College Lake Project Hearing

In 2017, Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency (PV Water) filed Application 32881 with the State Water Board, seeking a water right permit to develop the College Lake Integrated Resources Management Project (College Lake Project).

The College Lake Project is located in the Pajaro Valley, along the California Central Coast. Decades of groundwater pumping for agricultural and municipal uses within the Pajaro Valley has led to overdraft of the aquifers within the region. Long-term overdraft has led to seawater intrusion into the groundwater basin, causing significant degradation in water quality and reduced freshwater storage capacity. The project aims to combat seawater intrusion and increase freshwater storage capabilities.

The State Water Board held a hearing on September 22, 2020, to receive evidence relevant to determining whether to approve Application A032881 and whether to release state-filed application (SFA) A018334 from priority in favor of Application A032881.

On December 7, 2021, the State Water Board adopted Decision 1652, conditionally approving Application 32881 and releasing SFA 18334 from priority in favor of Application 32881, subject to terms and conditions specified in the permit.

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