prior to May 14, 2022. Please work with your State Water Board project manager if your project may qualify for a waiver.

Davis-Bacon Act

Davis-Bacon Act requires contractors and subcontractors to be paid not less than the prevailing wage and fridge benefits for the geographic location. This requirement applies if a construction contract or subcontract is in excess of $2,000, and it is funded in whole or in part with assistance through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund ("DWSRF") OR it is a treatment works project that is funded in whole or in part with assistance through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund ("CWSRF").

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

A primary objective of DBE is to ensure nondiscrimination in the award of contracts under financial assistance agreements. This requirement applies to procurements under CWSRF financial assistance agreements, whether by a recipient or its prime contractor, for construction, equipment, services and supplies.

Signage and Logos

Applicable logos are required on project signage.