Summary of Online Stormwater Resources
A summary of available online stormwater resources which may be of interest to Citizen Monitors and Watershed Stewards.
Agency Programs
U.S. EPA Stormwater Program
Stormwater runoff is generated when precipitation from rain and snowmelt events flows
over land or impervious surfaces and does not percolate into the ground. As the runoff
flows over the land or impervious surfaces (paved streets, parking lots, and building
rooftops), it accumulates debris, chemicals, sediment or other pollutants that could
adversely affect water quality if the runoff is discharged untreated. The primary method
to control stormwater discharges is the use of best management practices (BMPs). In
addition, most stormwater discharges are considered point sources and require coverage
under an NPDES permit.
U.S. EPA Stormwater & National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Basic Information (FAQ's)
SWRCB Storm Water Program
SWRCB Nonpoint Source Program
Coastal Commission Water Quality Program Statewide Nonpoint Source (NPS)
Caltrans (CA Dept. of Transportation) Statewide Stormwater Program
Caltrans Construction General Permit (Stormwater):
Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition
Stormwater runoff in southern California has become one of the largest environmental
management issues in the region. The goal of the SMC is to develop the technical
information necessary to better understand stormwater mechanisms and impacts, and then
develop the tools that will effectively and efficiently improve stormwater decisionmaking.
The SMC develops and funds cooperative projects to improve our knowledge of
stormwater quality management. SMC projects are described on these web pages.
Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA)
BASMAA was started in response to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) permitting program for storm water in an effort to promote regional
consistency and to facilitate efficient use of public resources.
Best Management Practices (BMP's)
Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) National Network
The Network was originally envisioned as a cooperative of educational programs that
would assist each other in fulfilling their mission of educating local decision makers. But
as the Network has grown, it has begun to demonstrate that it can be far more than the
sum of its parts, helping to leverage federal and state information, programs and dollars
in a unique and effective way.
Low Impact Development (LID) Atlas
The International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database
The International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database project
website, which features a database of over 400 BMP studies, performance analysis
results, tools for use in BMP performance studies, monitoring guidance and other study related
publications. The overall purpose of the project is to provide scientifically sound
information to improve the design, selection and performance of BMPs.
U.S. EPA Industrial Stormwater Monitoring and Sampling Guide (EPA 832-B-09-003)
The Industrial Stormwater Monitoring and Sampling Guide ("guide") is a how‐to primer
for industrial facility operators on how to conduct visual and analytical monitoring of
stormwater discharges. The target audience is operators of facilities subject to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) 2008 Multi‐Sector General Permit (2008
MSGP) or a similar State‐issued industrial stormwater permit. The information presented
will also be useful to anyone interested in industrial stormwater monitoring. The
procedures presented in this guide, specifically related to monitoring methodology and
quality assurance, will help ensure that stormwater samples yield usable information.
U.S. EPA Urban Stormwater BMP Performance Monitoring
This manual provides targeted practical assistance in conducting water quality monitoring
and reporting data that are useful for assessing effectiveness of stormwater best management practices (BMPs).
SWRCB Division of Financial Assistance (DFA) Developing a Project Assessment and Evaluation Plan (PAEP)
How to do Stormwater Monitoring: A guide for construction sites (State of Washington)
The Stormwater Manager's Resource Center
The Stormwater Manager's Resource Center is designed specifically for stormwater
practitioners, local government officials and others that need technical assistance on
stormwater management issues. Created and maintained by the Center for Watershed
After the Storm
The show highlights three case studies—Santa Monica Bay, the Mississippi River
Basin/Gulf of Mexico, and New York City— where polluted runoff threatens watersheds
highly valued for recreation, commercial fisheries and navigation, and drinking water.
Key scientists and water quality experts, and citizens involved in local and national
watershed protection efforts provide insight into the problems as well as solutions to
today's water quality challenges.
Slow the Flow
Make Your Landscape Act Like a Sponge - A joint production of the Water Board Training
Academy, Storm Water Program, brings to life practices and projects that individuals and
communities have created to steward our watersheds and slow down the flow of storm water, one
of the largest contributors of pollution into our waterways.
Video Highlights of a Unique Effort to Eliminate Plastic Debris (Nurdles) in San Francisco Bay
"Nurdles may sound harmless, but these small plastic pellets can do great damage to
waterbodies like San Francisco Bay," said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA's Regional
Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. "To protect our water resources, EPA is
partnering with the State to require manufacturers to take steps to prevent pellet spills."
The Water Board's "The Trouble with Nurdles":
US EPA Archived Website: