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Outreach & Communication

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Email Subscription List

To receive updates on the California’s citizen monitoring activities (workshops, grants, news, etc.) by subscribing to the "Citizen Monitoring Program/Clean Water Team” email lists.

Check your email account for a confirmation email to complete your subscription.

Contact the Clean Water Team

Erick Burres – Clean Water Team Coordinator (Statewide)
3737 Main Street, Suite 500
Riverside, CA 92501-3348
213-712-6862 C


Read our publications containing news about water quality monitoring, environmental literacy, and STEM activities in California and find links to similar national newsletters.


Clean Water Team's Calendar of Awesomeness

  Download the Clean Water Team’s Calendar of events and activities. The downloadable iCal file will populate the togglable calendar into your Outlook or other calendar apps. Hovering over the calendar events will show a brief description and a link to more information.

Other environmental calendars of interest

2019 Citizen Science Day at CalEPA

  Citizen Monitoring and Community Science Programs in California

Please use this visualization to find a monitoring group near you.

Help the Clean Water Team Place Your Monitoring Program on the Map

  YouTube Channels