Lead Agency California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Documents Prepared by Division of Financial Assistance and Division of Drinking Water

Acronyms used on this Web Page:

  • EIR: Environmental Impact Report
  • MMRP: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan
  • MND: Mitigated Negative Declaration
  • ND: Negative Declaration
  • NOD: Notice of Determination
  • NOP: Notice of Preparation

This table includes CEQA Lead Agency documents prepared by Division of Financial Assistance and Division of Drinking Water (for Water Supply Permits) for projects that are currently, either in a public comment period or pending construction completion. Once the project construction is complete, the documents will be removed from this page and will be kept in the project file consistent with the State Water Board’s project document retention requirements.

For any documents listed below that do not have a link available to view the documents, please contact DrinkingWaterSRF@waterboards.ca.gov or CleanWaterSRF@waterboards.ca.gov to request a copy.

Applicant Project Title Related CEQA Documents Written Comments Due by COB
California American Water Company (Cal Am) – Meadowbrook Meadowbrook 1MG Tank and Booster Station Project Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) Draft
Initial Study MND Appendices
Notice of Intent
Notice of Completion
Notice of Determination
June 22, 2024
Golden State Water Company (GSWC) - Orcutt Golden State Water Company: Kelt Reservoirs Project Kelt Reservoirs Project Draft Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration with Appendices
Notice of Intent
Notice of Determination
May 18, 2023
Golden State Water Company (GSWC) - Artesia Roseton Plant New Tank and Booster Project

GSWC Artesia – Draft Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration

GSWC Artesia NOI

GSWC Artesia NOD

April 14, 2023
Golden State Water Company (GSWC) - South San Gabriel Saxon Reservoir and Replacement Well Project

GSWC South San Gabriel - Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration Draft

GSWC South San Gabriel NOI
GSWC South San Gabriel NOD

April 13, 2023
Plainview Mutual Water Company Plainview Nitrate Relief Project March 22, 2023
Bakman Water Company Rolling Hills Water Meter Project November 11, 2022
Palomino Estates Water Company Palomino Estates Water System Improvements August 4th, 2022
Golden State Water Company (GSWC) – South Arcadia Jeffries Tank and Plant Improvements Project August 16th, 2022
Pueblo Unido Community Development Corporation St. Anthony On-site Sewer and Water Distribution System June 15, 2020
Locke Water Works Company Locke Water System Intertie w/ SCWA  
Floriston Property Owners Association Floriston Spring Filtration Project  
Kernvale Mutual Water Company Erskine Creek Water Company and Kernvale Mutual Water Company Consolidation Water Project  
Markleeville Water Company Markleeville Water System Improvements Project  
Jubilee Mutual Water Company Jubilee Mutual Water Company/Gordon Acres Consolidation Project