2016 Final BDCP/California WaterFix EIR/EIS - Volume II: Response to Comments
Volume II of the Final EIR/EIS presents all of the comments received on the Draft EIR/EIS and RDEIR/SDEIS during the public review periods along with responses to all of the comments, as required by CEQA and NEPA. Volume II of the Final EIR/EIS is organized into four parts. Part 1 presents 47 master responses developed to provide responses to important common themes identified in individual comments. Part 2 presents individual comments and responses provided in a tabular format. All comment letters received were assigned a number. The indices in Part 2 can be used by commenters to look up their comment letter number and then locate the responses to their specific comments in the tables provided. Commenters can also look up their letter number using the master index provided in an Excel format. Part 3 lists sources cited in the master responses and the individual responses to comments. The final part of Volume II is Appendix A, which is provided in two parts and provides copies of all comments received.
The tables which appear in Part 2 will on occasion skip numbers. This is due to several possibilities:
- Where the comment was a request for information, such as a request for an electronic copy of the document, that letter may have been assigned a number, but was not included in this table, since it did not include any substantive comment on the 2013 Draft EIR/EIS or the 2015 RDEIR/SDEIS. These requests have all been responded to.
- Commenters occasionally would send a comment via email and then follow it with a hard copy via US Postal Service. Both letters may have been assigned a number, but only one copy is included in the table for response.
- The comment may have been erroneously sent to the designated email address for public comments on the BDCP/California WaterFix, but was in fact intended for one of the lead agencies regarding a different project.
It is anticipated that the Final EIR/FEIS will be used by multiple parties, including the petitioners, as evidence in the hearing to consider conditional changes to the water right permits of the Department of Water Resources and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in support of the California WaterFix project. To discourage introducing the same document(s) under different party/exhibit numbers, Board staff copied the Final EIR/EIS documents to a web server under the control of the State Water Board's I.T. Division and labeled it as Exhibit No. SWRCB-102. Parties in the hearing who plan to use the Final EIR/FEIS in their testimony are requested to use this identification when introducing the document(s) by reference. Other party exhibit identification numbers will not be allowed for these documents.
Final EIR/EIS Volume II: Introduction and Part 1
Name | Date | Size |
Final EIR-EIS Vol II Part 1 | 12/22/2012 | 3.59 MB |
Final EIR/EIS Volume II, Part 2-1
Note: Table 1 is provided in 40 separate files. Responses to comments are organized in numeric order by letter number. The Table 1 files are organized in order by letter number and the files are clearly titled to help readers locate responses to comments. For example, responses to comment letter 50 on the Draft EIR/EIS will be provided in the portion of Table 1 titled DEIRS Comment Responses Letters 1-99. An index is provided to locate comment letters by author/organization. Table 1 meets the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in 1998 for all of the comment letters submitted on the Draft EIR/EIS. This section requires federal agencies to make all electronic documents and data accessible to people with disabilities in a manner comparable to those without disabilities. This section requires that documents should be able to be read with screen readers.
Name | Date | Size |
Final EIR-EIS Vol II Part 2-1 | 12/22/2012 | 1.30 MB |
Index of 2013 Draft EIR-EIS Commenters | 12/22/2012 | 0.09 MB |
Volume II, Table 2-1
Final EIR/EIS Volume II, Part 2-2
Note: Table 2 is provided 38 separate files. The Table 2 files are organized in order by letter number and the files are clearly titled to help readers locate responses to comments. For example, responses to comment letter 50 on the RDEIR/SDEIS will be provided in the portion of Table 1 titled RECIRC Comment Responses Letters 1-99. Table 2 meets the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in 1998 for all of the comment letters submitted on the RDEIR/SDEIS. This section requires federal agencies to make all electronic documents and data accessible to people with disabilities in a manner comparable to those without disabilities. This section requires that documents should be able to be read with screen readers.
Name | Date | Size |
Final EIR-EIS Vol II Part 2-2 | 12/22/2012 | 3.38 MB |
Index of 2015 RDEIR-SDEIS Commenters | 12/22/2012 | 0.25 MB |
Volume II, Table 2-2
Final EIR/EIS Volume II, Part 2-3--Part 4
Name | Date | Size |
Final EIR-EIS Vol II Part 2-3--2-4 Indices | 12/22/2012 | 13.64 MB |
Final EIR-EIS Vol II Part 2.4 Comment Response Table | 12/22/2012 | 0.55 MB |