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SWAMP - Widescale Prevention Measures
- Aquatic Nuisance Species in Arizona (pdf ppt)
Non-Indigenous Species Site is a project of the University of Arizona, Arizona Game and Fish, Arizona Department of Agriculture, Salt River Project, and the Central Arizona Project. This presentation contains working documents regarding zebra mussels, exotic aquatic plants and other aquatic nuisance species. - Guide to Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species Transport by Wildland Fire Operations (USDA Jan. 2017)
- The Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel (NEANS)
Protecting the marine and freshwater resources of the Northeast from invasive aquatic nuisance species through commitment and cohesive coordinated action. - North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA)
- NAISMA 2023 Conference
- Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)
- North American Agenda for Action
2003-2005 Conservation of Biodiversity 2.2.5 Closing the Pathways of Aquatic Invasive Species across North America. - Aquatic Invasive Species Vector Risk Assessments: The role of fishing vessels as vectors for marine and estuarine aquatic invasive species in California July 2012
- USFS (Forest Service) Pacific Southwest Region Invasive Aquatic Molluscs Program
Zebra mussels and New Zealand mud snails. - Preventing the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Organisms Common to the Intermountain Region (USDA, Forest Service)
- Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, Dec. 2020 Meeting Minutes (US Fish & Wildlife Service)
- Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species (WRP)
The Western Region has the opportunity to protect its financial and ecological resources from invasive nuisance species. A rapid, coordinated response on the part of affected public and private entities from North Dakota to Guam and Alaska to Texas will ensure that the introduction, spread and impacts of aquatic nuisance species are limited. To facilitate this coordinated response, a provision calling for the formation of the Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species (WRP) was included in the National Invasive Species Act of 1996 (P.L. 101-636) which amended the 1990 Act. - Whirling Disease Initiative
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