SWAMP - Quality Assurance Memos
Disclaimer: The Quality Assurance memos posted on this web page were developed for use by the SWAMP program and have been provided for informational purposes. The contents of the memos may not be applicable to projects outside of SWAMP and may become obsolete as the SWAMP program and data systems evolve over time. Please contact the OIMA Help Desk if you have any questions.
Changes to policies and procedures related to SWAMP quality assurance (QA) are often documented in the form of programmatic memos. Most of these memos pertain to corrections, updates, or proposed content for the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPrP).
The following memos are arranged chronologically, with document titles in italics.
- August 27, 2014: SWAMP Toxicity Work Group Recommendation for Evaluating Toxicity Data
- July 23, 2014: Revised SWAMP Quality Control (QC) Requirements for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in Fresh and Marine Waters
- April 22, 2014: SWAMP Roundtable Vote Results - Reporting Limits
- February 24, 2014: SWAMP Toxicity Chronic Endpoint Data to be Included in SWAMP Database
- July 8, 2013: Salinity/Conductivity Control Issues
- November 2, 2012: Release of the SWAMP Standard Operating Procedure for Laboratory Processing and Identification of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in California
- July 5, 2012: Sample Handling Guidelines for Total and Dissolved Phosphorus in Water
- June 14, 2012: SWAMP Roundtable Vote Results: Bacteria Unit Guidelines
- Dec 12, 2011: SWAMP Data Classifications for Holding Time Violations
- June 2, 2011: SWAMP Roundtable Vote Results: Grain Size Guidelines
- October 11, 2010: Addition of Total Nitrogen to the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan - Roundtable Vote Results
- August 10, 2010: Chlorophyll a and Ash-Free Dry Mass Field Duplicates Associated with Bioassessment Sampling
- August 13, 2010: Implementation of the Revised SWAMP Data Classification System
- April 27, 2010: Holding Time Violations and SWAMP Data Classifications
- December 7, 2009: Pathogen Field Duplicates
- October 22, 2008: Application of the September 1, 2008 Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan
- October 15, 2008: Retraction of Required Reporting Limits
- September 17, 2008: Amendment to SWAMP Interim Guidance on Quality Assurance for SWAMP Bioassessments