SWAMP - Prevention Planning
The Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) encourages those that will be monitoring, implementing mitigation projects or even just conducting maintenance activities in any waterbody to prepare a comprehensive AIS-Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Plan.
- California Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan
- Planning is Everything: HACCP Planning for Natural Resource Pathways
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) - AIS-HACCP is a self-inspection system for reducing the risk of spreading aquatic invasive species through aquaculture, hatchery, scientific, natural resource, and baitfish harvesting activities. This adaptable way to protect waterways from unwanted species was derived from HACCP methods required for the seafood industry and builds on Sea Grant’s success in assisting industry compliance. HACCP planning support includes instructions, forms and a planning wizard that will help reduce the risks of spreading hitchhiking species.
- Sea Grant Michigan – Aquatic Invasive Species'
- Minnesota-Wisconsin Invasive Species Conference 2010
- Sea Grant Oregon – Publications and Multimedia Catalogue
Guide to Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species Transport by Wildland Fire Operations (2017)
USF&WS Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
USF&WS (Alaska) Aquatic Species Prevention Guidelines
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Planning (HACCP) - Reducing the risk of spreading invasive species in natural resource activity pathways.
(USF&WS) Ecological Risk Screening Summaries (ERSS)
- What are Ecological Risk Screening Summaries and Why Are They Important?
- Invasive species cause incredible harm to the environment and cost billions of dollars to state and federal governments and private industry. Although many species introductions happen each year, only some will cause harm and become invasive.
Invasive Species Risk Assessment and Planning (ISRAP) is a tool that manages the risk of moving non-targets (non-target = anything that you are not intending on moving from one place to the next) in natural resource management activities. The first step in the risk management process is to conduct a risk assessment of potential pathways (A pathway is an activity or process through which a species may be transferred to a new location where it could become introduced). The risk assessment determines the significance of potentially moving species to an area where they may become invasive. Once it is determined that a pathway poses a significant risk, then a plan is implemented to reduce this risk. The plan is created using the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) planning process.
As part of campaigns to help prevent the spread of invasive by increasing awareness, HACCP has become a recognizable brand. HACCP training workshops, a website, and an international standard have been created. The ISRAP process takes advantage of this pre-existing HACCP brand and planning process (with a few modifications) and combines them with the risk assessment to create a tool that is focused on preventing the spread of invasive species.
Invasive Species Risk Assessment and Planning (ISRAP): A New Tool for Managing the Risk of Moving Aquatic Invasive Species in Natural Resource Monitoring and Management Activities
- ISRAP YouTube Video
- ISRAP Forms
- RAM for Aquatic Activities
- RAM for Terrestrial Activities
- Critical Control Point Decision Tree
Biosecurity Tools to Manage Public Health and Environmental Risks constitute a strategic and integrated approach that encompasses the policy and regulatory frameworks (including instruments and activities) for analyzing and managing relevant risks to human, animal and plant life and health, and associated risks to the environment. Biosecurity covers food safety; diseases that can be transferred from animals to humans; the introduction of animal and plant diseases and pests; the introduction and release of living modified organisms (LMOs) and their products (e.g. genetically modified organisms or GMOs); and the introduction and management of invasive alien species. Thus, biosecurity is a holistic concept of direct relevance to the sustainability of agriculture, and wide-ranging aspects of public health and protection of the environment, including biological diversity.
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