Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program

Local Oversight Program Certification

The State Water Board adopted Resolution No. 2013-0001, which approves the “Procedures and Criteria for Certification”. Resolution No. 2012-0062 "Actions to Improve the UST Cleanup Program" was incorporated into the "Procedures and Criteria for Certification".

Assembly Bill No. 1701 (AB 1701) corrective action for leaking underground storage tanks (UST) authored by Assembly Members Wieckowski and Smyth was approved by the Governor on September 25, 2012. AB 1701 requires the State Water Board to certify local agencies into the local oversight program (LOP) that oversees the corrective action for leaking USTs. Starting on July 1, 2013, only certified LOP agencies can implement the program.

View a list of Certified LOP agencies and their contact information. The following are current and historic State Water Board Executive Orders authorizing these agencies to implement the LOP:

Current LOP Certification Order

Historic LOP Certification Orders