GeoTracker - Electronic Submittal of Information (ESI)
“Geotracker” is the State Water Board’s Internet-accessible database system used to track and archive compliance data related to authorized and unauthorized discharges. This system consists of a relational database, on-line compliance reporting features, a geographical information system (GIS) interface and other features that are utilized by the State Water Board, Regional Water Boards, local agencies, regulated industry and the public to input, manage, or access compliance and regulatory tracking data.
See the dropdown menus below for program-specific information.
- The September 10, 2024 GeoTracker ESI Compliance Webinar recording and presentation slides are now available. They are located below in the Information and Resources section, Training Videos accordion.
- New email subscription list GeoTracker Updates. See how to sign up below!
- *Coming Soon!*
- Site Cleanup Local Oversight Program Forms
- Updates to the Public GeoTracker Portal
- Winery Order – Region 2 Pilot Study
Information and Resources
- Roles and Responsibilities (Who’s Involved) (1/16/13)
- What Data Needs to be Reported (3/23/05)
- How Do I Upload? ESI Guide (Revised 10/30/2019)
- Login to ESI or Request a Password
- Authorized RP Agent Authorization Form - (PDF & Word) (Revised 6/8/2021)
- Authorized RP Agent Revocation Form - (PDF & Word) (Revised 6/8/2021)
- EDF Guidance Letters on Analytical Reporting
- Programs to Help Create EDF-Formatted Lab Reports
- Laboratory Training Manual and Exercises for EDF
- EDF Guidelines & Restrictions
- EDF Data Dictionary
– This document does not include all valid value codes currently available. Please refer to the Valid Value Lists for ESI. - Valid Value Lists (VVL) for ESI
- Valid Value Lists (VVL) for ESI
- Geotracker Survey XYZ Guidelines and Restrictions (Version 6.1) (4/14/05)
– This document does not include all valid value codes currently available. Please refer to the Valid Value Lists for ESI. - Geotracker Survey XYZ and GEO_WELL Templates and ESI Examples (MS Excel)
- Geo_Bore, Geo_Report, and Field Point Guidelines & Restrictions (4/14/05)
- 2024 GeoTracker ESI Compliance Webinar
Programs in GeoTracker
Includes farms, ranches, and dairies where livestock are held for a significant period of time and provided food in the facility (as opposed to grazing). Discharges include manure, wastewater, and stormwater runoff that may contain waste constituents.
East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition members must monitor drinking water wells on enrolled parcels for nitrates. This program is currently only implemented in the Central Valley Regional Water Board (Region 5), but it may roll out to other regions in the future.
Includes all sites that discharge agricultural runoff. Many ILRP sites in the Central Valley operate under general orders (broad-based WDRs) or commodity-specific orders designed to prevent discharges of agricultural runoff from causing or contributing to exceedances of water quality objectives. This program is currently implemented in the San Francisco Bay (Region 2), Central Coast (Region 3), Colorado River Basin (Region 7), Santa Ana (Region 8), and San Diego (Region 9) Regional Water Boards.
Please see the program pages for order information and program contacts.
Includes sites with solid and/or liquid wastes discharged to land such as landfills, mines, surface impoundments, waste piles, and land treatment facilities. Wastes contained at land disposal sites are characterized as Class I (hazardous), Class II (designated), Class III (non-hazardous), or Unclassified (inert) pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 22.
In 2015, the State Water Board developed General Waste Discharge Requirements for Composting Operations (Composting General Order) that address water quality protection at composting facilities.
California regulation requires all leaking underground storage tank (LUST) cases submit soil, vapor, and groundwater data to the State Water Board’s GeoTracker database.
Includes all cleanup sites that are located on existing military bases (Military Cleanup sites) or those that will to be transferred to non-military entities (Military Privatized sites). Military underground storage tank (MUST) sites include all petroleum-related LUST cleanup sites located on Military Cleanup sites and Military Privatized sites.
- Oil and Gas Monitoring Program page
- Aquifer Exemptions
- Health Protection Zone Sampling
- Produced Water Ponds
- Underground Injection Control (UIC)
- Well Stimulation Projects – Groundwater Monitoring Plans
- Well Stimulation Projects – Exclusion from Groundwater Monitoring
- Well Stimulation Projects – Property Owner Water Sampling
- GeoTracker Related Program Information
The Water Quality Control Policy for Siting, Design, Operation and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) Policy authorizes subsurface disposal of domestic strength, and in limited instances high strength, wastewater. This Policy establishes minimum requirements for the permitting, monitoring, and operation of OWTS for protecting beneficial uses of waters of the state and preventing or correcting conditions of pollution and nuisance. The Policy also conditionally waives the requirement for owners of OWTS to apply for and obtain waste discharge requirements in order to operate their systems if they meet the conditions set forth in the Policy.
The Water Board’s PFAS Team is focused on investigating where PFAS is being collected across the state.
Below are resources about this effort along with an interactive map that contains data collected so far.
The Volumetric Annual Report requires wastewater and recycled water dischargers (including dischargers that do not produce any recycled water) to annually report monthly volumes of influent, wastewater produced, and effluent, including treatment level and discharge type.
California regulation requires all cases where an unauthorized release of non-petroleum compounds has occurred to submit soil, vapor, and groundwater data to the State Water Board’s GeoTracker database. Examples of site types are pesticide and fertilizer facilities, rail yards, ports, equipment supply facilities, metals facilities, industrial manufacturing and maintenance sites, dry cleaners, bulk transfer facilities, refineries, mine sites, landfills, RCRA/CERCLA cleanups, and brownfields.
- Site Cleanup Program page
- Region Board Program Pages
- Local Oversight Site Cleanup Program (AB304) (Coming soon)
- Site Cleanup Program Contacts
The State Water Board developed a Building Profile tool to help visualize areas of vapor intrusion concern within complex sites. The Building Profile tool is currently only available for Site Cleanup sites.
The General Waste Discharge Requirements for Winery Process Water (Winery Order) is applicable to wineries and other similar facilities (collectively referred to as wineries) with activities related to producing wine or grape juice that generate winery waste and discharge it to land for reuse or disposal.
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- Water Quality - Scroll down to the "Water Quality" section and click the bar.
- Underground Storage Tank, Leak Prevention, and GeoTracker lists.
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Contact the GeoTracker Help Desk
1 (866) 480-1028