SWAMP - Mission
The SWAMP mission is to provide resource managers, decision makers, and the public with timely, high-quality information to evaluate the condition of all waters throughout California. SWAMP accomplishes this through carefully designed, externally reviewed monitoring programs, and by assisting other entities state-wide in the generation of comparable data that can be brought together in integrated assessments that provide answers to current management questions.
- Monitoring at both statewide and regional levels is necessary to protect water quality in California.
- Monitoring is designed to support a network of information users that include state and local agencies, the regulated community, the interested public, and their elected representatives.
- Monitoring efforts are prioritized.
- SWAMP seeks to make the most efficient use of data collected by all Water Board programs, as well as the large amount of data collected by local agencies and the regulated community.
- SWAMP monitoring evaluates the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the State’s waters.
Regardless of scope, all effective monitoring programs are designed to answer specific assessment questions asked by resource managers. SWAMP statewide and Regional monitoring programs are each designed to address one or more of the following assessment questions for defined water body types and beneficial uses:
- Status: What is the overall quality of California’s surface waters?
- Trends: What is the pace and direction of change in surface water quality over time?
- Problem Identification: Which water bodies have water quality problems and which areas are at risk?
- Diagnostic: What are the causes of water quality problems and where are the sources of those stressors?
- Evaluation: How effective are clean water projects and programs?
SWAMP - Statewide Planning Documents
- SWAMP Achievements Report (2009-2015)
- 2014 SWAMP Review: In 2014 SWAMP conducted an internal programmatic review to evaluate program functions and effectiveness, and to recommend actions to ensure the program's continued success
- 2010 SWAMP Strategy: Update to the SWAMP’s Comprehensive Monitoring and Assessment Strategy to Protect and Restore California’s Water Quality - December 2010
- 2010 SWAMP Strategy (full report with appendices)
- 2010 SWAMP Strategy (report only)
- Appendices
- 2005 SWAMP Strategy: This was SWAMP’s 5-7 year “business plan” - October 2005
- Review of California’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program: Final report from the external Scientific Planning and Review Committee (SPARC) - May 2006
- Science Support for the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program by R. Hoenicke, S. Lowe, and J. Davis of the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) - April 2008
- State Water Board's 2000 Report to the Legislature proposing a ‘Comprehensive Ambient Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program’