The SWAMP Information Management and Quality Assurance Center (SWAMP IQ) is tasked with assisting ambient monitoring projects and programs throughout the state. We offer resources that support each stage of water quality monitoring, from sample collection to data entry, as well as providing quality assurance review, verification, and data storage. SWAMP IQ staff strives to promote question-driven monitoring, and to ensure the highest quality data is used to evaluate the health of California’s water bodies.
Resource Links
SWAMP Quality Assurance Webpage – SWAMP’s QA program webpage houses the SWAMP Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPrP) and provides information for development of Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs), QA guidance documents, Water Quality Goals and more.
SWAMP Quality Assurance Program Plan (Program Plan) – The purpose of this Program Plan is to establish quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) standards and procedures to be applied to SWAMP projects in order to produce data that are scientifically valid and defensible, and of known and documented quality.
SWAMP Wiki Home Page – The SWAMP wiki houses documents such as roundtable agendas and notes, data management and quality assurance documents, programmatic SOPs, and data reporting templates.
SWAMP Online Data Checker – This tool is provided to SWAMP team members and laboratories to check data submission files, within SWAMP templates, for formatting, lookup list values, and SWAMP business rules.
Lookup Lists – SWAMP’s Lookup Lists contain the titles, values, and codes used in data templates that comply with SWAMP’s business rules.
SWAMP Data Management Website – This website is provided to Water Board staff and partner laboratories to quickly download datasets within the SWAMP Data Warehouse. Data within the Warehouse represents all data within the SWAMP database. The Warehouse is refreshed weekly. Contact the OIMA-Helpdesk for more information.
Regional Project Write-ups –All SWAMP regional monitoring projects are required to have an approved Regional Project Write-up. Write-ups combine the core elements of the Data Quality Objectives (DQO) planning process utilized in Project Plan development, and shall be used in lieu of developing individual complete Project Plans.
The California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) - A distributed data system, comprised of a number of Regional Data Centers, designed to facilitate integration and sharing of data collected by many different participants. CEDEN’s mission is to simplify and improve access to California’s water resource monitoring data by providing services that integrate, standardize, and display data from a diverse array of monitoring and data management efforts. CEDEN serves as the venue through which SWAMP data are made available to the public.
Data Management FTP - The OIMA Data Management FTP is provided for the upload and download of SWAMP databases, tools, and related files only.
What is SWAMP Comparability?
To learn more about how your project can be comparable to SWAMP, please visit SWAMP Comparability.
How Can We Help?
Our resources are divided by data type due to the uniqueness of each data set and how it affects water quality. You can learn more about each data type and download our resources from the links below.

Monitoring Site Reconnaissance and Field Safety
- selecting and visiting a monitoring site; protecting the health and safety of field personnel.

Geospatial Information
- gathering, displaying, and manipulating imagery, GPS, satellite photography and historical data to predict, manage, and learn about phenomena affecting the environment.

Field Measurements
- determination of physical and chemical properties of surface water that must be measured on site.

- collecting and measuring contaminants in the tissue of fish and shellfish.

- measuring a site’s biological health through the collection and identification of benthic macroinvertebrates and algae communities, as well as physical habitat measurements and observations.

Chemical Pollutants
- measuring nutrients, metals, pesticides, and chemical compounds in water, sediment, and tissue.

- measuring bacteria, pathogens, and toxins in water, sediment, and tissue; including the study of cyanobacteria and its toxins (Harmful Algal Blooms), microbial source tracking, and bacteria gene sequence identification.

- measuring the combined effect of contaminants on the survival, growth, and reproduction of organisms in water and sediment.
Who We Are
SWAMP IQ is a centralized and integrated team that provides support for ambient water quality monitoring. Our mission is to provide consistent service in quality assurance planning and data support to SWAMP and other Water Board programs and agencies. SWAMP IQ will accomplish this through effective tools, infrastructure guidance, and by performing and maintaining internal data operations to assist with and ensure success of the program.
SWAMP IQ provides expertise in physical, chemical and biological parameters. See contact lists below for staff specialization by data type.
Analysis/Data Type | SWAMP IQ Staff |
Chemistry | Kim Pham |
Bioassessment; Physical Habitat | Toni Marshall Candice Heinz |
Field Measurements | Toni Marshall |
Tissue Compositing; Tissue Analyses | Jennifer Salisbury |
Toxicity | Tony Gill |
Microbiology | Lindsey Metz |
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Taxonomy | Toni Marshall |
Algae Taxonomy | Candice Heinz |
Cyanobacteria | Lindsey Metz |