Bioassessment Reports and Publications
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Memos and Fact Sheets
- Physical Habitat Index Technical Memo (August 2018)
- Regional Fact Sheets (2018, Including bioassessment program work)
- Using Multiple Biological and Habitat Condition Indices for Bioassessment of California Streams Technical Memo (July 2016)
- A Regional Approach to Evaluating the Biological Condition of Southern California's Wadeable Streams - 2009-2013: The First Five Years of the Southern Monitoring Coalition's Regional Monitoring Program (February 2016)
- California Stream Condition Index Fact Sheet (December 2015)
- California Stream Condition Index Technical Memo (October 2015)
- 12-Year PSA Memo: An Assessment of Biological Condition using the new California Stream Condition Index (CSCI) (June 2015)
- The Effects of Wildfire on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Southern California Streams and Implications for Bioassessment Monitoring Programs (May 2012)
- Biology-based Stressor Thresholds (October 2011)
- Extent of California’s Perennial and Non-Perennial Streams (October 2011)
- Status of California’s Wadeable Perennial Streams (October 2011)
- Value of SWAMP’s Statewide Monitoring Programs (October 2011)
- Assessing the Health of Southern California Streams (c. 2010)
- An Ecological Assessment of California’s Perennial Wadeable Streams and Rivers (2008-2018) Final Report (March 2021)
- Multiyear report for Wadeable Streams Bioassessment sampled from 2016 to 2017
- Assessment of the Condition of San Francisco Bay Area Depressional Wetlands - March 2017
- Biological Condition of Non-Perennial Streams and Spring-Fed Oases in the Colorado River Basin Region - February 2017
- Assessment of the Condition of Southern California Depressional Wetlands (March 2016) - This report describes the adaptation of existing benthic invertebrate and algae bioassessment tools for application to depressional wetlands in southern California. The modified assessment tools were applied, along with the California Rapid Assessment Method, to assess the ambient condition of southern California wetlands and the stressors that affect their condition.
- Benthic Invertebrate and Deposited Sediment TMDL Guidance for the Pajaro River Watershed (March 2016)
- California Integrated Assessment of Watershed Health (November 2013) – A report on the status and vulnerability of watershed health in California.
- Condition of California Perennial, Wadeable Streams Based on Algal Indicators (October 2013)
- 8-Year PSA Report: Ecological Condition Assessments of California's Perennial Wadeable Streams (2000 through 2007) – Novel use of probability surveys to assess the condition of streams draining agricultural, urban, and forested landscapes (October 2011)
- Evaluation of the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Bioassessment Program – Final Report to USEPA, by C. Yoder, Center for Applied Bioassessment & Biocriteria, and R. Plotnikoff, Tetra Tech, Inc. (May 2009)
- Recommendations for the Development and Maintenance of a Reference Condition Management Program (RCMP) to support Biological Assessment of California's Wadeable Streams (March 2009)
- Synthesis Report: Integrating probability and targeted survey designs in regional stream condition assessments with examples from southern coastal California (November 2009)
- Incorporating Bioassessment Using Freshwater Algae into California’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (“Algae Plan”) (May 2008)
- 6-Year PSA Report: Ecological Condition Assessments of California's Perennial Wadeable Streams (2000 through 2006) (October 2007)
- Comparisons of targeted-riffle and reach-wide benthic macroinvertebrate samples: implications for data sharing in stream-condition assessments – A.C. Rehn, P.R. Ode, and C.P. Hawkins, JNABS 2007
- Water Quality Assessment Report of the Condition of California Coastal Waters and Wadeable Streams – Clean Water Act, Section 305(b) Report (October 2006)
- Comparison of the performance of different bioassessment methods: similar evaluations of biotic integrity from separate programs and procedures – D.B. Herbst and E.L. Silldorff, JNABS 2006
- 4-Year PSA Report: Probabilistic Assessment of the Biotic Condition of Perennial Streams and Rivers in California (August 2005)
- Adaptation of a reference site selection methodology to creeks and sloughs of California’s Sacramento Valley and alternative strategies for developing a regional bioassessment framework (March 2005)
- Condition Assessment of Coastal Streams in Southern and Central California (July 2004)